Chapter 70

Yang Chen returned home and was greeted with the sight of a loving family in the living room.

Ruoxi and Seventeen were both playing with Lanlan while the TV was playing a Korean drama. Along with Wang Ma and Rose who were also enjoying the antics of the little girl.

Lanlan, seeing who entered the house, rushed to him.

"Papa, mama Ruoxi said she would buy me a pony!" Lanlan said excitedly.

Yang Chen looked at Ruoxi and saw her slightly blushing in embarrassment. She had only said this since Lanlan had watched a commercial, containing horses, and saying she wanted one.

Ruoxi couldn't help and spoil her so she said she would buy her one when they returned to Zhonghai.

Ruoxi soon berated herself as she heard what Lanlan said next.

"Papa, do ponies taste good?" Lanlan asked brightly while licking her lips.

"Lanlan!" Ruoxi felt embarrassed.

Yang Chen chuckled and patted her head. He was still new to this father role so he didn't say anything. Only time would help him with this one.

Wang Ma stood up from the couch and picked up Lanlan.

"It's time for your bath, sweet girl."

Lanlan didn't want to bathe but Wang Ma had already left to the bathroom before she could slip away.

Yang Chen sat at the center of the sofa, between Ruoxi and Rose. He then placed his arms over both of them and started watching TV, to enjoy his time.

Seventeen was sitting on a separate small couch so she saw his movements. She couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

'Wait, why am I feeling like this... He has always been this way...' Seventeen thought bitterly. She then continued watching the Korean drama so she wouldn't have to keep looking at their intimacy.

Ruoxi blushed as Seventeen was right there. Rose was the only one to see Seventeen's action. She could tell what she was feeling right now. But, she couldn't do anything. If her lover didn't have feelings for this girl, what can she do? She can't force Seventeen's feelings onto him. She would hate herself for that.

To avoid this awkward atmosphere, Ruoxi asked Yang Chen about his day.

Yang Chen, being thick-skinned, didn't notice the awkwardness.

"H-Hubby, how did meeting your friend go?"

Yang Chen's mind remembered the conversation he had with Jane and he became lost in thought.

"Hubby?" Rose was the one to ask, with worry.

"Huh? Oh, it went well..." Yang Chen said weirdly.

Every girl in the room noticed his way of saying that. They could tell something was affecting him.

Rose had learned that Yang Chen was visiting a friend, from Ruoxi. Ruoxi also explained the details of the call she overheard.

Rose also came to the same conclusion as her. That Yang Chen may have feelings for his childhood friend.

Seventeen, on the other hand, knew Yang Chen her whole life. So she could tell when something was affecting him.

Seventeen thought of something so she stood up from the couch.

"I'll be going to the convenience store." She then left the house.

Nobody knew what was that about so they left it alone.

Now alone, Ruoxi asked a question she's been wanting to know.

"H-Hubby, do you like...this woman...your childhood friend."

Yang Chen stayed quiet as he didn't know what to answer.

As she predicted, Ruoxi said, "Then, what about this. If your childhood friend were to suddenly fall in love with someone else, how would you feel?"

Yang Chen felt negative emotions as he heard that.

As Ruoxi saw his reaction, she confirmed his answer.

"Hubby, it's okay," Ruoxi spoke for her and Rose.

Yang Chen became surprised and looked at her.

"Are you sure, you're okay with this?"

Ruoxi showed a bitter smile and was honest.

"Of course not, hubby. I feel like you would forget me or Rose if you suddenly got another lover. But..."

Ruoxi's eyes slowly became watery, "...But, I'm no different than your childhood friend. I came in between you and Rose's relationship. So, why should I constrain your feelings toward her."

"S-So please, whatever happens in the future. Just don't forget about me..."

Yang Chen was stunned by her reaction. He then smiled warmly, wiped her tears, cupped her face, and kissed her.

"Of course, I won't."

Ruoxi smiled sweetly.

Yang Chen then turned to Rose, "...How about you, are you okay with this?"

Rose smiled gently and pecked him on the lips.

"As I said before, I would never try to restrain you."

Yang Chen smiled once more and he finally felt at ease. He knew what to do now.

He then grabbed them both by the waist and pulled them closer to him.

"You girls are the best."

Ruoxi and Rose smiled and pecked him on the lips at the same time.

They both soon got up from the couch and headed to the bedroom as Yang Chen's hands were starting to move on their own.

Yang Chen was soon going to join them but he stayed in the living room, by himself, so he could think about some other things.

The front door opened and Seventeen entered the house.

Yang Chen didn't pay attention to her; until he saw her hand something over to him.

It was a box of cheap cigarettes. Seventeen was slightly blushing as she was handing them over.

Yang Chen was slightly confused, "Why are you giving me this?"

"Don't you smoke?" Seventeen asked.

Yang Chen shook his head, "I don't."

"Oh..." Seventeen was stunned.

'When did he stop smoking?' Seventeen asked herself.

Seventeen had known Yang Chen the most and had known every time he would have something on his mind, he would smoke.

In truth, Seventeen hated when Yang Chen smoked. But, he would always feel at ease when he did. So she never restricted him and would sometimes gift him rich cigarettes.

Seventeen didn't even have money for these so she just stole them. It was an easy task for someone like her.

She slowly retracted her hand and said, "I see... Well, goodnight."

She then went toward her room and threw the pack of cheap cigarettes in the trashcan on her way there.

Yang Chen can figure out why she was trying to give him cigarettes. From his memories, he knew Yang Chen was an avid smoker but since he was affected by the God's Stone when he was young, along with him being a cultivator, the side effect of smoking was useless toward him.

Yang Chen stood up and shrugged.

"She may not be so cold..."

He then went upstairs as his women were waiting for him.

(AN: I'll upload the rest later or tomorrow. I did write these chapters some time ago so it may be a little choppy.)