Barry’s Entertainment - Rainbow

Rainbow got up and dressed, feeling energised for once. She stretched and walked out of her dorm. She was almost at the cafeteria when she noticed that everyone was staring at her. It wasn't just her anxiety this time either. They were ACTUALLY staring at her. She searched her mind for a reason. What had she done that would make them stare at her like that? It made her feel really insecure as their gaze pierced her soul. If looks could kill, she would have been dead a thousand times over. She felt her breathing hasten and she took a deep breath. She couldn't have another panic attack.

She grabbed her tray in the cafeteria and sat down next to Barry, with it still empty. Dimond smirked at Rainbow's distracted behaviour. "What the hell is going on Barry?" She whisper-shouted at him. He frowned and pulled her closer.

"Were you not sent it RB?" He asked. She stared at him confused and shook her head after thinking about her last email. He picked up his phone and showed her the picture. She gasped in surprise.

"Who sent you this?!" She whisper-shouted in confusion. Dimond held her head in disbelief. Seriously Rainbow? He had basically pulled her into his lap. How was she so naïve? She sighed.

"I think one of the nerds made it. Look how obviously edited it is!" He suggested, smirking at her unwavering trust in him. She turned to the nerds and grit her teeth. She stood up, taking Barry's phone and marched over to their table. Barry smirked, this was going to be very entertaining.

"You think this is funny?" She shouted at them, holding up the picture of her naked on the bed. They looked at her confused. "Which one of you did this?" She continued. Barry started laughing quietly so that she couldn't hear and Dimond hit him. They stared at her blankly, since no-one had edit the picture. Then one guy put up his hand.

"It was the new kid! He edited it in front of me because he wanted to join our group!" He explained and pointed to Gary, who was trying desperately to get Rainbow's attention. She frowned, a little hurt by the fact that it was him. She stormed over to Gary fuelled by hurt, anger and embarrassment.

"I thought you wanted to be my friend. I thought you were different. I guess I was wrong..." She eventually said quietly. Gary tried to explain but she slapped him hard on the cheek and stormed out. Gary following after her to clear the air between them.

Barry grinned.

"See! Entertaining!" He commented to Bradley, who was too busy trying to flirt with Linda to notice the scene that was unfolding behind him.