Buddy - Gary

Gary was just turning a corner when a teacher stopped him. "Where are you going?" He demanded in a terrifyingly serious voice.

Gary shifted his feet nervously. "Well... you see... I-I'm new... this is actually my first day." He started, rambling uncontrollably. "A-And I'm kind of completely lost..." he stuttered and smiled awkwardly. The teacher sighed.

"Who is your buddy?" He then demanded. Gary looked at him confused. A buddy? Kenneth had never said anything about a buddy...

"What?" Gary asked. "I don't think I have one..." He looked at the floor. Well this was just great. He sighed.

The teacher took a deep breath. "Who was the person that met you in your dorm room?" He asked with a slightly more demanding tone.

Gary was just even more confused. "No one was in there. Kenneth Bradlens gave me the tour but he left when I got to the dorm." Gary responded. The teacher sighed again.

"Come with me mr..." he started. "Sheffield." He finished noticing Gary's name on his planner in his hand. Gary followed the teacher down the hallway and into an office. "I apologise for the rough start Mr Sheffield." The teacher sighed as he looked through some files trying to find out what had gone wrong. It turned out that no one had wanted the job and so there wasn't a buddy.

"Can Dave Halgar please report to the headteachers office immediately." The teacher demanded over the speaker set on the desk. "He will be your temporary buddy as he is in the same dorm as you. He will pick you up after class and show you around until you get to know the place a little better." he told Gary. Then the door opened.