Chapter 18

(AN: Sorry for the late chapter. I accidentally deleted this chapter in my draft and couldn't recover it, so I had to rewrite this chap. :p)

Yang Chen who had woken up, dressed in casual clothes since he wasn't heading to his company today, before making his way downstairs.

As Yang Chen arrived downstairs he only saw Wang Ma, with no signs of Ruoxi so he asked. "Wang Ma, where's Ruoxi?"

Wang Ma sighed and said "Sigh...Young Miss left early without eating breakfast again."

"By the way, what happened between you two, yesterday night?" Wang Ma suddenly asked Yang Chen, as Ruoxi's behavior was a bit weird since last night.

"Well..." Yang Chen then proceeded to explain about yesterday's matter with Ruoxi and her books.

Wang Ma almost burst out laughing when she heard that before she composed herself, but still let out a small giggle.

"Hehe, Young Miss hasn't acted openly with someone like that since she became CEO of Yu Lei International."

Wang Ma's tone, then became somewhat depressed as she said "Young Miss used to be like any other teenage girl, hanging out with friends and the likes, before she became the Ceo. Now she mainly stays in her office, leaving early in the morning and working long hours. I just can't help, getting really worried about Young Miss."

Wang Ma then looked at Yang Chen and an admiring smile formed on her lips as she said: "That's why I can't help but thank Young Master since it's because of you, Young Miss seems to be changing her ways, although a bit but it's still progress."

Yang Chen didn't respond as he was thinking 'Thank me? I don't think I deserve that praise. Now that I think about it, why did I help Ruoxi? Was it because we both had similar experiences in our past, or...was it something else?'

Yang Chen shook his head, to get rid of those thoughts as he was getting more questions than answers.

Wang Ma who was still smiling asked Yang Chen. "So Young Master, would you like to have breakfast?"

Yang Chen just smiled a bit and nodded.

After some time, Yang Chen finished his breakfast and was about to head to his room but Wang Ma had stopped him.

"Young Master, would you deliver lunch to the Young Miss at around noon? She hasn't had breakfast and I'm pretty sure she won't eat lunch properly as well. " Wang Ma asked a bit worried for Ruoxi.

Yang Chen thought for a moment, 'Well I won't meet Rose around evening, so I have some free time.' before replying, "Sure."

Yang Chen then made his way upstairs, to his room.

When Yang Chen entered his room, he began to think.

'I've been lacking in my cultivation lately, so I'll spend the rest of the morning trying to achieve Soul Formation Stage.'

Yang Chen then sat in his bed, lotus style, and started circulating his True Qi around his dantian.

After a few hours, Yang Chen opened his eyes. He hasn't reached Soul Formation Stage yet but he is close, he can feel it. Just by using his cultivation, he can bypass the laws of space, although not entirely as he is still in the Xiantian realm.

Yang Chen then look at his phone and checked the time. It was closing in on noon, so he got up and headed downstairs to look for Wang Ma.

Yang Chen found Wang Ma in the kitchen, as she was done preparing lunch for Ruoxi.

Wang Ma then gave the lunchbox to Yang Chen before asking, "Will you be coming back home?"

"I don't think so. I probably won't be coming back tonight as well, just to let you know." Yang Chen replied as he was going to meet Rose today.

Wang Ma nodded as she gave Yang Chen the lunch and smiled caringly while saying, "Alright take care, Young Master."

Yang Chen smiled a bit before he said goodbye to Wang Ma and headed to his car.

Yang Chen got in his car and headed to Yu Lei International.


(Yu Lei International)

Yang Chen made it to Yu Lei, as he went to Ruoxi's office while being unnoticed.

When Yang Chen was getting closer to Ruoxi's office, he sensed two persons inside the room.

Suddenly the door opened and a woman that had a fit body, while wearing an office attire came out of Ruoxi's office.

This woman was precisely Mo Qianni, as she was going to get her lunch before coming back to Ruoxi's office.

When Mo Qianni saw Yang Chen, she was surprised before she frowned a bit and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Just bringing Ruoxi, lunch." Yang Chen replied in a tranquil tone as he motioned to the lunch box in his hand.

Mo Qianni just narrowed her eyes at Yang Chen, without saying anything.

