Chapter 16

(AN: I'm sorry, but I won't be making a Patreon since I'm only writing this for fun and I don't stockpile chapters either. I know my release rate is trash so I'll try to upload 2 chapters. I might even upload another one later since this chapter is short.)


Yang Chen who just completed his paperwork decided that he will visit Rose, so he texted her that he would come by soon.

Yang Chen then left his company, got in his car, and headed to Rose's bar.

When Yang Chen arrived at the bar, he didn't see Rose so he decided to check her room.

When Yang Chen arrived at her room, he entered and saw Rose sitting on the couch while typing on her laptop.

Rose didn't seem to notice Yang Chen come in, as she seemed to be working.

Yang Chen then made his way to Rose and sat next to her.

Rose who felt someone approaching her, looked to the side and saw Yang Chen smiling at her.

"Hubby! How long have you been there?" Rose asked a little surprised.

"I just came in, you didn't notice me." Yang Chen said while smiling at Rose.

"Sigh...Sorry about that, it's just I've been a bit busy holding meetings and making plans for the Red Thorns Society." Rose sighed before saying tiredly.

The Red Thorn Society is an underworld gang in West of Zhonghai and their leader was none other than Rose.

Hearing Rose's tired voice, while also noticing that she had faint dark circles under her eyes, made Yang Chen frown a bit.

Rose seeing Yang Chen frown, asked worriedly. "What's wrong, hubby?

"You're not sleeping enough, aren't you?" Yang Chen asked while still having a small frown.

Rose hearing this, avoided eye contact with Yang Chen while staying silent.

"Sigh..." Yang Chen sighed before closing the laptop and placing Rose's head gently on his lap.

"Hubby?" Rose asked confused as she had her head on Yang Chen's lap.

"Shhh...just rest for a bit." Yang Chen spoke softly to Rose.

Rose didn't know why but when she heard Yang Chen's soft words, she felt that the exhaustion had finally caught up with her.

As soon as Rose closed her eyes, she quickly drifted off to sleep.

Yang Chen smiled as he watched Rose sleep while he gently stroked her hair.

After a couple of hours, Rose opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Yang Chen smiling at her.

"You sure slept well." Yang Chen said smiling.

Rose didn't respond as she kept looking at Yang Chen's smile and asked herself in a low voice.

"Do I deserve this?"

"What do you mean?" Yang Chen asked confused, as he heard Rose.

"Does someone like me, deserve to be this happy?" Rose asked again, but this time to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen just smiled before he lifted Rose and had her sit on his lap.

Yang Chen then cupped Rose's face with both hands gently while smiling warmly and said "Does it matter? As long as you stay happy, then all those questions don't have any meaning. And I promise, that I will continue to make you happy."

When Rose heard this, she had tears flowing down her cheeks.

Yang Chen wiped away her tears before he kissed her lips.

Rose returned the kiss as she put her arms around Yang Chen's neck.

After they separated lips, Rose leaned her head against Yang Chen's chest while having a bright smile on her face.

After some time in each other's embrace, Yang Chen asked. "Baby Rose, are you going to hold another meeting tonight."

"Yes, since it's getting restless out there in the streets, I have to warn my subordinates to be prepared at any time." Rose replied as she was thinking of how to handle her rival gang.

Yang Chen separated from Rose, although reluctantly and said to Rose. "Alright then since you'll be busy tonight, I'll head home."

Rose was quite sad when she heard that since they didn't get to spend a lot of time together.

Yang Chen seeing Rose's sadness, said while smiling. "Don't worry, I'll come visit you tomorrow."

When Rose heard that, she regained her good mood again and happily nodded.


But before Yang Chen left, he turned to Rose while looking seriously.

"Rose, promise me something before I go."

Rose seeing Yang Chen suddenly turn serious was a bit startled, but still replied. "What is it, hubby?"

"Promise me, you won't push yourself just like today, because I also worry." Yang Chen said with a faint smile.

Rose hearing this felt awful, that she made the man she loved worry over not taking care of herself.

Rose looked down and said in low voice. "I'm sorry for making you worry, hubby."

Yang Chen walked up to Rose and lifted her chin gently while smiling and said. "It's fine, just promise me you'll take better care of yourself, alright?."

Rose felt extremely fortunate, that she is able to be, with this man that she loves so much.

"I promise." Rose said while smiling happily.

Yang Chen then kissed Rose goodbye before he left the bar and headed to his car.


As Yang Chen was driving back to the dragon villa he suddenly received a phone call from JingJing.

"JingJing?" Yang Chen said as he answered the call.

"Big brother Yang." JingJing said happily.

"I'm here, What's up?" Yang Chen said while smiling a bit.

"Well, big brother Yang hasn't come to visit me yet." JingJing said as she pouted.

"Sorry about that, but I have been really busy lately." Yang Chen replied.

"Then are you busy tomorrow?" JingJing asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry, but I am pretty busy tomorrow." Yang Chen replied.

"Oh...I see, we'll sorry for calling you in a bad time. I'll hang up now." JingJing said with sadness in her tone, as she thought Yang Chen didn't have any time to talk.

"This isn't a bad time to call and I may be busy tomorrow but I won't be the day-after-tomorrow." Yang Chen said before JingJing could end the call.

"Really?!" JingJing almost shouted when she said that, as she felt her hope reignite.

"Yup, if you'd like, I can visit you when you get off work that day?" Yang Chen asked.

"Yes! *cough* I mean, I would like that very much." JingJing said happily as she accepted instantly.

Yang Chen chuckled before saying. "Alright, I'll visit you the day-after-tomorrow."

"Yes, I'll be waiting then." JingJing said smiling in joy.

"Well, I have to go now since my mom is calling me." JingJing suddenly said a little sad but was still happy in general since she would see Yang Chen soon.

"Alright, good night JingJing." Yang Chen said.

"Good night, big brother Yang." JingJing said in a happy tone.

After ending the call, Yang Chen proceeded to head home.

(AN: I know, short chapter but I'm tired and I'll upload another one later.)