Listen part 3 - Gary

Gary thoughts whirled around his mind. What had this woman done for his father?

"Thank you again Mrs Essex." His father's voice came, interrupting Gary's thoughts once again.

Mrs Essex






Ruby Essex...

That was Ruby's mother. On a call with his father. Saying she'd received the money. His father thanking her. An outside source.

"The truth is... me and Dave we're getting paid, a lot of money, from an outside source. My parents know the source very well and they didn't want me to ruin their friendship." Ruby's voice echoed in his mind. Gary grit his teeth. His father had paid the Essex's to make his life hell so that he'd come running back to his father with his tail between his legs. His father had controlled him the entire time. It didn't matter where he went he would always be controlled.

Against his better judgment, Gary burst into the room, startling his father. Jacob shut the laptop screen quickly, worried what Elizabeth Essex would think.

"Gary?!" He asked startled, taking in Gary's angry features and silently hoping he hadn't found out. "What are you doing?! I was on a call, you could at least knock!" His father exclaimed in an attempt to control his son.

"No. You don't get to be the victim here dad." Gary started, stormed closer to his father's desk.