Blade's Tears

"God, I hate Fall."

Raishun grumbled while adjusting his position on the ground outside the Elder's house. He had been waiting outside for hours. So early had he arrived that the sun was just beginning to rise. Yet, despite his patience, there were no signs of anyone moving in or out of the building.

"This is the third time this week..." He shivered, drawing his knees closer to his chest in an attempt to stave off the biting cold. He couldn't decide which was worse, the prickling numbness of his legs or the air nipping at his fingers. Just as he was beginning to consider leaving, his tired eyes traveled to the Imperial Arm leaning against the wall beside him. Reaching out, he slowly drew his fingers along the black metal.

"I can hold out, though. No matter how long it takes."

As if in response to his words, the Amber-colored gem embedded in the blade gave off a quick flash of light. The action brought a smile to the Legion's face. He knew Serah perceived the world around him in real-time, though whether or not she could hear his words was still unknown to him.

"Hmm... Still outside, I see."

Raishun flinched and turned to see the Elder standing in the now open doorway to her house. She was wrapped in several long grey cloths, on top of which was a bright orange winter jacket. Her long braided hair trailed along the floor and into the building.

"I figured you'd give up and return home after the first few days. I never expected an irritating gnat to buzz around my abode for so long." Despite the harsh words, the Elder cracked a smile. "I suppose I'd rather give you your answers than suffer through another day of being trapped in my own home. Come inside. You'll catch a cold out here."

With a polite nod, Raishun followed the elderly woman inside. He could feel the tension leaving his muscles as he basked in the warm interior of her home. When they arrived at the same room where Raishun had first met the Elder, his eyes wandered to a particular statue. It was of a muscular man with his chiseled chest exposed and what seemed like a sweater tied around his waist. Etched on its face was an all too familiar smirk that screamed confidence.

[That's definitely Castor, alright.]

He came to a stop a meter away from the Elder's seat and waited patiently for the old woman to shuffle onto her bright yellow cushion. Even in the heat, it didn't seem like she planned to remove any of her many layers.

"Before I begin, you deserve an explanation for my hostility when we first met." She said in a voice tinged with regret. "When I was but a girl, there was a woman I cherished more than anyone. She was the type of person who would give anything if it meant others prospered. Many saw her as the village saint, but to me, she was like a mother. So when a man with golden eyes and blue hair showed up one day to spirit her away… well, let's say I've harbored a distaste for those traits ever since."

"Ooohhhh." Raishun nodded in understanding, "I get it. Having Carmila bring in someone with those traits must've been quite the surprise."

"Pah! Carmila is more than old enough to make her own decisions. Had she decided to leave the village with you, I would have supported her decision." The old woman scoffed and glared at him with barely suppressed animosity at the thought. "You, on the other hand… you would be free to go with her after I'm done with you."

"Noted," Raishun replied with a nervous chuckle.

"Now, with the pleasantries out of the way, let me begin my story. Listen well, because I won't be telling it twice."

The old woman cleared her throat, then began her tale in a calm voice.

"Serah Conces… was the woman I was speaking off before. She was one of the village founders back during the Great War. That girl was the backbone of our community, fighting off Grimm with her semblance by day and helping the village however she could by night."

As the Elder spoke, her eyes seemed to take on a hazy look. It was as if she was reliving those days all over again. Then the haziness faded, replaced with a pained expression.

"When the heroes who saved Remnant arrived to assist in our village, Serah became enamored with them. She saw a chance to help people beyond her home, and she took it."

Raishun's eyes narrowed, not only because of the hurt that filled the Elder's voice. But also because of an abnormal pressure near the back of his head. The sensation seemed to both ebb and grow with every word that left the old woman's lips.

"I didn't see her again until the heroes returned on the eve of what would be the war's final battle. She seemed just as happy and bubbly as always. I could hardly believe my ears when the army branded her a traitor and a deserter."

Her voice started to crack, not with grief but with anger. Her dull crimson eyes began to shine brilliantly. The sheer intensity of her gaze made Raishun feel as if she would burn his eyes if he stared too deeply at hers.

"The very thought of her being treated in such a manner fills me with such fury. Had I awakened my semblance at the time, I would have… no, that's not what she would have wanted me to do." The anger in her eyes and voice gave way, and she cast a defeated look at him. "Tell me, Legion, how is she? Is she in pain?"

