Chapter 24

Yang Chen was going to visit Jingjing since he wanted to apologize for his yesterday's dumb act, so he called her on the phone if they can meet.

After a couple of rings, Jingjing picked up the phone.

"...Big brother Yang?"

"Hey, Jingjing are you done with work right now?"

"I am."

"Can I come and visit you then?"

"...Ok," Jingjing said a bit hesitantly.

"Alright, I'll be there in a little while." Yang Chen said before they both ended the call.

Yang Chen then proceeded to head over to Yi Zhong High School, where Jingjing worked at.


As Yang Chen was about to enter Jingjing's classroom, he heard a male voice coming from the room.

"Jingjing, you look very pretty today. You should dress like this every day." The man complimented Jingjing as his eyes showed a tint of excitement and lust.

Jingjing's outfit consisted of a grey sweater and skirt and a pair of black leggings while also applying some light make up.

Jingjing forced a smile and said, "Thank you, Department Head Jiang."

"We've gotten closer right Jingjing, so you should call me Jiang Shou." Said the man with a big smile.

"I don't think...we've gotten than close, Department Head Jiang."

Jingjing didn't know why but she was really uncomfortable with the man in front of her especially when he smiled at her while saying her name.

"Well, how about I invite you for dinner, to get closer then? Better yet, I'll also invite my father, Jiang Meng. I'm pretty sure you know, that he is the headmaster of Yi Zhong." Jiang Shou said proudly and arrogantly when talking about his father."

"I'm sorry, but I don't think..."

Just as Jingjing was about to decline Jiang Shou's invitation, Yang Chen walked in.

"Hey, Jingjing." Greeted, Yang Chen.

"...Hi, big brother Yang." Replied Jingjing while trying to avoid eye contact with Yang Chen.

When Jiang Shou saw Yang Chen come in and greet Jingjing, he frowned a bit and narrowed his eyes until he saw they're weird interaction and became elated inside.

"Jingjing, who might this person be?" Jiang Shou asked with a smile.

"This big brother Yang."

Jiang Shou extended his hand for a handshake toward Yang Chen and introduced himself.

"Mr. Yang, I'm Jiang Shou, Yi Zhong's English Department's Head. May I know how to address you and what line of work do you currently do?"

Yang Chen ignored him and said, "Jingjing, can we talk privately?"

"...I'm sorry big brother Yang but I-I'm quite busy right now." Jingjing stuttered while trying to avoid Yang Chen's gaze.

Jiang Shou who was left ignored by Yang Chen was feeling furious inside but kept his cool and quickly joined in the conversation.

"Yeah, Jingjing is quite busy since she accepted to go to dinner with me." Jiang Shou said with a smile.

"No!" Jingjing quickly interjected, afraid Yang Chen would get the wrong idea.

Yang Chen just kept ignoring Jiang Shou and remained, staring at Jingjing.

After a few moments, Yang Chen said, "Fine if you're busy I'll leave, but I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I took advantage of you when I was in my drunk state, so I'm sorry." before turning around and leaving the classroom.

Jingjing eyes were turning red as she was about to start crying when hearing Yang Chen's apology and leaving. The only reason she was trying to avoid him was that she thought he hated her and wanted to break ties, over what she did yesterday. The thing Jingjing felt she did wrong was when Yang Chen was drunk and was going to kiss her, she didn't do anything to stop it. She feels, she was truly the one, who took advantage of that situation.

But before Yang Chen was able to leave, there was a shout.

"Big brother Yang, please wait!" Jingjing despairingly shouted.

Yang Chen turned around and said indifferently, "Hmm, I thought you were busy."

"N-No...I..was just..." Jingjing didn't know what to say.

Jiang Shou furrowed his brows and interrupted, "Jingjing there is no reason to still be talking to this guy, so how about we go have a meal right now if you can't make it to dinner tonight?"

Jiang Shou was quite thick-skinned as he was just rejected twice but this didn't bother him and he kept persisting.

Yang Chen was now annoyed with this person so he offered a handshake with a fake apology.

"My bad on not recognizing you, great sir. My name is Yang Chen."

Although Jiang Shou found this name familiar, he put it in the back of his head and straightened his back, while saying in a dignified voice with some arrogance.

"Well, it's good that you know. In this life, there are some people you can't offend, Mr.Yang so it's good that you noticed this. Maybe you might become just like I, Jiang Shou in the future with that kind of mindset."