Mo Qianni didn't hate Yang Chen, she just disliked him, as she thought he was trying to take advantage of her best friend. Well after Liu Mingyu's incident, she did start to dislike him less but she still had suspicions about their relationship.

After a couple of seconds of an intense staring off...well, Qianni was the one staring intensely as she wanted to see any flaws in his behavior as he mentioned Ruoxi, while Yang Chen just kept looking back at her calmly.

"What's your relationship with Ruoxi?" Mo Qianni finally asked what she wanted to know.

"We're married." Yang Chen replied in a calm voice.

Mo Qianni didn't get shocked but instead got angry as she thought, Yang Chen was trying to mess with her.

"Fine! Don't tell me, but you won't be able to keep it a secret, any longer!" Mo Qianni said angrily before she left, to get her lunch.

How could Mo Qianni believe that her best friend would suddenly marry a random guy, right out of the blue.

Yang Chen just shrugged and made his way inside, Ruoxi's office.

Ruoxi was a bit confused as the door opened since Mo Qianni would still take some time to return from getting her lunch.

When Ruoxi saw Yang Chen enter she was shocked, as she never expected him to come in.

Ruoxi then remembered last night's matter and blushed in embarrassment.

Ruoxi quickly composed herself...well that would be the case, if it weren't for the small visible blush on her face.

"What want?" Ruoxi said coldly, but you can still hear nervousness, in her tone.

"I came to bring you, your lunch." Yang Chen said as he placed the lunch box on her desk.

Ruoxi didn't know why, but she felt warmth in her chest when she saw, Yang Chen place the lunch in front of her.

After Yang Chen placed the lunch on her desk, he said, "Well, now that you have your lunch, I'll be going now."

As Yang Chen was making his way out of the office, you could hear Ruoxi saying in a low voice with a trace of disappointment.

"That's it?"

Yang Chen who heard her turned around and said in a teasing voice, "I didn't know Ruoxi liked being watched as, she eats her food."

Ruoxi who heard Yang Chen, madly blushed and shouted while pointing at him.


Yang Chen smiled a bit before he left Ruoxi's office.

When Yang Chen left, Ruoxi was still blushing while cursing him in her mind, 'Stupid Yang Chen!'

Suddenly the door to the office opened and somebody walked in.

"Didn't I say to leave!" Ruoxi shouted as she thought Yang Chen had returned.

The person who entered was not Yang Chen but Mo Qianni.

Mo Qianni hearing Ruoxi's shout, asked in confusion, "Ruoxi?"

Ruoxi seeing that it was Mo Qianni, who entered, blushed in embarrassment.

Ruoxi then coughed, to clear the awkwardness, "*Cough* Qianni, let's have lunch now."

Mo Qianni nodded before they both started eating their lunch.

While they were eating, Mo Qianni said suddenly, "Oh yeah, I bumped into that friend of yours earlier."

"Friend?" Ruoxi asked confused.

"You know, the one that was waiting outside your car that day." Mo Qianni said as she was referring to Yang Chen.

"Oh! I remember now, what about him?" Ruoxi asked as she felt dumb, that she forgot a crucial piece of information.

"Well, I asked him, what relationship did he have with you, and you want to know what his answer was?!" Mo Qianni said to Ruoxi, as she was still a bit mad from Yang Chen's answer earlier.

Ruoxi's ears perked up, as she wanted to know his answer as well.

"He said you two were married! I mean can you believe him! Out of all the things he can answer with, he said that! The audacity...Ruoxi?" Mo Qianni started venting her frustration before she noticed Ruoxi's lack of response.

Ruoxi who heard Yang Chen's answer from Mo Qianni, froze as she was thinking, 'He told her, our secret relationship. I should scold him for being so dumb, but why...why do I feel...happy?'

Ruoxi unconsciously released a happy smile while blushing.

"Ruoxi?" Mo Qianni called her name, bringing her back to reality.

"Oh! Yea, just don't think much of it. We should get back to eating our lunch."

Ruoxi said as she continued eating her lunch. One could tell that she was in a good mood.

Mo Qianni stayed silent for a couple of seconds, thinking about something before she went back to eating her lunch.