"She's unhurt physically, but she's lost her memories. That's why I was so eager to speak with you Elder, I wanted to unearth Serah's past for her." Raishun replied with a soft smile while affectionately patting the sword on his hip. "But you described her perfectly; she's just as kind and generous as you said. Without her by my side, I can't imagine myself becoming a Huntsman."

He drew the Caligula from its leather scabbard with a single fluid motion and held it out towards the Elder with both hands.

"I know that she can see the world through my eyes, but I'm not certain if she can hear it too. If you'd like, you can try talking to her. I think it would do you both some good."

For a moment, the Elder seemed taken aback. She quickly recovered, and with trembling fingers, touched the cool metal blade. The moment she made contact, an unfamiliar sensation spread up Raishun's arm, stopping just below his shoulder. He quickly flicked his gaze from the Elder to his arm and saw that it had taken on the same leathery black form that Castor's had when he first touched the Caligula.

"Thank you… Thank you so much for everything you did for us, mother." The Elder whispered in a shaky voice, "I promise to keep your memory alive until the end of my days and to cherish the life you've given me. I promise it to you, the one who was branded the Witch of Stagnation."


Carmila let out a small groan, stretching as she rested her spear on her shoulders. The usually full-length spear had been condensed down to a fraction of its size thanks to the collapsible shaft. The sharp spearhead folded into the sides to avoid accidental injuries.

[No luck finding the Alpha Beowulf today either.] She mused to herself while walking through the village's marketplace. [I know Yona isn't worried since she maimed it, but a Grimm of that size appearing near town is a bad sign.]

Her worries on the Grimm were quickly forgotten when the delicious smell of food coming from street vendors' stalls made her drool. In an instant, she started brainstorming what she would serve for dinner.

[Raishun always eats whatever I cook, and Morgan isn't nearly as picky as Castor. I could try cooking something exotic.] She thought to herself while subconsciously avoiding bumping into the crowd of villagers that surrounded her. [But Morgan did ask to learn how to cook yesterday, so I suppose something simple would be best.]

Her mind made up; Carmila started towards one of the shops when she saw him from the corner of her eye. The mass of villagers moved aside as Raishun shuffled past them, tears falling from his chin onto the ground below him. His amber eyes, which were usually full of mirth, were now clouded with confusion and uncertainty.

"Raishun?" She quickly pushed forward through the crowd until she was in front of him. Stowing her spear in a pouch on her hip, she grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him to look at her. "What happened? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine," Despite his tears, Raishun replied in a calm voice. "Well, I guess I'm a little worn out from getting up early these past couple of days. But it was all worth it! The Elder finally answered some questions about my Imperial Arm!"

Carmila lifted her thumb with a frown and gently drew it across his cheek. "If something good happened, then why do you look as if you're in pain? Why are you crying?"

"Huh?" He quickly lifted a hand to his eyes and seemed shocked when it came away wet. He looked back at Carmila with a perplexed expression. "I-I don't know. I think it's a Legion thing… but I feel perfectly fine, I promise!"

She gazed into his golden eyes with an unconvinced frown.

"C'mon, don't look at me." Raishun pulled away and started wiping at his tears with his sleeve. "God, this is so embarrassing. Legions aren't supposed to cry!"

Carmila's frown slipped away, replaced with a sympathetic smile. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him. "There's no shame in expressing your emotions, and nobody said that Legion's couldn't cry. Don't tell anyone, but Castor cries whenever he has a particularly bad nightmare." She whispered into his ear, her hand slowly running up and down his back. "Yona has to calm him down every time it happens; it's been that way ever since he first became a Legion."

She pulled away, moving her hands onto his shoulders and gripping them tightly. "I may not understand what's making you upset. Perhaps it's something only another Legion could understand. But know that you don't have to go through it alone." Reaching into the pouch on her hip, Carmila retrieved a small cloth, which she used to start dabbing at his tears. "If I can help you even a fraction of the amount Yona helped Castor, then I'll be content. No matter what you need, I want to help however I can."

"You've already done more for me than she ever could," Raishun replied with a soft smile. It didn't stay long, as he scowled when he couldn't stop his tears from falling. "I think… I just need some time to myself. Just a single night is all, and I'll be back to normal afterward." He said with a defeated sigh. "I promise."

He took a step away from the purple-haired girl and perked up when he noticed his surroundings. Instantly his cheeks flushed a bright pink color, and he cast a quick glance at Carmila. "B-Besides, I think people are starting to stare."

