Break up - Gary

Gary paced around his dorm room should he go? Should he not go? Would he dress formally or informally? He didn't know. He'd tried asking Dave, who wasn't much help, and the other guys but none of them really cared too much.

Eventually, Friday night came, Gary decided he was going to go. He'd never been to a proper party before and he wanted to see what it was like. Everyone was talking about it and Ruby ran over to Gary again.

"So... are you going to come?" She asked nervously. She shifted her feet anxiously. Something was wrong Gary realised.

"Are you okay?" He asked changing the conversation. She gazed up into his deep blue eyes. Then she started sobbing, wrapping her arms around him. Gary's eyes widened, surprised by her behaviour. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and played with the tips of her hair. "What happened?" He whispered, she didn't respond straight away.

"Kennie broke up with me!" She wailed. Gary awkwardly patted her back. He'd never even talked to a girl before he'd come to school, let alone tried to comfort one.

"There, there?" Gary whispered, "it's going to be okay." He promised, she gazed back into his eyes and nodded. He was right.

"You're very sweet." She mumbled. She withdrew from him and wiped away her tears. "I'm a mess." She smiled.

"Yeah..." Gary hummed. She was so pretty, he thought. She looked at him and pouted.

"You're not supposed to agree with me!" She huffed. Then she walked away smiling and waving...