Jiang Shou then proceeded to shake Yang Chen's hand. While they were shaking hands, Yang Chen suddenly added some strength towards his grip, but not enough to break his hand before he whispered right next to his ear.

"You're quite annoying for someone who likes having threesomes with their father while being recorded."

Jiang Shou was gritting his teeth from Yang Chen's handshake grip and was about to yell until he heard the latter part and became pale while having cold sweat run on his back.

"H-How...does Mr.Yang know this?" Jiang Shou whispered back with a shaky voice.

Yang Chen didn't bother to explain and said indifferently, "Get fucking lost."

When they both stopped shaking hands, Jiang Shou turned to Jingjing and said while sweating nervously.

"Actually Jingjing I just noticed, I don't have time to have a meal so I'll be taking my leave now."

Jiang Shou quickly left the classroom with hurried steps, afraid of being in the same room with Yang Chen.

Jingjing who was quiet the whole time became confused at Jiang Shou's action before she turned to look at Yang Chen with a guilty face.

"Big brother Yang...I-I'm sorry! It wasn't your fault, I thought you hated me for not stopping you when you were drunk."

Jingjing couldn't hold back the tears from coming down as she said that. Although she was guilt-ridden, the thing she felt more strongly was hatred. She hated herself at this moment, basically because she took advantage of the one, who she had feelings for.

'Why am I so stupid! First, my mother is taking big brother Yang's money and now he might hate me over what I did yesterday! If only I could just stop my mother from her selfish ways and if only I could just win big brother Yang's heart properly! Why just why can't I do anything properly!'

As Jingjing was having negative thoughts about herself, suddenly a warm hand was placed on top of her head.

"I don't hate you, as I said, it was my fault since I chose to get drunk. How about this, let's just forget yesterday's incident?" Said Yang Chen as he petted Jingjing on her head while smiling warmly.

Jingjing just kept looking at Yang Chen's warm smile and feeling his warm hand on top of her head while thinking, 'Do I have the love him? Will, he ever accept me? Am I even someone...worthy to be accepted by him?'

Jingjing then nodded with a small smile.


Yang Chen feeling something was wrong with Jingjing, asked worriedly.

"Jingjing is something wrong?"

Jingjing shook her head and forced a smile.

"No big brother Yang, I'm ok. By the way, can you drive me home...I'm quite tired right now."

Yang Chen just kept staring at Jingjing before he nodded and they both went toward his car.

When they were both on the road, Jingjing was quiet the whole time while staring absentmindedly toward the car window. Yang Chen was also quite, he had some idea what was going through Jingjing's head at the moment.

When they made it to Jingjing's home, she got off, looked at Yang Chen, and said with a forced smile.

"Big brother Yang, thank you for driving me home."

"No problem, but Jingjing you know you can talk to me if there is anything bothering you, right?" Asked Yang Chen with a slight smile.

Jingjing kept staring at Yang Chen before she nodded.


When Yang Chen left, Aunt Li came out of the house and walked toward Jingjing.

"Jingjing was that Yang Chen, how come you didn't invite him to come inside."

Jingjing looked at her mother with a tired expression.

"Mom, I'm tired right now so I think I'll head to bed right now."

"Tired, but it still early and you should've invited Yang Chen inside. You're still trying to win his heart right?" Aunt Li kept persisting, Jingjing.

"Mom...please, I just want to head to bed." Jingjing placed her hand on her head as she was starting to have a headache.

" know if you don't try harder then he will be stolen from you and..."

But before Aunt Li was able to reprimand her, Jingjing cut her off.

"Mom! I said I'm tired right now! And what do you mean try harder when that's what I've been doing! Do you only see big brother Yang as some kind of money maker where if I don't win his heart, he'll stop producing any cash for you! Is the only thing you see in him is money?! Do you?!" Jingjing shouted angrily as she vented her frustration.

Aunt Li was shocked at Jingjing's sudden outburst and couldn't say anything.

Jingjing widened her eyes as she just realized what she was saying before she hurriedly went inside the house, toward her room.


Yang Chen who was in his car, driving suddenly received a message from Mo Qianni. It was the location of the place she chose for the meal. He then proceeded to drive toward the location.

The location was along the riverside in Zhong Hai's suburbs where the food stalls businesses were stationed at. The many tents were different colors and were supported by bamboo or metal poles, and had many different sizes.

Mo Qianni had sent a picture of what the food stall place like, so when Yang Chen arrived there wouldn't be a problem finding the place.

As Yang Chen arrived he saw Mo Qianni sitting next to the empty table so he approached her. Mo Qianni was wearing her usual office attire since she just finished work for the day.

