Out of the Mind - Rainbow & Dimond

Dimond watched nervously as Rainbow's hair started to glow and her body started to float a little way above the bed. Maybe sending her into her head at such a young age wasn't a good idea. The instructions had told her to sit and wait with a bucket, so that was what she did.

A couple of minutes later the glowing stopped and she lowered back down to the bed. But she still wasn't awake. Dimond was starting to wonder whether she should call Rainbow's mum, even though she knew it would get her in an immense amount of trouble. She held her phone nervously. She would call if nothing happened in five minutes she thought.

Another half hour past.

* * *

Rainbow woke up in her dorm and was instantly hit by a wave of nausea. She turned to the side and saw a bucket being held out to her, she quickly pulled it close and threw up. She rubbed her eyes drearily. It felt like she'd been sleeping forever. She had a pounding headache behind her left eye, but this one wasn't caused by the ancestors.

"How'd it go?" A voice asked. It instantly snapped her back to reality. She'd gone to visit her ancestors and threatened them! Just because she wanted to talk to a Sheffield! A Sheffield! Anxiety rose inside her, dread filling her stomach making her feel queasy again. Gary. She needed to test if it had worked. That thought was occupying her brain. He was all she could think about. "RB?" The voice asked again.

"Umm… I told them to stop but they wouldn't listen… And I met Renboga! Oh and the Second…" Her voice trailed off as she slipped out of bed and pulled a massive book out from underneath. It's cover was made from leather that had been sewn together with the words 'Book of Aimes' scrawled over it. Rainbow waved her hand, lit up with magic, over the rusted metal clasp and the book opened. She flicked through the first few pages to a illustration that had become quite familiar. The Second Aimes. Even just seeing an illustration sent a chill down Rainbow's spine. When the voices spoke now, she could recognise them and associate them with the pictures. "The Second Aimes congratulated me. For threatening them. I'm following the path they all have, even though I don't want to!" She exclaimed frustratedly. She didn't want to hurt anyone. Especially Gary.

"Are they going to stop giving you headaches?" Dimond asked, sitting down next to Rainbow, studying the picture with her. It looked so realistic and daunting. Rainbow looked up at her and then studied the picture a little closer.

"I think so." She finally answered, taking a moment to think about it. Dimond smiled relieved.

"There's only one way to test it." She commented, watching Rainbow's face light up. She jumped to her feet, hiding the book under the bed and helping Dimond to her feet. Dimond smiled at Rainbow's enthusiasm. It was nice seeing her be confident for once.

"We're going to see him!" Rainbow concluded, excitedly. Dimond's smile widened. Rainbow questioned why she was so excited about seeing her mortal enemy, but concluded that it was just because she wanted to test if her threats had worked.

Rainbow bounced down the stairs with Dimond, but noticed Gary and Barry standing outside the boys changing room. Her smile fell. What was Barry up to now? She started walking over to them and Dimond, noticing Rainbow's different demeanour, followed cautiously.

"Barry. Did you hurt him?" Rainbow questioned noticing Gary holding his stomach and wincing in pain. Dimond joined her and Barry grinned, walking over to her and kissing her, avoiding Rainbow's question. She pouted and turned to Gary, cautiously placing a hand on his shoulder. He smiled at the concern covering her face, then he nodded. "Barry?!" She demanded, turning to him, filled with rage.

"No, I didn't. That doofus just got hit by a football during practice. He's just being a wimp, he doesn't deserve your concern." Barry answered, making the perfect cover story for Gary's injury up on the spot. Rainbow knew he was lying but didn't call him out on it. She wanted to remain on his good side for now.