Dave - Gary

A scruffy looking blond boy slouched inside. His long hair was covering his eyes and he swished his head in order to move it. His grey eyes had the sort of look that suggested he was a slightly rebellious boy and it slightly intimidated Gary.

The teacher gestured to the seat and he sat down. "This is our new student Gary Sheffield, I want you to be his buddy." The teacher started. The boy groaned. "Gary this is Dave Halgar."

Gary looked over at the boy again, he was now glaring at the headteacher. Then the bell went and they were dismissed. "It's nice to meet you!" Gary smiled cheerfully.

Dave glanced at him through his thick fringe. "Do you smoke?" He asked. Now that he'd mentioned it Gary did realise that Dave vaguely smelled of smoke.

"What? No." Gary responded he had always been a good kid, he never wanted to disobey his father. The boy grunted and started walking. "Um... I have English... can you take me there please?" Gary asked. Dave didn't respond it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with Gary. He led them outside. "What are we doing out here?" Gary questioned. Then Dave got out a lighter and cigarette and started smoking. Gary quizzically stared at him. The wind blew and the smoke blew over Gary, he coughed and groaned. "Are you going to take me there or not?" Gary huffed starting to lose his patience.