Conflict - Gary

Some teachers rushed in to try and stop the food fight from escalating, except they were already too late. Guys were punching each other, girls were crying about the food in their hair, people were freaking out and the teachers were getting covered. Was this what a school was really like? Gary wondered.

Soon the conflict was resolved and the headteacher demanded to know who had started it. In truth no one actually knew who it was. Then Dave stepped foreword.

"Sir, I regret to inform you that it was actually GPS-uh Gary Sheffield who started the food fight." Dave lied. Gary's eyes widened, how could Dave do this? The headteacher sighed. "Gary, come with me." He demanded. Gary shifted through the crowd and glared at Dave, Ruby gave him a sad look as he walked away.

"I really expected more from you Gary, starting a food fight like this? It's your first week and you're already knee deep in trouble!" The headteacher started. Gary looked at the floor and then into his eyes.

"It wasn't me though!" He claimed, much to the headteacher's dismay. Gary was so mad at Dave for doing this. What kind of name was Halgar anyway?

"Please Gary, just admit your mistakes, you are a Sheffield, I thought you would prosper at this school but it seems like I wasn't clear on what school life is like." The headteacher continued, ignoring Gary's look of dismay...