Barry’s gimmicks part 3 - Rainbow

Linda brushed some of her hair behind her ear, battering her eyelashes playfully. Rainbow bit her lip thinking about what Barry had said. Even though she was over him it still hurt slightly. He'd changed so she'd changed to match.

"The nurse thinks that Dimond will be okay." Linda informed them, "although she would like to know how this happened RB." She continued eyes wandering to her best friend.

"Hey! You could just tell her that a giant wave of magic hit her into the wall!" Barry sarcastically joked. Rainbow frowned at him as he smirked. Linda giggled at the prospect of magic.

"Magic? Please, grow up Barry!" Linda laughed. A small smile spread on Rainbow's face. Then Linda decided to go to lunch, as she left, Barry laughed.

"You didn't tell her yet?" Barry asked Rainbow, still in fits of laughter. Rainbow crossed her arms in response and looked away. "She's going to find out at some point!" He reasoned.

"Not anytime soon, if I can help it. The more people that know, the more people that are at risk..." Rainbow mumbled, hugging herself. Barry shrugged it off.

"Listen." He started, more serious now. He stared straight into her eyes. "If you hurt Dimond again, I won't hesitate to out your little 'secret'. Understand?" He threatened. Her eyes widened and she nodded, not being able to find any words. Apparently he actually cared about Dimond in some Barry way... Not about her though. It had always been that way and it always would be, as long as they lived.