Chapter 64

(AN: rewritten )

Yang Chen made it to his new company. It was a black twenty-story building with clear windows. On the very top, it had three letters, 'SEC'.

(AN: Just search up Seagram Building. It looks just like that.)

Yang Chen entered inside and the ground floor was already occupied by the receptionists. They bowed respectfully toward him.

Yang Chen nodded toward them while heading toward his office on the top floor. He had already made arrangements prior to today's plans so the building was already occupied by his subordinates that had migrated to Japan.

Yang Chen would have teleported them but he decided to do it the legit way so his business can stay legitimate. So he went in contact with an important individual and had his subordinates get real documents and the right to come to Japan. Yang Chen had to bribe this individual with a hefty sum of money but whatever amount he paid, wouldn't affect him. He was practically loaded so money will never be an issue for him.

Once Yang Chen was gone, his subordinate raised their heads and got back work. This was their first day so they had to live up to their boss's expectations.

Yang Chen was now in his office. It was pretty standard. His desk was wood carved, a monitor on it, and behind his chair was the glass windows that overlayed the whole city of Kyoto.

Yang Chen looked toward the other person in the office. It was Hannya. She was wearing a white-collared shirt which was buttoned to the point that part of her cleavage showed, making a nice V. She had black squared glasses and her blond hair was tied in a bun, leaving a few strands over her face. Her grey skirt was also quite short which had only covered most of her thighs, leaving her amazing legs exposed with high heels on her delicate feet.

Hannya was holding a clipboard toward her chest with a committed expression on her face. She was going to be her Master's new secretary so she couldn't afford to slip up.

Once Hannya saw Yang Chen walk in, she released a slight smile.

"Good morning, Master." Hannya slightly bowed her head.

"Morning." Yang Chen replied casually while making his way over to his seat and sitting down.

Once he sat down, Hannya immediately became serious and gave him the report.

"Master, will this be your final approval on this idea?"

Yang Chen nodded, "Yes. We will be entering the gaming industry."

Hannya showed an admiring smile, "Good idea, Master! So we invented a Virtual Reality headset that sends the consciousness inside the game so the players can enjoy the marvels of another world virtually."

"Not just one world but nine in total." Yang Chen said with a smile.

Hannya was confused, "What do you mean, Master?"

"The game that we will release alongside the virtual reality helmet will be free. This game will have nine vast worlds in total. Each world or realm will be different. A fantasy world with monsters, a futuristic world with aliens, and even a dead apocalyptic world. That and much more will be inside the game. This game will be heavily involved in freedom so whatever choices you make will impact you greatly." Yang Chen explained.

Hannya was amazed at her Master's game, "What will be the goal for the players inside this game?"

"As I said, this game will be heavily involved in freedom. Meaning, you get to choose your goal. It might be ruling a continent or world, destroying everything in your path, or even achieving godhood."

"But it won't be easy to get what you want. There are certain requirements and levels to advance to the next world, let alone rule one. Each realm will have its own storyline but it is up to you if you want to complete it. Completing it will be the fastest way for advancement but you still might get killed as soon as you step into the new world."

"Oh, and if you get killed three times in-game then you will go through reincarnation, meaning you will lose all your items and skills and restart from the very beginning as a new race. But don't worry, each time you enter a new realm your life count goes back up to three."

Hannya had stars in her eyes, "When we will be releasing this game, Master?!"

Yang Chen thought for a second, "Hopefully in a few days when the VR gets released as well. We will have to advertise internationally but I have a lot of connections so that won't be a problem. This game will go well, especially after knowing that it is cheap and affordable. Everyone will be able to play this, no matter if your suffering from a disease like blindness, deafness, etc... All thanks to the VR helmet we created."

Hannya couldn't help but become more proud to be her Master's slave.

"Then what about the self-healing bracelet, you invented in China?" Hannya asked with bright eyes.

Although this device was invented and sold only in China, there was still going to talk across the world about this item so some countries bought these for more than the actual price by illegal means.

Yang Chen shook his head, "We won't be selling that international yet. We will first start with the Virtual Reality Helmet then later down the line, we will start selling the self-healing bracelet."

Hannya nodded amiably and wrote a reminder in her clipboard.

"Now with that over, what about the Yamata Sect leader?" Yang Chen asked.

Coldness could be seen pass through Hannya's eyes at the mention of this guy.

"Yes. He is aware of your arrival in Kyoto and will be planning a secret attack so he could steal the god's stone." Hannya spoke coldly. She continued.

"He will try to lure you in by using your old lover that had passed away years ago before he uses a very powerful poison on you." As she spoke about Yang Chen's old lover, pity and sadness became visible in her eyes.

'Seventeen, huh? Now that I think about her, I really need to tell Ruoxi about Seventeen's soul being dormant in her body. ' Yang Chen thought. Although this was his supposedly his past lover, he didn't know what he should feel.

Hannya, seeing Yang Chen not responding, felt that this was her fault things became this way. So she lowered her head and bit her lip while saying in a soft tone.

"I'm sorry, Master."

Yang Chen was confused, "For what?"

