Chapter I pt. II

Tenko sniffed the air as he roused himself from a dream state. Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was Aria holding out a lit joint for him with a smile from ear to ear.

Looking behind him, Aria's two naked friends -Sam and Lacy, lay asleep, holding each other. Tenko grabbed the joint and sat up in bed. He took a few hits as Aria got under the blankets and cozied up next to him.

"You know, you are very warm. Like the warmest person I've ever felt." She said.

"Well, thank you...I guess," he replied.

Aria giggled and cuddled closer to him. "I know, we're super weird. What happened last night. It never happens, like ever. Hell, Sam and Lacy thought they were lesbians until last night. Well, they can probably be bisexual" she eyed the sleeping girls.

Aria then continued, "The point is. We don't do this. Outside of this house, or safe space. We're nerds. We don't have the whole slutty genius thing going for us like Lydia Martin. So we say a lot of odd shit, act even odder, and if we only do this." Aria gestures to the disheveled bed and soiled linens, "Then I don't think the girls would mind if you keep your distance today at school." She added.

Tenko passed the joint. "I like you girls just the way you are. It's not like we got here and jumped straight to the fuck-fuck games. As far as I can tell, you girls are pretty cool."

Aria smiled and blew out a cloud of smoke. "I think you just want to get in panties, Mr. Nakashige..."

Tenko slid his hands under the covers and caressed her lower lips before dipping a finger in her cunt, causing her to moan.

"Anata wa pantī o kite imasen." said Tenko.

Aria panted as Tenko stirred her moistening sex with his fingers. "What- What does that mean?"

"You don't wear panties." He whispered.

Aria smiled as she started to move her hips. "How do you...say... I'm a dirty girl... Ooh fuuck. In Japanese ?"

"You mean, you're my dirty girl," he replied.

"Ahhh, yes, I'm your dirty girl." she moaned.

"Say: watashi wa anata no kitanai onnanokodesu"

"Watashi wa...Watashi...Ahhh. Ahhhh. Fuuck!" Aria cried out in ecstasy. Her body tensed up and spasmed as her pussy convulsed around Tenko's fingers, Soaking his hand and the sheets with her gushing orgasmic nectar.

Aria sighed heavily as she fell back against her pillows. She panted as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Tenko teasing her sensitive cunny.

"Oh my god!" she moaned.

Grabbing Tenko by the neck, she pulled him into a ravenous kiss and began to stroke his rod. "My turn." she smiled.

Tenko picked the joint up from the blankets and leaned back as Aria crawled down to his waist and attempted to take his full length into her mouth.

"Champions are made overnight, love," he spoke, amused by her efforts to take his dick in her throat. The sounds of her gags and slurping filled the room. He could feel the extra saliva drenching his pelvic region as she worked hard at throating his cock.

Tenko's balls began to churn, and he allowed the feeling to take over. His cock swelled, and balls hiked up before he began to shoot thick ropes of cum into Aria's throat. After the second rope, she gagged again, allowing his cock to pop free and paint her face with his seed.

When Aria came back up with a smiling cum painted face. Tenko reveled in the sight of beauty.

"You were waiting for someone to come along to turn you into a cum whore."

Aria licked her lips, took a glob of cum from her face, and enthusiastically sucked her finger clean.

Tenko laughs, "We're going to be good friends," he says. "But come on, we need to get to school."

"Ahh, but there's still so much we can do.." she said as she cleans his spunk from her face.

"After school. My moms already going to decapitate me for skipping out on the DMV. Get cleaned up, got five minutes. " He told her while jumping out of bed.


Tenko and Aria were walking through the halls of Beacon Hills high with there's arms wrapped around each other. When Aria and Tenko arrived at her first-period class. There wasn't much of a goodbye as Tenko's mother walked out of the classroom.

"Mrs. Mason. Good morning." Aria greeted her with a smile then slipped into the classroom.

"Miss Fuentez. I'm sure you can find your seat alone," She replied.

Tenko smiled as he watched Aria walk away until his mother snatched him by the jaw. And sniffed him.

