Chapter 14

As Yang Chen got in his car, he headed back to the dragon villa.

When Yang Chen made it home, he had dinner with Wang Ma only, since Ruoxi was still at work.

While they were having dinner, the door opened and someone walked in.

Wang Ma went to check the door as she thought, Ruoxi came home.

Who Wang Ma saw, was not Ruoxi, but instead it was Lin Kun.

"Master?!" Wang Ma said shocked to see Lin Kun.

When Yang Chen heard this, he frowned before getting up from the dining table to head to Wang Ma.

Lin Kun looked like he hadn't been sleeping for days, along with his unshaved beard while having the smell of alcohol on him.

When Lin Kun first came in, he saw Wang Ma's shocked face and said angrily. "Where's Ruoxi?!"

Wang Ma got a little scared but still replied. "Young Miss is still at work."

Lin Kun got even angrier when he heard this and shouted. "Then call that slut, to get over here immediately!"

Wang Ma was scared stiff when she heard Lin Kun talking that way about his own daughter.

Lin Kun seeing Wang Ma not doing anything, reached his limit and raised his hand intending to slap her.

Yang Chen who just arrived by the front door, saw Lin Kun intending to slap Wang Ma so he quickly intervened.

As Yang Chen caught Lin Kun's arm, he didn't give him a chance to speak before he threw him outside the house.

"Ah!" Screamed in pain, Lin Kun when he got thrown to the ground, but no bones were broken.

Wang Ma quickly came back to reality when she saw Yang Chen threw Lin Kun outside.

Yang Chen then turned to Wang ma and said while smiling softly. "I'll handle this, just stay inside."

Wang Ma wanted to interject but decided to trust Yang Chen and stay inside before calling Ruoxi on the phone.

Yang Chen then followed, where he threw Lin Kun and was met with 5 young men that looked to be thugs.

Of course, Yang Chen had sensed these thugs, that's the main reason he threw Lin Kun outside.

As Lin Kun got up from the ground, albeit with a bit of pain, he furiously looked at Yang Chen while pointing.

"And you! You think I forgot about what you did! When I left that dump, people kept looking at me, as if I was a hobo! People avoided me as if I was the plague, at how bad I smelled, even the homeless avoided me! Do you know, how humiliating that was!" Shouted Lin Kun as he vented his frustration.

After relieving a bit of his anger, Lin Kun then said while smiling viciously at Yang Chen.

"You have nowhere to run now. My brothers here will cripple you for life, then you'll see who you've messed with."

Yang Chen just stayed indifferent to his words while thinking 'I know I should've ended his life before, but Ruoxi will probably be traumatized if she finds out her father is dead. I know that this shithead isn't her father since he was born sterile, but Ruoxi doesn't know that. I do plan on telling her the truth about her father, but right now isn't the time since she'll probably faint and be bedridden for who knows how long if she were to find out this sudden.'

When Lin Kun saw Yang Chen not responding, he thought Yang Chen was afraid before grinning viciously and saying.

"What are you scared, that you'll be beaten till no one will be able to recognize you. Well, it's too late now, even if you beg there will be no mercy."

Suddenly a car pulled in the driveway. This was precisely Ruoxi as she rushed to her home when she got a call from Wang Ma that her father had arrived.

When Ruoxi got off her car, you could see she had visible beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Dad! Please stop!" Screamed Ruoxi in desperation to her father.

"So the whore has finally arrived." Sneered Lin Kun when he saw Ruoxi appear.

Ruoxi trembled at how her father addressed her, but still pleaded to her father.

"Dad, please don't do this."

"What else can I do now! Now that Xu Zhihong is dead, I have nobody to back me anymore! I have nothing except for that shitty house that you want! I spent the little bit of money that I had on booze and these trained fighters just so I can exact my revenge on this brute!" Roared Lin Kun as he had now lost everything that he valued as important, which was money and backing.

The house Lin Kun was referring to was Ruoxi's childhood home, where she was raised by her mother and grandmother.

Ruoxi started crying at this point, over how her father had fallen so low as to be disregarding her own daughter.

Suddenly Lin Kun had and idea before he started grinning greedily.

"Oh, I know, how about this, you give me the rest of the shares of the company in exchange that I won't beat this man and Wang Ma in front of you."

Ruoxi turned pale at what Lin Kun had just said. Her own father would result in this option just so he could have the company.

Before Ruoxi was able to answer Lin Kun, Yang Chen suddenly said.

"Ok, that's enough."

Yang Chen was now pissed, that this man would even dare to say, that he would beat Wang Ma.

Lin Kun was angry that Yang Chen had interrupted the conversation.

" You're right, it is enough. Brothers beat him!" Lin Kun said as he looked, at Yang Chen while ordering the thugs.

The thugs that were behind Lin Kun didn't respond, making him confused.

Suddenly a body fell on the ground making everybody turn to that direction.


Lin Kun turned around confused as to what happened, but before he can start saying anything, another body falls and another.