Hannya couldn't look him in the eyes but she still responded.

"Maybe I could've done something different..."

Yang Chen sighed before he patted her on the head, "Don't blame yourself over something that wasn't in your control. Especially considering that slimy old bastard's tricks."

Hannya slowly raised her head and nodded with a tiny blush on her face.

Yang Chen stopped patting her head and said, "Alright. I'll be heading home now. I know I just got here but I need to do something important."

Hannya became surprised and asked, "Can I drive you home then, Master?" She then quickly added

"It is my duty as your servant to tend to your every need."

Yang Chen thought for a second. He was going to teleport home but since it was still morning, Ruoxi and Rose might still be asleep.


Hannya became happy and quickly followed behind Yang Chen as they made their way toward his car.

Fifteen minutes later, Yang Chen arrived home and they both got off the car.

"See you tomorrow, Hannya."

Hannya was a little saddened that she couldn't spend more time with her master but today was progress.

"Goodbye, Master." Hannya said as she looked at her Master's back as he walked inside his house. She then left toward her own house which was walking distance away from here. She couldn't wait to see her Master tomorrow.

Yang Chen, entering the house, went toward the dining area and saw Rose eating breakfast while Wang Ma was setting more dishes on the table for Ruoxi's empty seat.

Wang Ma became surprised as she saw him.

"Young Master, didn't you head off to work?"

Yang Chen went toward Rose and pecked her on the lips, "Something came up. By the way, where's Ruoxi?"

Rose smiled sweetly, "She woke up a little later than me so she's getting changed right now."

"Thanks." Yang Chen kissed her lips once more and headed toward the bedroom.

Once there, Yang Chen opened the door and saw Ruoxi just finishing buttoning her shirt for her office attire.

"Ruoxi, you heading to work or something?" Yang Chen asked a little curiously.

Ruoxi became startled at Yang Chen's sudden entrance.

"Hubby, don't scare make like that. Yes, I am. I have a branch company in Kyoto so I decided to do a surprise inspection just to see if everything is running smoothly."

Yang Chen went over and held her waist before he kissed her sweet lips.

Ruoxi smiled lovingly and asked, "By the way, didn't you say you were going to work today. What happened?"

Yang Chen's face became solemn and felt a little hesitant for a couple a seconds but he still decided to just tell Ruoxi about his past.


Ruoxi became a little startled as the mood had gotten serious so she listened attentively.

"Remember how I told you about my identity as a God."

Ruoxi nodded and Yang Chen continued.

"Well, I never really explained everything about my past relationships."

Ruoxi became a little shook. She has always wanted to know more about her lover's past relationship but she didn't want to push him to tell her.

Yang Chen then started explaining his relationship with seventeen since it would probably be the most important to her. He explained how he had met seventeen in the orphanage where he was sent to as a kid, how that place became hell, how they both survived, and how seventeen had offered her body to him for a deal as they got older.

Ruoxi already had tears rolling down her face at Yang Chen's backstory.

Yang Chen didn't stop and just held her waist higher as he continued.

"Ruoxi, I have killed a lot of people before and I think you might know this. I have made a lot of enemies growing up because all I could think about was killing for my own amusement."

Ruoxi didn't back away or have the slightest reaction. She just kept looking toward Yang Chen's eyes.

Yang Chen felt happy she didn't back away as he continued.

"Three years ago, Seventeen had approached me and gave me the news that she was pregnant..."

Ruoxi trembled.

Yang Chen couldn't do anything about this but hold her tighter.

Suddenly Ruoxi asked, "W-Where is she now?"

"She isn't here anymore."

"She left you?!" Ruoxi asked with slight anger in her voice.

Yang Chen shook his head, "She passed away..."

Ruoxi froze.

After a couple of seconds, she asked, "A-And the child?"

"She is alive and well." Yang Chen answered.

Ruoxi sighed in relief before she noticed something.

"So it's a girl. Where is she now then?"

Yang Chen gave a slight smile, "Some old geezer is taking care of her for now."

Ruoxi was a little angry, "Shouldn't you be taking care of your own daughter?"

Yang Chen chuckled, "I will, of course. It's just...I had thought the little girl had passed away when her mother had died."

Yang Chen gave this excuse since he couldn't tell Ruoxi that he only knew about his daughter because of his knowledge from the novel.

Ruoxi's small anger dissipated and her face became guilt-ridden.

"I-I'm sorry, hubby..."

Yang Chen pecked her on the lips, "It's okay."

Yang Chen's face became solemn once more since he was about to tell Ruoxi that Seventeen's soul was inside her body.

"Ruoxi, Seventeen isn't exactly dead..."

Ruoxi became confused, "What do you mean?"

"Her soul... It was transferred into your body..."

Ruoxi bobbled her head to the side. She was honestly lost.

Yang Chen sighed, "When she had died, her soul traveled inside of your body by chance. So she is technically not dead, she is just dormant."

Ruoxi was at loss for words, "Hubby, I don't understand! How is that even possible?!"

Yang Chen comforted her and gently calmed her down.

Ruoxi took a deep breath and asked a question.