"Eh?" Carmila quickly looked around. True to his word, they had attracted quite the crowd. She sucked in a sharp breath and cast her gaze towards the floor shyly. Her cheeks felt so hot; she wouldn't be surprised if they were aflame. "A-alright! I'll see you at home, okay!"

She quickly hurried through the crowd, doing her best to ignore the excited murmurs and comments from the crowd. It wasn't very hard for her. The clamor of the market was nothing compared to the loud drum of her heartbeat.


The world of Raishun's inner heart was a strange place. The walls gave of a magenta light, and Serah had access to every amenity she could think of. He had once found her snacking on a large pile of cakes with her only explanation as to how she got them being, "I just wanted them."

Yet this time things were different. The walls gave off a sullen violet light, a color that worried him. Adding to his troubles, was that his partner was nowhere in sight. The only clue to her location was a quiet sniffling sound coming from the nearby couch. He slowly approached the piece of furniture, taking care to make sure he didn't make any noise. Peering over the back of the couch, he saw her sobbing with her knees close to her chest.

"Serah you're…" He stepped around the piece of furniture to sit beside his partner.

"We did it Raishun. We found my home." She lifted her head to face him with a shaky smile. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her voice trembled with every word. "Thanks to you I can remember my time in Dadabarunga clear as day. The smiles of the townsfolk when I'd come back from a subjugation. The gifts they'd give me after helping them. All the battles I fought in to protect them... " Her crimson eyes locked onto his, and he could see the raw emotion in them. "I did so much for them, but they still branded me a traitor. Was I really so despised that they would call me a witch? Was everything I did so meaningless that it meant I was forgotten?"

"No, you heard how the Elder spoke of you. She loved you so much that even talking about you was painful for her." He placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly, "They were misled into believing that."

Serah clasped her hands together tightly, a broken laugh escaping her lip.

"I thought that finding out my past would make me feel whole again, but all it's done is frighten me. I may remember what happened when I lived in Dadabarunga, but everything after is still foggy."

Her breathing became more and more erratic as she continued, and the color emanating from the walls gradually shifted from it's sullen violet, to a bright red. She clutched her head in both hands, and hunched over as if she were sick.

"What if I really did all those horrible things. What if I deserve to be called a witch, a traitor! I don't want to become like that witch in the storybooks who everyone curses and hates." She glanced at a nearby wall, briefly catching a reflection of herself in the light. "Am I even the real Serah? Or just a fake imitation."

"Don't say that!" Opting to take a page from Carmila's book, Raishun pulled his partner into a tight hug. "

"Serah! You're the farthest thing from fake!" Raishun stepped around the couch and knelt down to the sobbing girl's level. "When I was fighting that large Grimm during the entrance exams, you helped me awaken my semblance and fight it off! Whenever I'm feeling lonely or have my face being crushed into the dirt, you're always there to help me to my feet afterward!" He said confidently. "You're not evil! Someone who does the things you do can't be evil!"

He no longer heard Serah's sobs, her entire body had gone stiff as a statue. After a moment, her hands snaked up to his back, fingers clutching him tightly. Raishun took it as a sign to continue.

"If your past is too painful to discover, then we can move into the future as we are now. If you want to discover your past, then we'll keep searching until we learn everything! We'll face any evil in your past together, and celebrate whenever we find something to be happy about." Raishun pulled away, and rested his hands reassuringly on the girl's shoulders. He flashed his signature toothy grin, "No matter what happens, you'll always be my partner. We promised to be together until death did us part after all."

For a moment, Serah stared at him dumbly with her bloodshot eyes. Then she let out a soft melodic giggle, followed by uncontrollable laughter. She wiped away her tears with a finger, before leaning forward so her forehead pressed into his chest.

"I didn't know you could say such sweet things." She whispered, "Looks like I'll have to be careful, I don't want any girls stealing you."

Raishun laughed, and lightly rapped her head with his knuckles. "Come on, we both know I'm more likely to choke a Grimm to death with my bare hands. Besides, I've already got my hands full taking care of you."

"Please, you should be honored to be able to care for me. Not every Dyad can say they have a cute girl for a partner." She batted her long eyelashes at him endearingly, but he just scoffed.

"Mmm, yeah you're definitely cute. But according to the Elder's story, aren't you more than eighty years old?"

Serah lifted her head and shot him a dangerous glare. Just as Raishun was beginning to worry he'd gone too far, a playful grin appeared on her face. Before he could react, she began to rub her face against his shirt while sniffing loudly, causing him to cry out in panic!

"S-Serah!?! Come on that's gross cut it out!!"