Naked? – Part 4

I woke up on the boy's bed and lazily stretched my small legs.

I opened my mouth wide and yawned.

Just as I closed it again, I heard someone chuckle next to me.

"You are a cute one, aren't you~?" The boy said.

I turned towards him. He held one hand under his, supporting it on his pillow.

His chest was bare, showcasing some faint muscles, but nothing much.

I still didn't know his name. And I also didn't know the names of any of the people I met yesterday.

I sat down on my hindlegs, looking at him while tilting my head.

Should I do that? I'd probably be naked, right? Though … it should be fine? He is just a child after all.

I decided to go through with it anyway.

The transforming, that is.

Now, how was it supposed to work again … think very hard about it? Is that even going to work? Sigh-

"Did you just sigh?" The boy asked, rudely interrupting my thoughts.

I nodded.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

I tilted my head to the other side. It's better to just show him.

Transform! I shouted inside of my head.

I felt my body ache slightly, my bones moved, and my fur retracted.

My limbs elongated and so did my tails and my ears.

It took a good minute for the transformation to finish.

This didn't hurt as much as my father said it should. Weird. Maybe that's because I'm a mutated Kitsune?

I slowly opened my eyes, only to see a very shocked young boy before me.

He was staring at my naked body … and, even though I did not expect it, I was slightly embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks slightly heat up, but it soon calmed down as I turned my attention towards my new body.

Hmm. I called him a child … but I'm not exactly all that grown up either. At least I look like I could be 18?

I looked at my back and towards my tails … or rather, tail.

I had willed it to become one and it did. It certainly made it easier to control when it was just one, huge tail.

I looked back at the boy who was still openly staring at my body.

"Mirror." I said, my voice slightly low, but incredibly soft, which made me shudder with excitement.

This voice … I've always wanted to have such a voice …

He just pointed at a room to the right of his bed and I turned away from him to walk down his rather large bed.

As I walked, my hips naturally swayed from side to side with my tail's movement.

I could literally feel the boy continue to stare at me.

Is this how girl's feel when they know when someone is staring at their boobs or something?

Cause I certainly felt like that right now. Like he was undressing me with his eyes … even though he didn't even need to do that, since I am already naked anyway.

I really need to get some clothes later … honestly, this form is great, but I kind of want to return to my fox form again. I feel more comfortable in that form right now, this feels unnatural and alien. Though it also feels … liberating and fulfilling. This is something I always wanted to have before and now that I finally have it … it seems weird. I'll need some time to get used to it for sure. Let's stay in this form for a while.

Finally, I arrived at the door to his bathroom and opened it.

Soon, I found the light switch and turned it on.

His bath was rather big.

It held a shower, a bathtub, a mirror, a toilet and a sink that had various hygiene supplies placed onto it.

So, essentially, it was a very normal bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror … and what I saw made me freeze.

How … could my face be this …

Before I could finish my thought, I could hear a voice beside me.


I turned around to face the boy.

"Right." I said.

"Here." He mumbled, handing me a black tank top and underwear of himself.

I nodded and took them out of his hands.

I looked at him for a bit, expecting him to turn around.

After some time he seemed to have gotten the point as he turned around.

I slowly pulled on the pair of underwear he had given me.

It fit tightly against my skin … and I once again, consciously, noticed the absence of a certain useless addon I had had in my past life.

I'm glad it's gone. I'm glad. I didn't really notice as a fox and I didn't really care either, but now … this makes me feel nice. Finally, I am a girl. Finally. Thankfully.

After pulling on the underwear, I move on to the tank top.

I quickly pull it over my head, having to free my long hair from it, before fully being able to put it on. My hair actually reached down towards my butt, which was surprisingly long.

The tank top fit tightly against my body, making my curves stick out.

It was a bit too small, as it stopped just before the underwear, making a bit of my stomach show itself between them.

I closed my eyes and sighed. This body is wonderful. If I had had a similar body in my past life … then maybe, just maybe …

No. Let's not think of it anymore. My past life is over. This is my new life.

I'll try my hardest to enjoy myself in this life.

Sasuke waited for the girl to finally put on the clothes.

Honestly, he had not expected that small fox to suddenly transform into such a stunning woman.

She seemed to be a few years older than himself.

But how could her face be … this beautiful, yet … emotionless?

It seemed weird. He wanted to make her smile, but … he couldn't even really handle himself in front of her.

Where was his usual calm self now? Where was the one that always thought about revenge …

How come, he couldn't think about anything but that face and that body of hers.

He was twelve right now … clearly way too young to think about such things, but he couldn't help it.

The clothes he had given her, were just random clothes he had picked out on the spot.

As he was lost in thought, he felt a small and gentle hand on his shoulder.

He turned around and saw her in the clothes he had given her.

Honestly, he didn't know how to describe her.

The clothes practically stuck to her body, accentuating all of her curves and making her look even more alluring than she already did before.

"Good?" She asked, tilting her head.

He gulped but managed to nod after a few seconds.

She nodded back at him, before gently shoving him aside with her tail and then moving back to the bed.

He watched as she plopped down on the bed and curled up below the blanket.

He was stunned. Did she really just get up to look at herself in the mirror and to get some clothes? She could still turn back, right?

A/N: Uh. Let me know what you think :3