"Do you love Seventeen?"

"...No." Yang Chen answered honestly. Yes, he could remember the memories with Seventeen but he never truly experience time with her.

Ruoxi was slightly surprised so she looked toward his eyes and could see he was speaking truthfully.

"Do you want me to separate her soul from your body?" Yang Chen asked suddenly.

Ruoxi became astounded, "Hubby, you can do that?"

Yang Chen nodded contently, "Of course."

Ruoxi became lost in thought for a couple of minutes. She was having difficulty answering.

"What will happen to her if we separate?" Ruoxi asked.

Yang Chen became quiet. He could, of course, give her a new body but he still had to ask Seventeen if that was what she wanted. Although he wasn't concerned as much for her, she was still the mother of his child.

Seeing Yang Chen not answering her question, Ruoxi thought that something bad would happen to Seventeen.

Ruoxi didn't know why she was suddenly caring for Seventeen even after finding Yang Chen's true feelings toward her. But after finding out she was Yang Chen's first lover and the mother of his child, she wanted to make her husband speak with her an possibly find out if he was suppressing his actual feelings.

"Can you wake her up while she is still in my body?" Ruoxi asked.

"I can, but why do you want me to do that?" Yang Chen asked.

Ruoxi shook her head and asked softly, "Can you please just do it?"

Yang Chen looked at Ruoxi's eyes for a couple of seconds before he nodded. He then separated from Ruoxi and extended his hand.

"Alright. Give me your hand and close your eyes."

Ruoxi held onto Yang Chen's right hand and closed her eyes.

After about a minute, Ruoxi slowly opened her eyes. But something was different. The atmosphere around her had totally changed. She now had a cold aura around her.

Ruoxi then surveyed the room out of habit until her eyes landed on Yang Chen.

"Thirteen?" Ruoxi asked with surprise evident in her face. Suddenly her eyes widened as she recalled the last thing she remembered.

Ruoxi's eyes quickly became red and tears were rolling down her cheeks.

Yang Chen felt slight heartache and wanted to comfort her so he held her hand gently. He knew this wasn't Ruoxi but it was still her appearance nonetheless.

Yes, this was now Seventeen that was in control of Ruoxi's body. Yang Chen was extremely careful, in order, to not damage Ruoxi's soul in the slightest.

Seventeen regained her awareness as Yang Chen touched her. She looked at him and the coldness atmosphere around her had been replaced by extreme killing intent.

Regular people would be really frightened by this atmosphere but to Yang Chen, it was nothing.

Suddenly, Seventeen lifted her free hand and used her fingernails to strike Yang Chen's neck quickly with swiftness.

Yang Chen caught her wrist as soon as it came close to him with ease.


Seventeen didn't allow him to say anything as she was glaring hatefully toward Yang Chen. She then quickly rotated her body and delivered a high kick toward his face.

There was a tearing sound the came from her skirt as it ripped slightly for her leg to extend upwards.

Yang Chen caught her leg as well, restricting her movements. He was now holding onto both her wrist and leg.

"Calm down." Yang Chen said.

You could see Seventeen's black panties as her leg was caught but she could hardly care. Right now, only extreme hate and sadness were present in her eyes.

"Go fuck yourself and die." Seventeen finally spoke but with cold words.

Yang Chen sighed. He could understand why she was very angry. The last thing she remembered was dying in an explosion as she was pregnant.

"This is your fault... Your fault! If it wasn't for you, my daughter would be alive and well right now you bastard!" Seventeen choked on sobs as she tried to keep her cold act together but it was proven pointless.

"She isn't dead." Yang Chen said, making Seventeen widen her eyes. She then suddenly remembered that she was alive right now. So that means her child may have survived as well.

Yang Chen released her and Seventeen immediately asked with a hopeful face.

"Then, where is my daughter?!"

"I'll tell you but first..." Yang Chen motion Seventeen to look at the body mirror that was inside the bedroom.

Seventeen became stunned. She then slowly lifted her hand to feel her face and confirmed that this was her.

This person looked like her old self but the person she was starting at was way more beautiful. She then looked toward Yang Chen with a confused expression that said.

"What is this?"

Yang Chen didn't waste time and started explaining about how her soul was transferred into this body when she had died and how she was sharing this body with someone else.

Seventeen was shocked by this, "How could that even happen?"

"That...It's not important right now. You just need to know that you and the child survived." Yang Chen said. He was going to tell her and Ruoxi about how Athena had caused this but now wasn't the time. He first wanted to handle this problem first then that would come later.

Seventeen could care about the details later, she just wanted to see her daughter.

"Take me to her." Seventeen demanded.

Yang Chen had no problems with this. Even if he declined, he knew she would go off by herself to look for her. He wasn't about to let that happen mainly because she was still in Ruoxi's body.

Yang Chen extended his hand toward her, "Hold my hand so I can take you to her."

Seventeen found this weird but she still held his hand. She then remembered something.

"Who's body is this, anyway."

Yang Chen smiled, "My wife's."

Seventeen became stunned but before she was able to say anything, Yang Chen had teleported them both back to Zhonghai.