"Three? I don't know whether to slap you or congratulate you. You make it hard to be a mother and a Kitsune, Tenko. Stop with the orgies, do not start smoking weed every day, and go to the fucking DMV." She reprimanded him.

Tenko smiled and kissed his mom on the forehead. "Good talk. And be careful there's a wolf in school."

"I know. I sniffed him out yesterday. You be careful. Get to class." she popped him in the back of the head to send him on his way.

When he was gone, a proud smile crept onto her face as she looked in Tenko's direction and then into the classroom to see the pretty raven-haired Aria.

Aria could feel that she was being watched as she looked up to see Mrs. Mason smiling at her. She was slightly taken aback until she began to blush. Mrs.Mason nodded at her as if telling Aria that she approved. Aria then became beat red and put her head down to focus on getting herself ready for the day's class.


Lydia and Tenko were partnered in Latin class as the duo went through a verbal exchange for practice. They went over the basics like most foreign language classes: greetings and simple questions.

Lydia is an exceptionally smart girl. Partnered with Tenko, the two of them made short work of their practice. They sat in silence for a moment while Lydia fiddled with her paper before asking the question that's been eating at her since the first bell rang.

"So...Aria Fuentez?" She asked

Tenko looked up from his book. "What about her?"

"Nothing. I just heard you to were pretty close this morning."

"Yeah, I think we might become a thing... So... Jackson Whittmore?"

Lydia looked down at her textbook. "What about him?" she used Tenko's words.

"I heard you're a thing... At least Aria's at my intellectual level." He said.

At this point, Lydia and Tenko were pretending to read their textbooks as they spoke to one another.

"Haa, Sure she is."

"At least she doesn't have to pretend."

"I do not pretend. I am not a pretender." Lydia lashed out.

"Haha. And Jackson's what, a project?"

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"Lydia, I saw notes on Archaic Latin on your desk, and I share three classes with you. AP classes. You were the smartest until I arrived. But when I walked past you at lunch yesterday, you sounded like a fucking idiot."

Lydia looked up with shock. "That's mean."

"It's the truth. But how about you don't ask me about who I'm sleeping with. I don't ask you about your relationship." Said Tenko.

Lydia smirked. "Deal," she said. "Did I really sound that bad?"

Tenko just smiled and returned to his textbook. Lydia's gaze lingered on him for a few and went back to her book.

"Okay. Everyone turn to page thirty-six. This a group project. I want it finished by Friday. Please be detailed. You will be graded on your writing and Oral presentation. For the remainder of the class, get to know your partner for the year." The Latin teacher smiled at the class went back to her desk.

"We should meet tomorrow and get this out of the way." Said Lydia

"I think you should teach me Archaic Latin tomorrow, and we do our project on Thursday. " Tenko countered

Lydia stared for a while. " We can have a study thing. I met a girl. Her name is Allison, I think you.."

"No. This is business, remember. Carve some time out for a fellow knowledge seeker. And if it makes you feel better, we can even meet at lunch."

Lydia looked a bit conflicted about the lunch meeting and just nodded her head. "We'll work something out."

Tenko mimicked her confident smile and mannerisms when he replied, "I'm sure we will."


The rest of the day went smoothly but, Tenko found himself drawn to the strawberry blonde. He's an alpha, so when it came to pushing his way into becoming Lydia's new partner in the classes they shared. It was light work. She feigned annoyance, but Tenko could smell her true feelings. Guilt, anxiety, lust, acceptance, anticipation, excitement, and so forth.

When the final bell rang, Tenko walked past Lydia and Jackson in the hallway. When he caught her eye, she walked at a quick pace to stop him, but he led her a little way down the hall before finally stopping.

Lydia sighed. "You walk fast. You should really slow down... Anyway. My place tomorrow. I thought about it, and maybe it's best for both of us if we keep..."

"Tenko!" Aria lept into his arms and gave him a plethora of kisses.

Tenko leaned back gestured to Lydia. Aria caught the message and settled down.

