Chapter 31


Yang Chen was downstairs and saw Ruoxi setting the food on the table while humming in a cheery mood. She was also wearing a pink apron with white flowers, making her look extremely cute.

Ruoxi seeing Yang Chen come downstairs, blushed lightly as she remembered yesterday night.

"Breakfast's ready." Said Ruoxi

Yang Chen revealed a small smile and nodded before he headed to the table.

Wang Ma who just came out of the kitchen smiled at how Ruoxi was acting.

Ruoxi then removed her apron, revealing a casual outfit. She then sat down on the table and joined the other two.

The breakfast was quite simple. It consisted of eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes one of the simplest breakfasts ever.

Ruoxi who hadn't touched her plate had a nervous expression right now. She was discreetly looking toward Yang Chen. Well, she wasn't discreet enough as Wang Ma noticed this and giggled before she turned to look at Yang Chen.

"Young Master, how's the breakfast?"

"It's really good Wang Ma just like always." Yang Chen said while taking another bite from his pancakes.

"Young Master, you've got it wrong, I didn't make this breakfast it was the Young Miss." Wang Ma said with a teasing smile as she looked at Ruoxi.

Ruoxi became panicked and looked away while blushing embarrassingly.

"Oh, then thanks for the meal Ruoxi. It's really good." Yang Chen smiled and said before he continued eating his breakfast.

Ruoxi at this moment tried her hardest not to reveal a smile. In the end, she couldn't stop her herself as her lips curled upwards, making her look blissful.

Wang Ma revealed a gentle smile while looking at Ruoxi, 'Old Miss if only you can see your granddaughter right now.'

While they were continuing eating their breakfast, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Said Wang Ma as she got up from the table.

"Wait." Yang Chen had stopped eating and said with a serious expression, "I'll get it."

Wang Ma was confused about why Yang Chen had turned serious but still nodded. Ruoxi was also confused and asked gently.

"Is something wrong, Yang Chen?"

Yang Chen shook his head and smiled, "No, I'll be right back."

Yang Chen then went to the door, opened it, and saw a man that looked to be slightly above fifty. This man had a large build and jet black hair combed to the back of his head. He was also wearing a dark-green Chinese tunic suit while giving off a high ranking leader and cold temperament.

There was also an old man beside him, this old man who wore a gray chang pao had average looks and grizzled hair. By the front gate, there were two men in suits that looked to be bodyguards.

"May I help you?" Asked Yang Chen, clearly not surprised or threatened by these people.

The man in the dark-green tunic suit was inspecting Yang Chen, before replying in a deep voice.

"You must be Yang Chen." The man then put his hands behind his back and said, "I'm Ruoxi's grandfather, Lin Zhiguo. I've come here to talk to both of you."

Yang Chen had guessed it was this person, who would be showing up soon. Yang Chen then leaned up against the door while folding his arms. He was clearly not intending to let these guys in.

"And what do you want to talk about?"

Lin Zhiguo furrowed his brows. He was, of course, angry but didn't show any signs of hostility. The old man also didn't dare say anything since his master hadn't ordered him to take any action. The same cannot be said for the two bodyguards by the gate as they saw this. They clenched their fists and glared furiously toward Yang Chen.

"Before I start to explain the reason I came here for, can you call Ruoxi?" Lin Zhiguo asked.

It was like luck was on Lin Zhiguo's side as when he mentioned her name, Ruoxi had arrived behind Yang Chen.

"Yang Chen is something wrong," Ruoxi asked a bit worriedly.

Ruoxi noticing Yang Chen hadn't come back from answering the door, got a little worried. She had thought more people had come to talk to Yang Chen after what occurred yesterday.

Ruoxi then looked at who was at the door and froze on the spot. Her earlier cheerful mood was gone and replaced with a melancholic face.

" you want?" Ruoxi asked coldly.

Lin Zhiguo creased his eyebrows with some sorrow in his eyes at being addressed this way by her granddaughter.

"Ruoxi, grandpa has come to visit you." Lin Zhiguo said in a grieved manner.

"You're not my grandfather! Please leave now." Ruoxi said as her eyes were slowly turning red.

At this time, the old man that was standing beside Lin Zhiguo tried to calm Ruoxi. He was called Gray Robe.

"Miss, Master has been worried about you so he's come to visit you. He has been concerned about you for so many years, but being the head of the family...comes with many difficulties."

Ruoxi sneered, "Then he should've stayed back at his Lin family to manage his difficulties then." She then turned toward Yang Chen, pulled his sleeve gently, and asked stubbornly, " Yang Chen can you please make them leave! I don't want to see them!"

Yang Chen can feel that she was trembling slightly as she said that. He then nodded and turned toward Lin Zhiguo.

"You guys can leave now."

Lin Zhiguo took a deep breath and regained his cold temperament before he looked at Yang Chen.

"You may have married my granddaughter and became someone important in China, but don't think that I don't know, you used to be a mutton skewer seller! If people find out about this and somehow relate it back to our Lin Family it will create many problems for us!"

Ruoxi who heard this painfully closed her eyes and looked away. She had found out the main reason her grandfather had come to visit was because of his family matters and Yang Chen's identity.

Yang Chen stared coldly at Lin Zhiguo and said, "I don't give a damn about your Lin family. This is will be my problem in the future if this ever happens, so stay out of it."

