GLYNDA GOODWITCH - Alisa is one of my rather... unique students. She's an apt fighter, and possess enough skill to keep her foes at a distance during combat. However, she shares the same light-hearted demeanor as Raishun when fighting. Only taken to the extreme. She once broke into song while dancing circles around her opponent, tormenting the poor boy until he cried. On another occasion, she was observed climbing into the rafters during another students match, and shooting the winning student in order to: "Secure her investment" Even with all her flaws, her fighting style carries a deadly edge to it. At times it seems like she's holding even holding back against her opponent.
PORT - Alisa rarely pays attention during lessons, choosing to mess around with her peers instead. She's often busying herself with passing coins and photographs between students, or taking photos of herself for, "Her Pet Project." Why, I once saw her negotiating the sale of a fellow students used sock... truly, she's a terrifying woman.
Oobleck - If my class was to be represented by a basketful of apples, then Alisa would be the pear mixed in with them. While her entrepreneurial skills are to be admired, her ability to provide answers when called upon in class is worrying. However... she has yet to miss a single question during one of my exams. I'm certain she's cheating, but I can't find any proof.
MONEY MAKER: A gargantuan rifle that has been extensively modified to optimize power and weight. While it cannot change forms, it does possess a second chamber for use with Alisa's semblance. Despite it being her main weapon, there are features to it that even she doesn't fully understand. Perhaps it's a hand me down from a family member?
BULLET MAIDEN- Alisa can use leftover dust floating through the air, or processed dust that is still in it's granular form to create bullets. These bullets can provide a near infinite number of uses, but cannot be used by anyone other than Alisa. Additionally, creating more complex and powerful bullets significantly drains her aura.