Teddy - Rainbow

Rainbow followed Barry and Dimond into the hall for dinner. She didn't really feel very hungry as the confrontation with Barry had made her really annoyed. She didn't understand why he hated Gary so much. Why couldn't she hang out with him? She wanted to tell him that the pain was gone but she had been pushed away before she could. Both by Barry and Gary. But that was what Sheffield's do… Push people away. She slumped down on the bench at the table.

"Hey RB, what's up?" Linda asked cheerfully, clearly happy from being with a guy that afternoon. That was the only time she was ever that happy. Rainbow huffed and glanced at the guy sat next to her. She didn't know him but he was new to the table. Definitely connected to Linda, whether officially or unofficially.

"Who's the new guy?" Rainbow questioned, only half interested in the reply. She poked at the food, wondering why she had even come down to dinner in the first place. But it was food… And food was never to be passed up. She forced herself to take a couple of mouthfuls of the meal. It didn't matter if it tasted good, or if she liked it. It was food.

"Oh this? This is Teddy!" Linda grinned, glad that Rainbow was at least attempting to fake interest in the boy sat across from her. He had blond curly hair with dark brown eyes and a small mole under his left eye. He appeared to be part of the football club judging from the t-shirt he was still wearing.

"Oh! And who invited Teddy to the popular table? 'Cuz I sure don't remember doing it." A deep voice came from behind them. Rainbow tensed slightly, sitting up a little straighter than before. Linda was eying her nervously, asking what she should say with the look in her eyes.

"H-he's my new boyfriend!" Linda explained, stuttering a little. Teddy shifted uncomfortably in his seat. They all knew that Barry hated new people joining the table. The only people with that permission were Barry himself and Gabrielle. Mostly because Gabrielle never listened to Barry anyway. But Gabrielle's partners often disappeared one or two days after that.

"Right… And why is he here?" Barry questioned slowly, his tone causing Linda to start shaking slightly. Rainbow grit her teeth, what was Barry's problem? Seriously? He sat down next to Rainbow, glaring at the new boy sitting across from them.

"You know what Barry?" Rainbow started, losing her temper at the boy who controlled everyone through fear. "Why exactly can't Linda have her boyfriend here? What makes you so special that you are the only one to dictate who can be in our circle?!" She ranted, fuming as she stood up. Dimond glanced at her nervously. This was about Gary and the three of them all knew it. Linda stared at her best friend. Was she really questioning Barry's authority?

"Rainbow sit down. I only think that if we let every one of Linda's boyfriends at our table, then the importance, no, significance of the 'Popular table' will be lost. After all, its not a special honour if every boy in the year has been here is it?" Barry explained, his voice harsh and grating. Linda's eyes welled up at his harsh words and Barry pulled Rainbow back down to the bench. "Sit down, you're only embarrassing yourself. Keep talking and I'll be happy to keep fewer on the table." He added, before starting to eat his meal, still glaring at Teddy impatiently.

Rainbow sat down gritting her teeth at his threat. She wanted to stay on the popular table, she already knew that if she wasn't she would be bullied by everyone in the year. It provided a certain protection that she wouldn't get if she got kicked out. Rainbow slumped slightly, eating the meal that was quickly cooling in front of her. Then Teddy suddenly stood up.

"Sorry, I just remembered I've got to go do a-a… a thing… catch you later Linds!" He stuttered and quickly walked off away from the table. A few tears rolled down Linda's cheeks. Barry turned back to his food, ignoring the glare Dimond was giving him. He would get her to forgive him tonight anyway.

"W-why do you always do that?" Linda choked out, the tears coming down faster now as she stifled a sob. Rainbow frowned looking at her. This was all Barry's fault. It always was. Dimond pulled Linda close, still glaring at him.

"Well if you guys don't like my way of preserving our popularity then get lost." Barry snapped, the last straw holding in his anger having snapped. Rainbow put her cutlery on the tray and was about to stand up to leave when Bradley brought her back down.

"Guys! Guys! Stop fighting… I know Barry seems harsh," Bradley started, receiving a huff of disapproval from Barry, "But he's just looking out for all of us. He doesn't want any of us being hurt from losing our popularity. You know he loves all of you really." Bradley reasoned, trying to diffuse the situation. Love? Really? Rainbow thought wondering why Bradley was still trying to keep this disfunctional family of friends together.