Chapter 20: KaiZhen

I loosen up, and get back into my comfy position.

After about an hour, I finish reading the book. Aargh! It's so confusing! So a political marriage between these two people and then they hate each other so they had war and split the country in two?! That's so selfish of them! And why are our countries so friendly now?!

Commander Yang turns away, "There's also a part not mentioned, but Ri Kingdom now only marries out of love, unless one doesn't find love."

"So the Queen and King are really in love?"

"Yes," he responds.

I glance at his face. He doesn't seem like he's lying, but who knows.

"So does that mean I also have to follow that rule?" I ask.

"Most likely," he says, "Do you have anyone in mind?"

I think. The first face that pops in my head is XiaoLong. I quickly try to erase it. It is true that I like him, but first, I tried to kill him, second, he's a member of the royal family of Yue Kingdom, third, we just can't be together, no matter how he feels or how I feel because of everything that happened. I don't want to return to the past.

"No, not right now," I finally responded.

I jump off the bench and shut the book.

A guy walks out from behind the bush. He was wearing a silver coat and had a … really weird hairstyle… It made his hair quite spiky… I jolt at the sight, but keep my cool.

The man and his guard walk up and bow.

The weird hair dude starts, " Greetings, Princess YingYue, I am the son of General Kai, KaiZhen. It is a pleasure to meet you."

I look at him, weirdly, "Greetings, KaiZhen."

Then I look back at Commander Yang. His face is unreadable, as always. We stand in the awkward silence, as the fresh breeze rustles through my hair.

"Ah, well, I better head back," I say, turning towards the hall.

"W-wait!" KaiZhen calls out.

I turn back to face him.

He talks with a confused look on his face, "Don't you have anything to say?"



I walk towards the palace with Commander Yang in my trail. What a weird guy… Once we are far away, I ask the commander about him.

"Oh, he's technically the most qualified to be the next King, except as you can probably tell, his attitude is quite a problem. That's what's keeping him from the throne for now, until you came."

"Oh," I chat, unfazed, "Well then he wanted to marry me so he could become King?"

"That… is correct…"

"What did he expect me to say?"

"Well…he's very popular with the girls… so I guess… that he's handsome and you want to marry him?" the commander says with uncertainty, actually negligence.

I almost choke on my saliva, "Him? Handsome? With hair like that?"

"Well, according to people here, his hair represents the sun, so they think he's a chosen child," the commander's face reverts back to being unreadable.

I think back to how he looked, "Hmm…"

He was sort of I guess… but I'm unaffected, somehow.

"Well, does mom and dad want him to be the next King?���

The commander's face fills with unease, "No…"

"Then I won't make him King," I respond as if it was by reflex.