"You..." Lin Zhiguo was clenching his teeth in anger. He then took another deep breath to calm himself.

"I didn't come here to argue with you, I came to discuss a proposal with you."

Yang Chen wasn't surprised by this and asked indifferently, " What could you possibly want to discuss with me?"

"I will explain, but first..." Lin Zhiguo looked at Ruoxi who was quiet the whole time. He was hinting at this discussion which was supposed to be very confidential.

Ruoxi forced a smile as she understood what was happening and said, "Since the great Lin Family head thinks I'm a nuisance then I'll head back inside."

Just as she turned around and was about to go back to the living room, she heard Yang Chen.

"No, if you have something to discuss with me then she doesn't have to leave."

Ruoxi remained in place, she suddenly felt warmth in her chest at how Yang Chen was sticking up for her.

Lin Zhiguo was standing his ground, "She doesn't need to know this! If anything, this will cause her more problems!" He then looked at Ruoxi's back and became apologetic.

"I'm sorry Ruoxi, but this is for your own good."

Ruoxi turned around and revealed a gentle smile toward Yang Chen while saying, "It's alright, I have to get ready for work anyway."

Ruoxi didn't even bat an eye toward Lin Zhiguo which caused him to sigh. She then went back inside.

Yang Chen didn't even have a chance to say anything before Ruoxi left.

'This girl was just hurt by her grandfather and still managed to smile like that.' Thought Yang Chen before he focused his attention back to Lin Zhiguo.

"Follow." Yang Chen didn't want to keep talking in front of the door so he motioned them to follow him to the garden.

The garden had a table and some chairs for people to relax and watch the scenery while enjoying some tea. Wang Ma would always come and take care of the plants and flowers so the garden was in perfect condition.

Yang Chen hasn't really taken time to relax out here so it would be quite nice to spend some afternoons here. He then sat a chair and waited for Lin Zhiguo to explain his proposal.

Lin Zhiguo sat down on the chair opposite of Yang Chen while Gray Robe stood behind him.

Lin Zhiguo's expression turned serious.

"China needs your help."

Yang Chen almost burst laughing but contained himself. He still let out a small chuckle and asked, "Why should I be concerned about this?"

Lin Zhiguo seeing Yang Chen's behavior almost lost his cool.

"Concerned?! Have you forgotten where you're standing! This is your birth country and you still think this is a joke!"

Lin Zhiguo being the general of the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade, of course, had access to Yang Chen's file. His file only contained his information about being one of the gods and his history overseas. It also showed his birth country which was China.

(AN: They don't know he is part of the Yang Clan yet.)

"Haha.....I could care less about where I was born. You're also asking the wrong person for help so I think we should finish this and you guys can excuse yourselves out." Yang Chen said.

Lin Zhiguo was gripping the armrest on the chair. "Then...what about this." He then took out a black card from his pocket. This black card was the same exact one, Yang Chen had given Cai Ning yesterday.

Yang Chen looked at the card for a second before asking indifferently, "What about it?"

"You have the most influential company in this country and you're still refusing to help? Think about this for a second." Lin Zhiguo said in a deep voice.

"Yeah...not going to happen. I won't be helping you or anyone." Yang Chen flatly denied.

Lin Zhiguo clenched his teeth but wasn't going to give up.

"How about...we offer you something in return for your help?"

Yang Chen had a bored expression and asked, "What could you possibly offer me?"

Lin Zhiguo felt he had Yang Chen hooked and continued, "You name it. If you help the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade then we will reward you grandly."

Yang Chen was a little intrigued, but not as much since he can literally have anything he wants with his power. He just wanted to see how far Lin Zhiguo would go for his help.

"I want..."

Lin Zhiguo listened attentively.

Yang Chen grinned, "I want access to China's seas."

Lin Zhiguo and Gray Robe widened their eyes.

This meant Yang Chen's personal navy and armies can come to China anytime they want without permission.

"No!" Lin Zhiguo rejected instantly.

"Then this discussion is over. You can leave now." Yang Chen wasn't going to keep conversing with this fool.

Lin Zhiguo was struggling inside. "Let me...think about this for some time."

Gray Robe was shocked that his master would actually be considering this.

Yang Chen grinned and said, "You know where to find me. Just give a call to my company and we'll set up another meeting."

Lin Zhiguo got up and left the garden while thinking seriously. Gray Robe followed behind him as well.

When they were gone, Yang Chen was staring at the flowers and couldn't help but ridicule Lin Zhiguo.

"Fucking idiot."

(With Lin Zhiguo)

When Lin Zhiguo got in his military Hummer with his subordinates, Gray Robe hurriedly asked, "Master, are you really thinking about this."

Lin Zhiguo had a number of wrinkles that seemed to be wearier than usual.

"I am."

"Then...what about the higher-ups?"

Lin Zhiguo's eyes went cold, "Hmph. It seems that I'm the only one who is thinking about our country's future. With Pluto's help, we won't have to be treated like backwater by other countries. So the higher-ups don't have to know about this."

Gray Robe painfully closed his eyes and turned blind-eyed to his master's words. He knows his master was speaking the truth in not informing the higher-ups.

Lin Zhiguo then revealed a cold smile, "It doesn't matter anyway. As long as I am Yang Chen's grandfather-in-law, he won't dare to touch me."

Oh, boy was he wrong. Yang Chen would never care about that stuff so he should watch his words, that's if he doesn't want to suffer.