Chapter 72

Nine-Tails had disguised herself as Seventeen again.

Nine-Tails looked at Yang Chen and showed a pitiful look.

"Yang Chen...I'm sorry. I know, I did wrong so please...forgive me?"

Nine-Tails had genuine tears in her eyes. It wasn't because of guilt. She was just absolutely afraid. She didn't want to die like the way Yang Chen handled Noriko Okawa.

Yang Chen instantly appeared in front of Nine-Tails and grabbed her by the neck. He then lifted her.

"How does it feel?"

Nine-Tails regretted her actions. She tried to escape his grasp since she couldn't breathe, but it was all hopeless.

Suddenly, Nine-Tails slowly started to revert to her original appearance as she couldn't breathe. This must've taken a toll on her mind.

Yang Chen gave her a scornful smile. He then threw her over at the tea table without mercy.

Everything on the table fell on the ground and broke on impact. The leftover tea spilled all over the leaves.

As soon as they both came into contact, the leaves instantly withered away. That's how strong the poison was.

Nine-Tails coughed as she gasped for air. Her body felt bruised but this was nothing compared to what was in store for her.

Yang Chen then stabbed Nine-Tails through her left leg with the Demon's blade and left it there.

"Ahh!" Nine-Tails shouted in absolute pain.

She felt as if hundreds of hot sharp knives were penetrating her leg at the same time.

She tried to raise the katana off her leg, only to instantly regret it right after.


With another painful cry, Nine-Tails' hands started bleeding with the pain of getting cut still lingering.

Not being able to stand this traumatic experience, Nine-Tails lost consciousness.

Yang Chen didn't heal her. If she died, then so be it. Even if she somehow survived, she would probably commit suicide as she wouldn't be able to handle the after-effects of getting wounded by this cursed weapon.

Yang Chen then looked around the courtyard. There were corpses scattered around.

Hannya had finished her job and killed all of them.

Yang Chen found Hannya looking over Noriko Okawa with a face full of killing intent.

Although in pain, Noriko was conscious the whole time and could hear the sound of bodies falling on the ground. He also heard Yang Chen calling out toward Hannya before the massacre began.

Yang Chen walked over to Hannya.

Hannya didn't even notice Yang Chen's presence as her only thoughts, at the moment, were about revenge.

Yang Chen didn't say anything and just extended his hand toward the direction of Nine-Tails.

Suddenly, the Demon's Blade that was piercing Nine-Tails' leg, flew over towards him.

Yang Chen caught the katana and started inspecting it.

The Demon's Blade did not affect Yang Chen's mind because he had placed mental barriers. This cursed blade also turned submissive toward him, after it felt the aura of Chaos, the divine being residing in Yang Chen's shadow.

'Master, this blade barely holds 1/10 of its true power.' Chaos spoke telepathically.

Yang Chen nodded. He did find it quite weak when he was wielding it.

Suddenly, the katana shone a white light.

Yang Chen had used his powers to get rid of the weaknesses and side effects of this blade. The blade had changed from black to a deep silver. The ancient runes looked ever more vibrantly on the sides.

The Demon's Blade trembled as it was still alive. It felt it had just been reborn. Not being shadowed by the negative emotions from previous wielders, the Demon's Blade felt akin to the day it was brought into this world.

Hannya had come out of her thoughts as the blinding light of the katana, showered her.

'Although this weapon might be extremely powerful in the future, I don't need it.'

Yang Chen then looked at Hannya before handing it over to her.

"Master?" Hannya was confused.

"I don't have use for this weapon. I've also gotten rid of the side effects of this katana."

Hannya looked at it and became hesitant. The was the same blade that was used by that man.

As if understanding her thoughts, Yang Chen said, "Don't worry, it's now a completely new blade. That old man and this katana have nothing in common anymore."

Hannya felt warmth. She hasn't felt this way since the last time she spent a day with her parents.

Those thoughts vanished as she watched them being murdered by the man, beneath her.

She gently took the new Demon's Blade from Yang Chen's hands and was about to exact revenge.

"Hannya." Yang Chen called her name.

Hannya, although, had tears of anger rolling down her face, she still looked back at him.

"Are you just going to let him get away with a quick death?"

Hannya was stunned. She didn't expect him to say that. More anger was evident on her face as she couldn't let that happen. This man had to suffer for everything he ever did to her.

Hannya then pierced her new katana, at the parts where Noriko wasn't injured.

Noriko Okawa screamed the loudest he ever has in his life.

This new and improved Demon's Blade was deadlier than before.

As if music to her ears, Hannya felt satisfied.

Yang Chen then knocked him out with his True Yuan as his shouts were getting annoying.

Hannya looked at Yang Chen and showed a full-fledged smile.

"Thank you, Master."

She could be seen as mentally broken, thanks to the man on the floor, but she didn't care. She felt happy at this moment.

The look she would give Yang Chen became even more infatuated.

Yang Chen smiled and started explaining what would happen next.

"Hannya, now with the Noriko Okawa gone, the Yamata Sect will need a new leader. I want that to be you."

Hannya's joyful expression quickly left.

"B-But, wouldn't you have to go back to Zhonghai soon?"

Yang Chen nodded.

Hannya was on the verge of tears so she begged, "Master, please don't leave me!"

Yang Chen was a little surprised by her defiance.

"I know I'm being selfish, Master! But, I want to follow you wherever you go. I'll be your maid or whatever you want me to. J-Just please, don't leave me..." Hannya said desperately.

Yang Chen scratched the back of his head. In truth, he didn't need Hannya to become the Yamata Sect leader. But, he just found it the fastest way to control that organization. He could always have his other subordinates take control and rebuild it from the ground up. It will take longer, but the endgame is better.

He also found that maid role for her, appealing. Hannya could get even stronger than her current state which means, his family would be safer.

'I shouldn't feel worried since there's nothing that could harm them, but being careful is always better. Also, with Hannya being a maid, Wang Ma won't have to push herself as much, considering we have more people living with us.' Yang Chen thought to himself.

(AN: This is not a flag.😠)

"Fine, you'll be living with me and my family from now on as our new maid." Yang Chen said.

Hannya became elated.

"Thank you, Master!"

Yang Chen then looked at Nine-Tails and her words were playing back in his mind.

'She's right. As long as I'm alive and have the God's Stone in my possession, I will always get enemies coming at my doorstep.' Yang Chen thought seriously.

But if he went against the power organizations of this world, it could incite a World War.

Yang Chen didn't care about stealing territories from other nations and robbing them of all their resources. All he cared about, was his family being safe and living happily.

There was also the Treaty of Gods that was made to prevent Gods from interfering with mortals' problems. Unless they gave a reason, Gods couldn't retaliate or you would become the enemy of the other Olympians.

Again, Yang Chen didn't care about any of this. God, mortal, cultivator, or whomever it was, Yang Chen would kill anyone if they were to try and harm his family.

'I'm not going to wait for the next person to come to my house and annoy me and my family. Fuck that! If I don't want this kind of stuff to happen, then I have to make this world fear me or respect me. But, I'm already feared by many so...'

And with that, Yang Chen made a decision.

This world would soon change. For better or for worse? Nobody knows. The only certain thing is, Yang Chen will stand on top.

"Master?" Hannya brought Yang Chen out of his thoughts.

"Hannya, let's go home. I will have my men clean up the place. I'll also have that Noriko guy get transferred to a hellish place." Yang Chen said before walking out the courtyard.

Hannya smiled happily and followed closely behind him.

(AN: Should blood be spilled?)