Not the Sheffield - Rainbow

Once Rainbow had finally managed to get Gary to leave her alone, she confronted Barry about the picture he'd edited. He was in front of his wardrobe choosing a jumper to wear for that afternoon, of course he wasn't actually going to wear it, he was probably going to give it to one of his devoted fan girls...

"Why did you send this stupid photo to everyone and make me look like an idiot?!" She demanded, storming over to him and holding out his phone to his face. He smirked, taking it out of her hand.

"Why'd it take you so long to confront me? Like the upgrades I gave you?" He asked tauntingly, making her realise that she'd played straight into his hand again. She grit her teeth and crossed her arms over her small chest as he compared her to the photo.

"No, the stupid new kid wouldn't leave me alone so that we could talk." She explained, partly embarrassed he suggested that she liked looking at the photo and partly guilty that she had. His smirk instantly converted to a frown.

"That guy is dangerous RB." He warned, suddenly completely serious. "He knows about your magic and your family, there's no telling what else he might know about you." He commented, staring straight into her eyes. "I don't want you hanging out with him anymore." He commanded. Rainbow huffed and rolled her eyes.

"You're not my dad! Besides I know how dangerous it is, but I have to find out more about him!" She retorted, trying to convince him otherwise. "Also, I can hang out with whoever I want to hang out with, you don't get to decide! And if he has you this serious then I suppose you really see him as a threat, which makes him even more interesting for me..." She taunted, turning it back on Barry. He always acted like he controlled her, but this time she wouldn't let him.

"Stop it." He demanded harshly, he caught her wrist as she turned to leave. "I'm deadly serious. Do not go near Sheffield, Rainbow." He ordered her, staring straight into her eyes, his gaze unwavering. She gulped, being slightly taken aback by his sudden use of her actual name. He really was serious. Was he worried about her?

"Fine." She mumbled, her gaze dropping to the floor as she became uncomfortable in the situation. He let go of her wrist and nodded. She turned towards the door and was about to leave when he called out to her.

"Oh RB!" He called, she turned around to face him. "I'll send you the pic later, since you like it so much..." He joked and her face pinked up in embarrassment as she tried to splutter a response. He laughed as she walked out of the room awkwardly. "What an idiot..." he muttered to himself as he turned back to the wardrobe.