*Flop* Flop* Flop*Flop*

All the thugs that were brought by Lin Kun had suddenly fallen to the ground.

"What's wrong? Weren't you going to cripple me." Yang Chen said emotionless to Lin Kun.

When the thugs were about to attack Yang Chen on Lin Kun's order, Yang Chen had sent his True Qi to pressure their organs, rupturing them and killing them instantly.

Then was no blood because they fell before the blood can flow out of their 7 orifices.

Ruoxi was surprised before she turns to look at Yang Chen. She never once thought that the 5 thugs on the ground were dead since they just fell on the ground while nobody had done anything to them.

Lin Kun was confused before he heard Yang Chen's emotionless words and became afraid. He somehow knew Yang Chen was the one responsible for the thug's mysterious collapse.

Suddenly Yang Chen had started walking toward Lin Kun. Lin Kun became more afraid as he saw Yang Chen start to come near him.

"Don't come near me!" Said, Lin Kun fearfully before turning to Ruoxi.

"Hey, slut! Aren't you going to stop your husband, if you don't he'll kill me!" Pleaded Lin Kun fearful as Yang Chen kept getting closer.

When Ruoxi heard that, the light in her eyes began to fade and said to Yang Chen in low voice.

"Yang Chen, don't scare him anymore and let him go...."

Yang Chen ignored her and made his way to Lin Kun.

When Yang Chen was in front of Lin Kun, he stared at him emotionless.

Lin Kun who saw Yang Chen's emotionless stare was scared shitless and said.

"What are you going..."

But before Lin Kun was able to finish what he was saying, Yang Chen slapped him.


Lin Kun fell to the ground, unconscious.

When Ruoxi saw this, she widen her eyes and said to Yang Chen.


"Ruoxi, answer me this. Is this guy family to you?" Asked Yang Chen cutting her off while pointing at the unconscious Lin Kun.

Ruoxi surprised by Yang Chen's question, looked down and said in low voice.

"Yes...we are family...since we're related to blood and all."

"Ruoxi!" Shouted Yang Chen, startling Ruoxi and gaining her attention.

"Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me if this guy is family to you!" Yang Chen sternly shouted at Ruoxi.

Ruoxi was unresponsive, as she was having flashbacks of how her father wasn't there for her and how he treated her so badly her whole life.

"You can't! Because he isn't family to you!" Yang Chen said ruthlessly to Ruoxi.

When Ruoxi heard Yang Chen's words, she felt that her soul had left her body.

Yang Chen was right, Lin Kun wasn't her family. That meant she had no family that actually cared for her.

Yang Chen then walked over to Ruoxi's unresponsive body and lifted her chin gently while giving her a warm smile and said.

"But you do have a family that cares for you and she's right there."

Yang Chen motioned Ruoxi to look at the front door of the house.

Ruoxi then turned to look at the front of the house and saw Wang Ma who had tears in her eyes while smiling as she looked back at Ruoxi.

When Ruoxi saw Wang Ma she couldn't keep her bottled up emotions any longer and ran to hug her.

Ruoxi began sobbing endlessly in Wang Ma's embrace while Wang Ma just kept comforting her.

"There, there young miss...just let it all out." Wang Ma spoke gently to Ruoxi as she was stroking her hair.

Yang Chen just watched with a small smile since this was the wake-up call that Ruoxi needed.

After a few more minutes, Ruoxi fell asleep in Wang Ma's embrace.

Wang Ma then turned to Yang Chen with a caring smile and said. "Thank you, young master."

Yang Chen just smiled a bit and said. "No problem."

"I should go take care of this then." Yang Chen said to Wang Ma as he was motioning to the unconscious Lin Kun and the dead thugs, but Wang Ma didn't know that and she didn't need to know.

Wang Ma just nodded and said while smiling. " Yeah, I also need to go put young miss in bed. Stay safe, Young master.

Yang Chen just nodded and carried the 6 bodies to an empty road before taking out his phone and making a call.

After a few minutes, a car approached Yang Chen.

A guy who looked to be a foreigner got off his car, approached Yang Chen, and said respectfully.

"Sir pluto, you called?"

"Yes, get rid of the bodies and torture the one who's alive, but don't kill him just make sure he suffers." Yang Chen replied emotionless.

"It will be done, sir." The foreigner said respectfully to Yang Chen and loaded the bodies in his car before driving off.

When Yang Chen's subordinate was gone, he decided to head back inside the house.

(With Ruoxi)

Wang Ma had brought back Ruoxi to her room and placed her in the bed.

As Wang Ma was about to leave, Ruoxi suddenly called for her.

"Wang Ma, where's Yang Chen?" Asked the sleepy Ruoxi.

"Young master, had to take care of some matters but he'll be back soon, why do you ask?" Wang Ma asked Ruoxi, confused.

"It's just... I need to thank him... and I also need to be...nicer to him." As soon as Ruoxi finished saying that she fell asleep.

When Wang Ma heard that, she smiled before turning the lights off and leaving Ruoxi's room.