Chapter 42

(Next Day- Morning)

Back at the Dragon villa, Yang Chen was heading downstairs for breakfast.

Yesterday night he had come home after spending time with Rose.

Yang Chen then took his seat and started to eat his breakfast.

While eating, he noticed that Ruoxi was awfully quiet so he asked, "Ruoxi, what's wrong?"

Ruoxi seemed to be distracted by something but came back to reality when Yang Chen had asked her something.

Ruoxi gently shook her head and smiled, "It's nothing."

In truth, Ruoxi was panicking inside. She was going to meet Yang Chen's lover today. How can she not?

Yang Chen noticed her uneasiness and figured out it was probably because she was going to meet Rose.

"You know, If you don't want to do this, you don't have to." Yang Chen said.

Ruoxi felt butterflies in her stomach and smiled gently, "No, I already said I would meet her and I'll stick to my word."

Yang Chen smiled warmly before continuing to eat his breakfast.

Wang Ma, who was listening to their conversation, had a smile on her face. Ruoxi had told her yesterday, that she would meet Yang Chen's lover.

Wang Ma was surprised because she never would have expected Ruoxi would do this but still supported her decision. She wanted her Young Miss to be happy and have a good relationship with Yang Chen.

After breakfast was over Yang Chen got up from his seat and said, "Thanks for the meal, Ruoxi." Before he went back upstairs. He wasn't going to work today and he wanted to ask Chaos some questions.

Ruoxi gave a delightful smile before Wang Ma asked her something.

"Young Miss, at you ready to meet her?"

Ruoxi was still a little nervous but nodded resolutely. She then got up from her seat and headed to her car. She was going to work right now and would be meeting Rose this afternoon.

Wang Ma smiled and wished her good luck before going to wash the dishes.

Yang Chen, who was in his room, was sitting in a lotus position. He had his eyes closed since he was inside his dantian.

When inside, Yang Chen called for Chaos.

Chaos came out of Yang Chen's shadow and kneeled in front of him.

"Master?" Chaos said.

"Chaos, what would happen if I had you devour the Great Purity Divine Thunder?" Yang Chen asked.

"Master, I would be able to jump toward the peak of Grade Purity since my soul is one of the strongest in this universe." Chaos replied respectfully.

"I see. Will I also, be affected as well?" Yang Chen asked."

Chaos nodded, "Yes, Master. We are now linked, so any stage I will reach will be the same realm you will achieve."

Yang Chen was in deep thought before asking, "What about the Three Yang True Fire and the Six Directions Cold Water Tribulation?"

"Master with my insights about the realms, you would be able to easily achieve these realms without great difficulty." Chaos replied. Although Chas was already dead and became a shadow, he still kept some of his pride when talking about his achievements.

Yang Chen nodded and had Chaos return back to his shadow. He would then start cultivating since he was close to achieving the Transcends Tribulations.

While being on the Soul Formation Stage, cultivators of this realm wouldn't be able to know where exactly they are in since everyone is in the same realm. But Yang Chen could tell where exactly he was at. He was in around Mid-Peak and he wouldn't stay in this realm for long if he focused all his time to cultivate.

Too bad Yang Chen's main focus wasn't cultivation. He could achieve any stage without great difficulty with little time but he wasn't in a rush. There is no threat to him so he could take as much time as he wants.


(With Ruoxi)

Ruoxi was in her office doing paperwork when there was a knock in her door.

"Come in." Said Ruoxi.

The door opened and revealed one of Ruoxi's best friends. It was Mo Qianni who had entered.

Mo Qianni had a weird expression as she looked at Ruoxi. Ever since yesterday, she had a lot of questions to ask her.

"Qianni?" Ruoxi asked.

"Ruoxi...why are you acting that way toward Yang Chen?" Mo Qianni asked hesitantly. She wanted to know the answer to this question first.

Ruoxi was caught off guard by her question. She then slightly blushed and said, "Because, he's my husband."

"But you're only together by contact." Mo Qianni said quickly.

"I know, but we're still married." Ruoxi backed up her claim. She wasn't even upset by this, from the sound of her tone. She even sounded quite chirpy when she this.

Mo Qianni was observing her behavior as she said that. She now understood why she was acting this way toward Yang Chen. Her heartfelt a sting of pain as she thought of this.

" you know that he's seeing someone else?!" Mo Qianni blurted without thinking. She then quickly covered her mouth as she just realized what she just said.

Ruoxi turned her head and said softly, "I know."

Mo Qianni became stunned. After a couple of seconds, she asked with a shaky voice, "T-Then, why are you still with him?"

Ruoxi turned her head to look straight at Qianni eyes. Her eyes became soft before she said.

"Because I want to."

Mo Qianni just continued looking at Ruoxi. She has known her for years so she could tell she was speaking the truth.

Ruoxi then asked, "How do you know about this, Qianni?"

Mo Qianni regained focus and said with a low voice, " I saw them together one night." Her mood had become slightly down after hearing Ruoxi's reason for her acts.

Ruoxi could tell something was up with Qianni. At first, she thought she was speaking this topic because she was concerned for her, but now it might be because of a whole different meaning.

Ruoxi's mind prevented to not think too deeply into this. She didn't want to hear the real reason for her questions so she tried to change the topic.

"Is there anything else, Qianni?" Ruoxi asked.

Qianni gently shook her head and said, "No, I'll be heading back to my office now."

Ruoxi's heartfelt guilt as she saw the mood of her best friend had drastically fallen. Her earlier suspicion was becoming more of a fact, but what was she supposed to do?

In the end, Ruoxi could only nod but her eyes showed a bit of bitterness for her friend.

Mo Qianni not noticing this turned around and left Ruoxi's office.

Once she was gone, Ruoxi sighed heavily before returning to her paperwork.