Chapter 10

(AN: The Web novel app was acting weird for me earlier but here's a chap. It's quite short but I'm tired, and I'll write another one tomorrow.)

Yang Chen woke up and the first thing he saw was Rose's beautiful face laying down on his chest sleeping peacefully. He then started stroking her hair as he watched her sleep.

When Rose felt some movement from Yang Chen, she woke up and saw him smiling at her.

"Morning." Yang Chen greeted Rose with a smile.

"Morning, hubby." Rose said tiredly to Yang Chen before snuggling back into his chest.

"Are you going to sleep all day." Yang Chen said while still smiling.

"Yes! And you'll be my human body pillow for the rest of the day as well." Rose said in a child-like tone.

"C'mon, you're not a kid." Yang Chen said as he rolled his eyes.

Rose suddenly, got off from Yang Chen's chest and straddled him while saying in a seductive voice.

"What are you going to do about it then, are you going to spank me."

Yang Chen hearing what Rose said and feeling her body on him, instantly got hard down 'there'.

Rose felt something poking her butt and turned around to see a huge boulder in Yang Chen boxers. She then turned to Yang Chen and said in a teasing voice while blushing.

"It looks like you're not the only one who woke up early."

Rose then started moving her hand down to his crotch.

"Wait." Yang Chen said stopping her from going any further.

Rose then looked at Yang Chen and asked confused. "What's wrong?"

"I know we just became lovers recently but I want our first time to be special." Yang Chen said in a caring voice.

Rose hearing Yang Chen's caring words, instantly got butterflies in her stomach.

Rose then put her arm's around Yang Chen's neck and kissed him. Yang Chen returned the kiss while holding her waist.

They both separated when they were out of breath, while Rose was blushing and had a happy smile on her face.

"By the way, what time is it?" Rose suddenly asked Yang Chen.

"I don't know, let me check my phone." Said Yang Chen as he grabbed his phone.

When Yang Chen turned on his phone, he saw a dozen missed calls. They were from Ruoxi and Wang Ma, well mostly from Wang Ma. He then decided to call back Wang Ma.

When the phone started ringing it instantly connected.

"Young Master!" Wang Ma said in a worried voice.

"Yes I'm here, why do you sound so worried Wang Ma?" Yang Chen asked confused.

"Well you didn't come home last night and didn't pick up the phone, so I and young miss got worried." Wang Ma replied to Yang Chen.

"I wasn't worried!" Ruoxi said in the background, trying to act coldly but was proven wrong as she had a tiny blush on her face.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come home last night but there were some things I had to take care of." Yang Chen said to Wang Ma and ignored Ruoxi's remark.

"When will you come home, young master?" Wang Ma asked Yang Chen

"I will probably be home this afternoon." Yang Chen replied to Wang Ma.

"Alright then." Said Wang Ma, before they both ended the call.

"Who was that?" Rose asked Yang Chen as she was listening to the conversation.

"My....wife's family." Yang Chen said to Rose with a bit of hesitation.

"You have a wife!?" Rose asked shocked.

"We have a complicated relationship but yes, I have a wife." Yang Chen replied without any lies.

"We've only become lover's and I'm already a mistress." Rose said a bit bitterly.

Yang Chen then went to hold Rose's waist and pecked her on the lips before saying while smiling. "But you're the first to make me feel this way about someone."

Rose got really happy when she heard that and they both stayed in each other's embrace for some time.

After some moments, Yang Chen was the first to let go although reluctantly.

"I have to go to my company since I have to go meet up with the people that will start to work for me." Yang Chen said to Rose as he started dressing.

"You have a company?" Rose asked surprised.

Yang Chen nodded and started explaining what his first product and what his future products will be able to do, and how it will affect the whole world.

Rose was shocked, once again at how Yang Chen can literally change the whole world with just one of these items let alone the many that he has in his mind.

Yang Chen then kissed Rose, goodbye, and headed to his company.

When Yang Chen got to his company he went to his office and waited since, Sauron told him that his staff would show up around this time.

When Yang Chen was waiting, he was thinking. 'Now that I have accepted the fact that I'm Yang Chen and I always will be, I'm starting to think much clearer and I need to plan ahead. I know the future events that will happen and I need to prepare for anything. Me being here, hasn't made any big impact's yet but that doesn't mean it won't happen."

Suddenly in Yang Chen hand's appeared a grey grail cup that had golden outlines, but the thing that would get anyone's attention is the liquid inside which was pink and glowing. This drink was called the Fountain of Youth.

When Yang Chen was looking at the drink he was thinking. 'Should I drink this? I won't age and I'll become immortal but, do I really want to never be able to die?"

As Yang Chen was contemplating on what to do, he got a message from Sauron saying that the guys were here. Yang Chen then made the Fountain of Youth disappear and went to greet his new staff.

After about two hours of setting up everything for his new company, Yang Chen was happy since his company would be able to officially debut tomorrow.

After finishing with his preparations Yang Chen decided that he will go back to the Dragon Villa, since he did say to Wang Ma that he'll be going home this afternoon.

(AN: Should he drink it?)

(P.S: Fountain of Youth of Seven Deadly Sin's)