Chapter 12

Yang Chen arrived at Rose's bar and it was filled with young adults, partying, and drinking since it was the epitome of their youth.

Yang Chen had made it to Rose's room but couldn't find Rose anywhere, so he decided to check her swimming pool.

When Yang Chen arrived at Rose's pool, he saw her in the edge of the pool wearing a red alluring bikini, while she was dangling her feet in the water.

When Rose noticed Yang Chen come in she got up and ran to him and hugged him and smiled happily.

"Hubby, I missed you." Rose said to Yang Chen as she had her arm's around his neck.

"I missed you too, my lovely Rose." Yang Chen said while smiling as he grabbed Rose's waist and kissed her.

"You hungry, because I was thinking we can go have dinner together." Yang Chen asked Rose after they broke their kiss.

"Yes, I am actually, just let me get ready first." Said Rose as she separated from Yang Chen, to go get changed.

After some time Yang Chen went to check if Rose was ready, so he went to her room.

When Yang Chen went inside the room he was mesmerized, he saw Rose wearing a beautiful red dress that captured her amazing curves, as she had her hair down while having matching high heels.

"What, cat got your tongue?" Rose giggled and said teasingly when she saw Yang Chen's reaction.

"Yes, a very feisty red cat." Yang Chen said smiling which caused Rose to giggle once more.

"Ready to go?" Yang Chen asked Rose, to which she nodded.

Rose hooked her arm over Yang Chen's elbow and they both left to Yang Chen's car.

When they were leaving through the bar, they were center of attention. Mainly Rose since she looked very beautiful in what she was wearing.

When they got to Yang Chen's car, they made their way to there destination.

When they were on the road, Rose suddenly asked.

"Oh by the way, where are we having dinner?

"I booked us a reservation at a five-star restaurant." Yang Chen replied while he was driving.

"You know, we could've gone anywhere else to eat." Rose said to Yang Chen.

"I know, but I didn't want our first date to be in a crappy place." Said Yang Chen as he looked at Rose and smiled.

Rose was feeling really happy and kissed Yang Chen on the cheek before saying.

"You're the best, hubby."

Yang Chen just kept smiling and kept driving to there destination.

When they got to the five-star restaurant, Rose got a bit surprised at how fancy it was before noticing something.

"How come, there are no people here?" Rose asked Yang Chen as there was no one inside the restaurant beside the staff.

"I booked the whole place." Yang Chen replied to Rose.

"Why?" Rose asked confused.

"It simple, I didn't want my darling Rose to be approached by any stupid young master or by a fat middle-aged man and ruin our dinner." Yang Chen said smiling to Rose, which caused her to giggle.

When they got to there table they ordered their food.

While waiting for their meal, Rose suddenly asked Yang Chen.

"By the way, how is your relationship with your wife, since last time you said it was a bit complicated."

Yang Chen was a bit caught off guard on Rose's question before he started thinking. 'Ruoxi huh...well, I don't know what to think there. I'll try to be nicer to her since Wang Ma did ask me to, but I won't go out of my way just to satisfy her every whim.'

Rose who saw Yang Chen not responding, felt that he was uncomfortable and didn't push him to answer.

Rose then decided to ask a different question.

"Is she beautiful?"

"Very." Yang Chen replied as he wanted to be honest with Rose.

Rose then looked down and said to Yang Chen in a low voice. "I know, I can't have you all to myself, since I feel that I will be restraining you and that would be the last thing that I want, but..."

Yang Chen who was hearing Rose's low voice was starting to feel various emotions flowing inside him.

Rose's voice started trembling, as she looked up and had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"But...please don't forget me."

When Yang Chen saw Rose's crying face, he instantly rushed to hug her.

"Never!" Yang Chen almost shouted, when he saw Rose crying.

Yang Chen then looked at Rose in the eyes and said seriously.

"I will NEVER leave or forget you, Situ Rose."

Yang Chen then took out a beautiful ring with a ruby diamond from his pocket and grabbed Rose's left hand.

Rose covered her mouth with her other hand as more tear's started falling.

Yang Chen then placed the ring, in her ring finger carefully while saying.

"I know I'm the worst, for accepting your feelings only after I got married, but just know that you will always be someone special in my heart."

Rose immediately kissed Yang Chen after he finished saying that.

Yang Chen returned the kiss as he grabbed Rose's waist.

They both shared a deep long kiss before they separated while out of breath.

Rose looked at Yang Chen with loving eyes and asked.

"Hubby, why do you make me so happy?"

Yang Chen just chuckled a bit and said while smiling.

"Who knows? Oh, look our food's here."

Yang Chen and Rose finally ate their dinner with a joyous mood.

Most of the time Rose kept looking at her new ring and feeling it as if it would grow legs and run away.

When they finished dinner they made their way to the car, while Yang Chen had his arm around Rose.

When they made it back to the bar, it was still packed with people so they headed to Rose's room.

As soon as they entered Rose's room they snuggled together on the bed and drifted to sleep.

(AN: Still doing some *cough 'research' *cough for the R 18 chapter.)


Next-Day- Morning

Yang Chen woke up early since he had to got to the office to handle some affairs.

He slightly moved Rose, who was on his chest sleeping. It did the opposite effect and Rose woke up.

"Hubby?" Rose asked tiredly.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." Said Yang Chen as he went to give Rose a good morning kiss.

"I have to go to my company, since there is some stuff I have to handle but you should head back to sleep." Yang Chen said to Rose as he started dressing for work.

"Alright then, have a good day at work." Said Rose as she went back to sleep.

Yang Chen left for his car to go to work.

When Yang Chen got to his company which was now named 'Soaring Eagle Corporation' or SEC for short, he headed to his office.

After some time and doing some paperwork, Yang Chen's temporary assistance knocked on the door.

"You may come in." Said Yang Chen.

"Sir Pluto, there are businesses, some with a bit of influential power that wishes to swallow up our share's after our company's performance yesterday." Said the assistance which made Yang Chen frown a bit.

"Shall we send in the Hades team to handle them?" Asked the assistant.

Who is the Hades team, you may ask? Well they are one of the best, if not the best hacking group that consists of individuals that have been personally trained by one of the greatest minds to this date. This was none other than the Crowned Princess of Whales, Jane Rothschild.

(AN: Her name was too long.)

Yang Chen nodded and said. "Make sure they uncover every shady or corrupted stuff, those shitty politicians have ever done and release it to the public."

"It will be done, Sir." Said the assistance before leaving Yang Chen's office.

Yang Chen then began thinking of Jane. 'I really need to thank Jane for her help. Well, she will be coming to China soon and she is into technology, so I might give her some of my product's that I've been working on so she can study.'

"Sigh...I need to get a full-time secretary, so I won't have to do all this paperwork." Yang Chen sighed tiredly as he continued his endless amount of paperwork.

(AN: Politics aren't my forte.)