Comfort - Rainbow

Rainbow woke up in bed, rubbing her bruised neck and breathing slowly. It was now the end of half term and she still hadn't fully recovered from her punishment. She picked up the case that she'd packed yesterday and placed her pyjamas in it as she got dressed for the day.

She stared into the ornate mirror on her desk, the large deep purple bruises hadn't gone down. It was a magical injury she reminded herself. They always took longer to heal than normal injuries. Rainbow lifted her glowing finger and gently traced her large bruises, causing them to disappear. That was her cover spell, a spell that she'd made to simply cover imperfections in magic, camouflaging them on the rest of her body. Her whole body was covered in them from various injuries she'd sustained over her life.

After having a small breakfast, Starlight, Rainbow and Lilly left for the school bus with their suitcases. Lilly was a year younger than Starlight and had bistre-brown hair and almond coloured eyes. She seemed upset as she stared at the floor as she walked, completely silent.

"You okay?" Rainbow asked concerned about her sister's mental well-being. She hadn't been doing very well recently, especially with the visit home.

"I'm fine." She responded monotonously. Her gaze unbroken and still staring at the floor. Rainbow held her small hand.

"You're not going through this alone, you've got me, okay?" She asked, carefully studying Lilly's unmoving facial features and trying to work out what she was thinking. Rainbow only got a hum in response.