Chapter 61

(AN: F_ _ _ .)

Yang Chen arrived at Rose's bar and saw her sitting at the stool.

Rose's outfit consisted of a grey thin sweater, tight light blue jeans, and beige sandal heels. Her hair was also styled in a long ponytail.

Rose, seeing Yang Chen walk in, got up from the stool and went to go hug him.

Yang Chen held her waist and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"You finished with your gang business?" Yang Chen asked.

Ruoxi smiled sweetly and nodded, "Yup. I'm having Little Zhao take temporary leadership while I'm away."

"Then are you ready to go now?" Yang Chen asked.

Rose nodded and Yang Chen went over to the stool and picked up the small suitcase that was next to it. He then walked up to her and placed his arm over her while they both headed back to his car.

Once near his car, Yang Chen placed the suitcase in the trunk before getting in the car with Rose and heading to go pick up Ruoxi and Wang Ma.

It didn't take long for them to reach the Dragon Villa. The couple then got off from the car and could see Ruoxi and Wang Ma waiting at the front door, each with their suitcase.

Ruoxi was wearing a white trench coat that went up to her waist, a black skirt with black leggings and ankle boots.

Ruoxi went toward Yang Chen and pecked him on the lips. She then greeted Rose.

It didn't take long before they started a full-fledged conversation. Yang Chen then loaded Ruoxi and Wang Ma's luggage into the trunk before they headed to the airport.

Once they were at the airport, Yang Chen got off the car and was immediately greeted by one of his subordinates.

The subordinated bowed respectfully, "Sir, everything is ready for your departure. You just have to walk in and nobody will obstruct your way."

Yang Chen nodded and handed him his car keys, "Take the car back to my place. After that, you could have the rest of the week off."

The subordinate bowed his head once more with a grateful smile, "Thank you, sir." He then got on Yang Chen's car and left.

Ruoxi became confused as to why they were leaving their luggage back at the car so she asked.

"Hubby, what about our things?"

Yang Chen gave a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, I have it with me."

Yang Chen had transferred all their belongings into his space dimension so they won't have to carry it later on. Ruoxi and Rose didn't ask questions since they believed him while Wang Ma was a bit confused but chose not to ask.

Yang Chen then entered the airport while the rest followed suit. He then put his right arm around Ruoxi while holding Rose's hand with his left.

They both blushed slightly but they didn't move away. Wang Ma giggled and gave a teasing smile, "Oh my, how bold."

Their blush intensified and Yang Chen chuckled. They started walking to their plane the whole way like this.

The surrounding people couldn't help and be gobsmacked at this scene. They were first dazed at these beautiful women's looks especially Ruoxi. They then looked at Yang Chen and the men couldn't help and curse quietly at their jealousy but they didn't dare voice their complaint as they recognized who this man was. Some people tried to take out their phones and take pictures at this scene but their devices were mysteriously turned off. Their phones wouldn't turn on no matter how hard they tried and wallowed in sorrow while still looking at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen and the rest just walked through any clearance and made their way toward the private jet. Once they saw it, Wang Ma and Rose were a bit stunned at this extravagant plane.

Ruoxi wasn't fazed by this since she had been inside planes that came close to this kind.

The door ladder was already lowered so they went inside and Wang Ma and Rose's mouth gaped slightly. They had never left the country so being inside a plane was new for them. Wang Ma had always stayed home to do her caretaking duties while Rose had stayed to be of use to her old gang and train most of the time.

The plane had a nice comfy leather couch and right in front of it was a big TV. There were other seats beside it and many other rooms to rest in.

The door of the plane lifted and closed itself. Rose and Wang Ma then went to explore the rest of the interior while Yang Chen sat on the couch. Ruoxi took off her coat and joined him.

"Want to watch a movie?" Yang Chen asked.

Rouxi nodded and leaned her head in his shoulder while making herself comfortable.

10 minutes later, the plane was already in the sky and Rose came back by herself.

"Where's Wang Ma?" Ruoxi asked curiously.

Rose sat down next to Yang Chen's other side, "She saw a magazine about facial products and is now reading it in one of the rooms."

Ruoxi giggled and turned back to the TV. Rose sat down on the couch while making herself comfortable by leaning next Yang Chen's free shoulder and watching the movie with them.

By the time the movie had reached it's a half-point, Ruoxi and Rose were already fast asleep on Yang Chen's shoulder.

Yang Chen shook his head but he couldn't blame them. This movie was kind of boring.

'Should've picked another one.' Yang Chen thought to himself before he hugged Ruoxi and Rose in each arm and closed his eyes. He was going to rest until they had reached Kyoto.

One hour and a half, the plane was descending toward the ground. This meant that they had finally made it to Kyoto. Yang Chen had only picked this boring movie since it would kill time which meant the whole flight had been a three-hour journey.

Yang Chen opened his eyes and yawned. He then shook Ruoxi and Rose gently.

Rose woke up first and opened her droopy eyes, "Hubby." She then snuggled back into his chest and proceeded to go back to sleep.

Yang Chen rolled his eyes and chuckled, "C'mon, we're here already."

Rose became instantly awake and looked around, through the windows. She could now see that they had landed.

Yang Chen felt that he was being tugged on and looked over to Ruoxi. She hadn't even woke up and was still in Yang Chen's embrace.

Yang Chen could tell she was pretending so he smirked evilly. He then lowered his hand to feel her thigh, making Ruoxi slightly blush, and whispered to her ear.

"If you don't open your eyes then we'll be on this couch for another two hours."

Ruoxi's face blushed even more. She then instantly opened her eyes and looked around, "Oh! Looks like we're here. Hubby, what are you doing? Let's go already."

Yang Chen chuckled before he stood up with them and they were immediately greeted by Wang Ma.

"My, my. Young people are so vital today." Wang Ma said as she had her hand over her mouth.

Ruoxi and Rose blushed.

"Wang Ma!" Ruoxi shouted from embarrassment.

Wang Ma giggled and Yang Chen smiled before he started walking toward the door which had been automatically opened.

Ruoxi grabbed her coat and followed Yang Chen with Rose and Wang Ma out of the plane.