Chapter 6

At Night

Yang Chen who was laying in bed trying to sleep but couldn't, because he kept remembering something he thought he left behind in his previous life.

In this memory you can see a tired boy playing the piano while an adult woman who seemed to be his mother was standing behind him observing him for any mistakes. If one could hear him playing they would think of him as a genius for being able to play this good at such a young age, and a 'genius' he was if you can see the many trophies for different music-related events that were placed in the shelf in the room.

"Again." Said the woman without any affection.

"But, mother I'm tired..." Said the tired boy before he was cut off.

"I said again. Don't make me repeat myself." Said the woman coldly to her son.

If one could see this, they would know there wasn't any familial love here.

"I understand." Replied the boy, but this time emotionless, just like a robot.

(Back to Yang Chen)

Yang Chen opened his eyes and said " I need some fresh air."

Yang Chen got up, dressed, and teleported to the downtown of the city without anyone knowing.

As he was walking and enjoying the night scenery of the streets he thought ' This is nice but I'm kinda hungry." Lucky for him there were was a small rice ball shop a few distances ahead of him.

As Yang Chen entered he was greeted by the cashier.

"Welcome." Said an attractive young lady. She has brownish hair, red eyes, and big wavy curves.

Yang Chen went up to the cashier and ordered. " I would like to have four glutinous rice balls to go please."

"Alright, your total will be fifteen yuan." Replied the attractive young lady.

Yang Chen paid for his order and waited for food.

"Hongyan, they're ready!" Came a voice from the kitchen.

Zhao Hongyan went to get Yang Chen's order before coming back and handing it to him.

Yang Chen was a little surprised who this attractive young lady was but decided to just leave it that.

Yang Chen grabbed his bag of glutinous rice balls and said "Thanks." Before heading out of the store.

"Please come again." Said Zhao Hongyan as she saw Yang Chen exiting the store.

When Yang Chen was outside he made his way to an alley, then teleported to his kitchen to get a plate and a drink to go with his meal.

As Yang Chen was heading inside his room he saw that the study room lights were still on. He then made his way to the study room door and sensed someone inside and knocked on the door. There was no answer so he decided to knock again. And again no answer, so Yang Chen decide to knock one last time before opening the door.

After a third knock there was no answer so Yang Chen opened the door and saw Lin Ruoxi sleeping on her chair, with her head on the desk which was covered in paperwork.

"Sigh..." Yang Chen sighed and got a blanket from his space inventory and covered Ruoxi. He then moved the paperwork aside and placed two glutinous rice balls on the desk for Ruoxi since he knew she liked them.

As Yang Chen was about to leave he heard a cold voice behind him " What are you doing?"

Yang Chen turned around to see Rouxi coldly looking at him.

"I'm just about to leave." Replied Yang Chen nonchalantly.

"Who let you come in?" Rouxi said as she coldly glared at Yang Chen.

"Well I did knock but there was no answer. By the way you look tired you should go to bed." Replied Yang Chen not moving from her gaze.

"Worry about yourself." Replied Ruoxi with her same cold tone.

"Alright then, have a nice night." Yang Chen said emotionless before leaving the study room.

(Ruoxi Pov)

When I saw Yang Chen leave I was going to return back to my paperwork but I noticed there was something else on my desk.

"Glutinous rice balls?" I said confused before also noticing the blanket that was covering me.

'Was it him?' I thought to myself before unwrapping the glutinous rice ball and taking a bite.

When I took the first bite a tear went down my cheek.

"It's good." Figuring out why Yang Chen was here now.

"I'm pathetic." I said to myself while wiping my tears.

(With Yang Chen)

Yang Chen finished his snack and brushed his teeth before heading to bed.

When he laid on his bed he quickly went to sleep.

(Next Day- Morning)

Yang Chen woke up and headed to the bathroom to wash up. When he was done he got dressed and headed downstairs.

When he arrived downstairs he saw Ruoxi and Wang Ma having breakfast. So he greeted them. " Morning."

Wang Ma returned his greeting and asked if he wanted breakfast. " Good morning young master, would you like to have breakfast?"

"Sure." Replied Yang Chen.

Ruoxi didn't say anything, not because she was ignoring Yang Chen but because she doesn't know how to talk with him after what happened yesterday night.

Wang Ma who went to get breakfast from the kitchen for Yang Chen came back and placed it on the table for him.

They were all having breakfast which was quiet and awkward, except for Yang Chen as he just didn't want to talk until Wang Ma asked. "So.... how did you guys meet?"

Ruoxi froze on her question and unconsciously turned to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen understood what she meant and replied to Wang Ma plainly. "Over a cup of Coffe."

"Oh how romantic, you know when I was young..." But before she could she could start ranting about her younger days Ruoxi said.

"Wang Ma great story but I have to get to work." Ruoxi then turned to Yang Chen and said.

"Don't forget to look for a good job in an office."

"Gotcha." Yang Chen replied still eating his breakfast.

"Have a nice day, young miss." Wang Ma said to Ruoxi.

Ruoxi then left to the garage to get her car and drove to work.

Yang Chen, they finished his breakfast and helped Wang Ma wash the dishes before they said goodbye to each other, and Yang Chen made his way to the garage.

Yang Chen just picked the black Bugatti Chiron Noire and drove to the eastern business district to the Union Bank of Switzerland.

When Yang Cheng got to the UBS he headed toward the entrance which was guarded by two guards. The guards performed they're usual pat-down and aloud Yang Chen to enter.

When he entered, he met the bank receptionist.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The Receptionist asked Yang Chen.

Yang Chen took out a black jade ring from his pocket and said plainly. "Yes I would like you to show this to the president of this bank."

The receptionist inspected the ring and saw that it looked like a very valuable ring and he said. " One moment sir."

15 minutes later, you could see a middle-aged man with blonde hair in a suit running while sweating.

When the man was in front of Yang Chen, he said respectfully. " Sorry for any inconvenience, would you like to talk in my office."

"Sure, let's go." Replied Yang Chen plainly.

When they were inside the middle-aged man asked Yang Chen " If I may ask, who gave you this ring."

"It's mine." Replied Yang Chen without an expression.

When than middle-aged man heard that, he went wide-eyed and instantly kneeled in front of Yang Chen.

"It's an honor to meet you my lord Pluto!" Said the middle-aged man in complete awe as who he was talking to right now.

"You may rise." Yang Chen said nonchalantly.

"Yes my lord, so how may I be at service." The middle-aged man said while standing back up.

"I need a credit card with money in it." Yang Chen said.

"Of course, how much money would you like in your card my lord." The middle-aged man asked.

"Two billion euros." Yang Chen replied.

"It will be done immediately." The middle-aged man said and started to do the necessary paperwork.

3 minutes later the middle-aged man had given Yang Chen a black card.

"If you need anything just call me and it will be done." The man said to Yang Chen.

"Alright." Said Yang Chen before getting up and making his way out of the bank.

When Yang Chen was out of the bank he went to his car, got in, and drove to the closest real estate.

20 minutes later Yang Chen was out of the real estate building and in his car with a deed for a building that cost him over 100 million dollars.

Inside his car, Yang Chen thought 'I bought the building, now I have to hire workers and advertise since I'll be making a tech company. I also won't be working in an office for someone else since I have money and resources so why would I need to. The original Yang Chen had this as well but because he wanted his so-called 'peaceful life' so many people provoked him in this world where power means everything.'

"Sigh... I'm already tired and it's not even noon yet." Said Yang Chen while starting his car and driving to his next destination.