Chapter One

12 AM. This was when the animatronics of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria could move about freely, as they were sure all the people had gone. There were three stages; the first one held the older animatronics, Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica. Freddy and Chica were together.

The second stage held the newer animatronics, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Chica. Toy Freddy and Toy Bonnie liked to play video games in the game area.

The third stage held Foxy, one of the older animatronics, and Mangle, one of the newer animatronics. She had been fixed from her old mangled self to a new white and pink fox animatronic. She and Foxy were together.

In one corner was a large gift box, where Puppet lived. He was the one that had brought them all to life, and had magical powers.

Toy Chica hopped down from her stage, putting her cupcake down. Bonnie had disappeared. He probably needed some alone time, his guitar had broken today. She sighed longingly. Bonnie had been her crush for a while, and she was lonely. An idea popped into her head. That was perfect! She wandered over to Puppet's box and knocked on the lid. "Puppet?" The lid opened, and he emerged.

"You called?"

"Yes," Toy Chica replied. "Could you give me some tools?"

"What for?" Toy Chica looked away, blushing. (Her cheeks glowed when she blushed)

"Bonnie's guitar."

"Ah. I understand. Give me a moment." Puppet rummaged through his box and pulled out a tool box. "Here you are. Good luck."

"Thank you," Toy Chica said, then hurried away. She set the tools on one of the tables and grabbed Bonnie's guitar. It's bridge had fallen off and one of the strings had snapped. 'This shouldn't be too hard,' she thought, pushing the bridge back under the strings. She looked through the tool box and pulled out a string that looked about the right size, which she strung on. Then she used the wrench to tune the guitar. Toy Chica played the strings experimentally, tweaked a few knobs, then tried again. Perfect. "Puppet!" She called. "Which way-" Puppet pointed down one of the hallways. "Thanks!" She grabbed the guitar and headed that direction.

She peeked in each room as she passed it, looking for Bonnie. In the fifth room she checked, she found Bonnie sitting against a wall, ears down. Toy Chica hid the guitar behind her back. "Bonnie?" She asked. He looked up.

"Oh, hey Toy Chica," he said. "What's up?"

"Nothing," she said. "What's wrong?"

"My guitar broke," he said. "But it's not just that. I'm…" he hesitated. "Lonely, I guess."

"I can help with one of those things," Toy Chica said, holding out his guitar. Bonnie's ears perked up immediately.

"My guitar! Who fixed it?" He asked, taking it.

"I did," she said timidly, sitting down beside him.

"Thanks!" He exclaimed, then began to play a tune. The melody was familiar to her, so she began to sing along, softly but surely. "You have a beautiful voice," he murmured, still playing. Toy Chica blushed again. They sat like that for a while, singing together.

A loud shout interrupted their song. Toy Chica jumped, removing her head from Bonnie's shoulder where it had fallen. "Freddy's called a meeting," she said. Bonnie stood up, then held his hand out to her. She took it, and he pulled her to her feet.

"Let's get going then," he said. Toy Chica followed him out of the room, down the hallway, and into the main room. The others were gathered around one of the stages. She slipped on a stray piece of pizza, and fell backwards, bracing for impact. But someone caught her, helping her to stand back up. "Are you ok?" Bonnie asked, hand still on her torso.

"Y-yeah," Toy Chica said, blushing again. She blushed harder when she noticed everybody looking at them. She said a quick goodbye to Bonnie before hurrying to stand beside Mangle.

"Did I see what I thought I saw?" Her friend asked, lightly pushing her playfully.

"Erm," Toy Chica muttered.

"Lover girl," Mangle whispered as Freddy began talking. Puppet winked at her as Foxy put his arm around Mangle.

"Today was close," Freddy said. "One of us, I won't say who, almost revealed all of us to the humans. I want to remind you all…" Freddy continued talking. Toy Chica sat down on the stage behind her, legs dangling off the side. She glanced over at Bonnie, who was fiddling with a piece of chipped wood from one of the chairs. She sighed, resting her head on her hand. "... it nears 6 AM." Freddy finished. "We need to get back to our places. Good luck on your performance today!" With that everybody returned to their stages. Bonnie smiles fondly at his guitar as he took his place.

Toy Chica grabbed her cupcake and took her own place, to the left of Toy Freddy. She positioned herself in the correct position as the clock struck six.


At that point, in an unknown place in the pizzeria, two golden colored animatronics plotted their revenge. "Springtrap, the blueprints," said the golden bear. The golden rabbit, Springtrap, pulled out a roll of blueprints

"These are the ones," Springtrap said. "Are you sure this'll work, Fredbear?"

"Positive," Fredbear said, unrolling the blueprints. They were of the pizzeria. "Those animatronics will regret the day they stole our spotlight."