"You're late." Mo Qianni said with a dissatisfaction tone.

"Some stuff came up." Yang Chen said plainly and sat down.

"Hmph, this lady is showing you great kindness by thanking you for helping me, which is why I invited you out for a meal but you choose to come late."

Yang Chen frowned a bit from this woman's behavior and asked, "Are we going to have a meal then or not?"

"What? You're upset when you were the one that was late. Just to let you know, I'm using my time to have this meal with you." Mo Qianni said with a small glare.

Yang Chen stayed indifferent towards her words and said, "Since I'm wasting your time then there's no reason to continue this meal." before getting up from his seat and leaving.

"Huh?" Mo Qianni was shocked and only came out of it when Yang Chen had already left the food stall.

Suddenly a slightly chubby middle-aged lady approached Mo Qianni with 2 wine bottles in her hands. She was called Sis Xiang and was the owner of the food stall.

Sis Xiang then placed the wine bottles on the table and asked, "Qianni was that your boyfriend?"

Mo Qianni blushed and said angrily, "Him, Never! Not a chance!"

Sis Xiang shook her head and said, "Qianni although I care for you, as you were my family so I hate to say this, you were quite bitchy to him right now."

Mo Qianni was a bit upset from her words but didn't blow a fuse. She then grabbed the wine bottle, opened it, and drank straight from the bottle. She didn't care for her image mainly since there wasn't anybody here.


Yang Chen had planned to visit Rose so he drove towards her bar.

Yang Chen arrived at her bar and entered her room.

Rose was sitting on the couch watching TV while wearing a short red nightgown exposing her juicy thighs.

Rose seeing Yang Chen walk-in, quickly rushed to hug him.

"Hubby, I've missed you!"

Yang Chen kissed Rose deeply and place his on hands her soft butt, making her giggle.

When they parted lips, they were breathing heavily before Yang Chen said with a warm smile, "I missed you too my darling Rose. Hey, I'm kind of hungry, you want to go out to eat?"

"Of course, Hubby." Replied, Rose before they separated. She then got dressed in a red dress and hooked her arm over Yang Chen's elbow and they both left.


When they arrived at the restaurant, it surprisingly didn't have a lot of people inside. The restaurant wasn't super fancy or expansive either so it was quite weird.

Yang Chen who walked in the restaurant suddenly sensed some people watching him right now. There were 4 people watching him, 3 inside the restaurant and 1 outside, in the distance.

A plain-looking women server arrived and showed them to their table before taking their order.

After some time, their food arrived, and Yang Chen quickly tried the food.

Yang Chen frowned and thought, 'Hmm, so my guess was right. This is poisoned and it's a pretty strong one too. Too bad this has no effect on me.'

Rose noticing Yang Chen's frown asked worriedly, "Hubby, what's wrong?"

"Rose don't try the food and let's leave, there's a problem I have to deal with."

Rose not asking any more questions, nodded seriously and they both got up from their seat to leave the restaurant.

As they were about to leave, two men wearing suits walked up to Yang Chen.

"Sir, you can't leave. You haven't paid for the meal."

Yang Chen looked at both of them and said indifferently, "Well the meal wasn't satisfactory so it wasn't worth the money."

"I see, then would you accompany us to our boss since we would like to apologize for the lack of food." Said the man.

Yang Chen secretly scanned the surroundings and thought, 'No cameras huh.' before nodding.

Yang Chen and Rose then followed the 2 men toward a dark vacant room. The room was pretty much empty with the exception of a high window and the door they just walked in through.

Rose was completely calm as she was holding onto Yang Chen's arm, not bothered by these sketchy people.

Yang Chen didn't want to waste time so he said.

"Alright, you can come out now."

Suddenly the lights turned on and a figure that belonged to a woman came out from the shadows. This person was the exact same server that took their orders.

"As expected of his Majesty Pluto." The woman said with disdain as she looked at Yang Chen.

"Let me guess Yamata Sect and you must be Hannya, right?"

The woman took off her disguise and what revealed was an extremely blonde sexy figure. A well-developed body with that stuck right on her purple ninja clothes. Her outfit showed off her cleavage, white thighs, and outstanding butt.

Hannya coldly smiled at Yang Chen and said, "Right again, Pluto."

"And I'm guessing you want 'that' thing right." Yang Chen said indifferently.

The smile vanished and Hannya said in a cold voice.

"That's the whole reason we're here. Now give us the God's Stone now!"