The mayor sighed as his son left. That boy had changed since he had - his mother had - disappeared. He always sulked around now and recently, out of no where, he'd suddenly had all these ideas about 'equality' or something.
Jacob opened the letter on his desk. It was from one of the other counties, inside, it explained what had happened at the boarding school and who was involved. He snorted, like Gary would ever do anything like that. If they were going to give him a report it'd better be more believable. Spray painting walls? Gary was too considerate to do something like that. At least he hadn't had to pay them very much. He turned and looked at his day planner, he smirked it was almost time for Kathie's complaint of the day. It was probably a good thing he hadn't announced the new building work yet. He stared at the small old semi detached houses out the window, they looked more like slums. Destroy the old slums... Get new sturdy houses! It was perfect really.