Aftermath - Rainbow

After hiding for most of the day to cry, Rainbow cleaned herself up and walked into the hall for lunch. She grabbed a tray of food and sat down next to Barry, ignoring him completely. She was now opposite Linda, who was frowning and doing her best to ignore Rainbow.

"Look, Linds, can we talk? I didn't mean that you're a slut... I-I just... I don't know... I knew that you can look after yourself!" Rainbow started, she wasn't the best at apologising, she normally just accidentally made the person angrier. Linda ignored her and Rainbow sighed.

"RB you've really messed up now!" Barry laughed. Rainbow ignored his mocking laughter. He put his arm around her waist in an attempt to get her attention. She quickly pushed him off.

"Can't you see I'm a little busy right now?!" Rainbow asked frustratedly, she glanced back at Linda. "Linda, you're my best friend! I care about you, and okay I may have left you at the club... but I'm only human! I make mistakes too!" She continued, she placed a hand on Linda's but she just pushed it off.

"You know what your problem is Rainbow? You don't appreciate the things around you! The only time that you want me is when you need something." Linda snapped. Rainbow gasped and looked away, clearly hurt. "So the real question is what do you want this time?" Linda asked, fuming.