Unwanted visit - Gary

There he was.

Standing right there.

Of course he was.

Of course he'd come.

Why had Gary thought any differently?

Gary's father was standing in the reception area of the the school, asking the receptionist whether it would be possible to see Gary. He groaned. He'd actually done it! He'd actually turned up to school just to embarrass him! Gary was fuming, he already had enough problems! He didn't need his father to come and turn up for no reason and embarrass him! Why couldn't he just take no for an answer? He hadn't even had time to prepare for the visit!

He saw his father hand some money to the receptionist who then smiled and called Gary on the overhead speakers. Oh god. Gary wanted to just melt into the floor already and the day had hardly even begun. Why couldn't one of the spirits just kill him now?

Gary stepped out from behind the corner and slunk over to the reception desk, people had already started whispering and pointing to his father. If people found out that he was the mayor's son they were all going to treat him differently and it would be impossible to make any friends here. As soon as his father saw him his smile widened. Gary rushed over to him before he started shouting 'Gary! My son!' loudly. His father was always the same, he always said that if he made a 'surprise' visit.

"Dad, what are you doing here?!" Gary hissed frustratedly, pulling him aside from the reception. His father obviously couldn't take a hint and smiled, wrapping his arms around Gary tightly. Gary groaned, this was going to go well…

"What are you talking about Gary? I told you on the phone that I was coming! Did you forget?" His father asked, releasing Gary from his arm prison. Gary gasped for air dramatically, causing his father to scoff. "Don't be so dramatic." He reprimanded, lifting Gary's shoulders so that he was standing up straight. Gary scowled, annoyed that his father would think that hugging him and reprimanding him in front of his classmates was normal behaviour.

"I told you that you shouldn't come and that I was doing fine! So why are you here?" Gary hissed keeping his voice low, unlike his father who seemed to want to announce his arrival to the world. His father sighed and pushed past Gary leaving his question unanswered. He had a habit of doing that and it was infuriating!

"Y'know I would also like to know that." A voice came from behind Gary and his father. As the voice spoke, Gary's skin prickled, knowing how this was going to end. They turned around to face Barry. His royal majesty had evidently taken an interest in what was going on. Gary groaned. Could the spirits kill him now instead?

"Who are you, young man?" Gary's father asked quizzically. Raising an eyebrow at his majesty standing in front of him. Barry was quite a lot taller than Gary and was much more well built and Gary wished that his father would stop comparing the two of them with his eyes.

"You first, stranger." Barry smirked, obviously knowing who Gary's father was and attempting to show off his own authority. Gary's father raised an eyebrow, unimpressed at Barry's comment. Barry, understanding that his bravado would get him nowhere with the Mayor of Sheffield, offered a more formal introduction: "Barry Johnson, Head Boy of SummerVille High, it's a pleasure to meet you sir. Though I am rather confused as to why you're here. I didn't get notified that we would be having any visitors today." Barry questioned. His language had changed to be more eloquent, evidently being able to understand how to impress Gary's father more. Gary rolled his eyes. Of course his majesty would be able to adapt and be more eloquent… He was the King of the school!

"Ah, nice to meet you Mr Johnson," Gary's father greeted, holding out a hand and shaking Barry's. "I was hoping for a formal tour of the school. To check that Gary's getting a proper education." Barry smiled, his gaze shifting to Gary's. He was met by a glare from Gary saying 'don't you dare'. Barry, undeterred by Gary's gaze, glided to the Mayor's side and smiled.

"Follow me." Barry guided, leading Gary's father down one of the hallways. Gary saw some vibrant colours out of the corner of his eye. He turned to the rainbow colours fully, realising quickly that it was rainbow hair. The Aimes. She was standing there looking terrified. Their eyes met and Gary realised that it looked like he had called his father to imprison her. The Aimes eyes were full of hurt and Gary stepped towards her to try and explain why his father was there.

"Gary? What are you doing?" His father called, motioning for Gary to come back over to them. Gary glanced at the Aimes, she was being pulled away by Barry's girlfriend. He told himself that he'd talk to her later and followed after his father and Barry, hoping that she didn't get the wrong idea.