Facade - Gary

Gary stared at his father, something seemed slightly off about him. In fact, his father had never cared much for him at all and now suddenly he was hysterical at Gary's return? It wasn't right.

"Aren't you angry with me for getting expelled?" Gary asked, still highly confused. His father laughed harder as if Gary was a comedian. He frowned not understanding what was so funny.

"Don't be upset Gary! You're home now! Deals with other counties are going well, business is flourishing! I've even got a new building plan all drawn up and ready for the council!" His father exclaimed, eyes shining brightly. Gary only frowned more he hated all the business and status stuff, it was complicated and boring.

A knock at the office door startled them. Margaret the maid came in with a pile of mail on top a silver tray which had beautiful carvings along the sides. "Sorry Master Jacob, Master Gary, the mail just arrived from Cumbria." She informed them, passing the tray to Gary's father who nodded in approval. She quickly left afterwards taking a risky glimpse of Gary's face which was covered in a scowl.

"Do they really have to call me 'Master Gary'? I mean we're all people and me and you aren't any different from them!" Gary complained, rambling until he saw his father's scowl.

Mayor Jacob sighed. "Gary. Do we really have to go through this again?" He asked, picking up a silver letter opener which matched the mail tray. He started to open one of the letters with it, all joy from his previous facade dispersed in the dull room. "This is a happy day, son. Don't make me angry." He added making sure that Gary understood the point by flashing him a menacing glare.

Gary's gaze dropped to the floor. "Yes father." He obliged in a quiet voice. Then his father dismissed him as if he was simply one of the servants...