"What were you saying, Lydia?" he asked with a teasing smile.

"I'll text you the address for the party on Friday," she replied without missing a beat.

"I look forward to it. Is Aria invited?" He asked. He could smell Lydia's annoyance building up.

"Tenko, Lydia and I don--" Aria was interrupted by Lydia.

"Of course, she's welcome. She's your..."

"Girlfriend. Right, babe?" Tenko asked Aria, and she looked at Lydia for a moment.

"Of course, babe. After the things you did to me, I should probably be your wife." She spoke without breaking eye contact with Lydia.

Lydia just smiled and grabbed Tenko's arm. She wrote her number in silver marker and walked away.

"You like her, don't you?" Aria asked

"Maybe... But I like you more. Come on"

Tenko and Aria walked to the boys' locker room. Just as they kissed and were about to go their separate ways. Tenko stopped her. "Drive me to DMV after practice?"

"You want me to drive home and then drive back to pick you up?"

"No, I'm inviting you to watch me practice. That's what jocks do, right?"

"Oh my gosh!" Aria over-dramatized. " Does that mean I get to wear your leatherman too? That will totally make us official." She jokingly added.

Tenko smiled and rolled his eyes. " Fuck a leatherman. If you want to make this official, how about a date tonight?"

"Holy shit, you're serious? Do you want Sam and Lacy to come too?" Aria asked.

"Do you want them to come?" he countered.

"Umm. No... Just the two of us might be fun."

"I was hoping you'd say that." Tenko pulled Aria into a passionate kiss and gave her ass a loving smack as he sent her away.


Tenko sat in his bed in the middle of the night. He had just said goodnight to Aria after a good first date when Lydia Martin had finally texted him back.

Lydia: 365 Private drive. Don't be late, or you can teach yourself Archaic Latin. 7:30 Pm. Yes, come straight from practice. We're somehow partners in four classes. We have work to do.

Tenko started to text Lydia back, and she watched as the 'typing' emblem appeared on her screen. But it soon turned from 'Typing' to 'Read.' Lydia waited for a reply, but nothing came in. She was flabbergasted. For the first time ever, she had been left on 'read.'

At Tenko's house, he was currently jumping from a window and sprinting into the woods. In the middle of replying to Lydia, he had sensed a pair of eyes watching him and caught a feral scent. When the beast was discovered, it fled, and Tenko gave chase.

His eyes were blazed crimson red as he chased his prey down, but growled because he wasn't fast enough to close the distance.

"Fuck!" he barked. Ripping his clothes off, Tenko morphed into a four-legged, three-tailed fox that was as big as a dire wolf. His sense of smell was reinforced tenfold before he took off to track his prey. He ran for about half an hour until his path intersected with a partially shifted werewolf.

The werewolf stared at Tenko with wide eyes as he examined the massive three-tailed fox. It was the first time he had ever seen a kitsune in Beacon Hills, let alone as a fully shifted fox. Tenko slowly backed away and crouched low, ready to pounce.

"Wait. Wait. I'm not your enemy." The man reverted to his human form and held his hands up.

"I think we're tracking the same alpha. It killed my sister and took my family's Alpha legacy. I just want to know if you still have it's sent."

Tenko's eyes shined crimson red, and the man backed away in shock. He had never seen an alpha Kitsune before.

Tenko morphed back into his human form and stood tall in all his naked glory. "The alpha is feral. It must have shifted into a human again. Feral wolves have two different scents."

"How can you be sure." the man asked.

"Because I've killed a feral alpha before. Whatever this is, you and your pack need to handle it. Because if that thing comes back to where I live. I'm going to hunt every wolf in Beacon Hills until I draw it out and kill it."

The man was taken aback by the ferocity of the teenage boy. He took a few moments and internally debated with himself until he spoke his truth.

"I have no pack. It was just my sister and me. But now she's dead. The power that the alpha has belonged to her, and I want it back. I can pay you."

Tenko sighed and thought about his family's money problems, but then he thought about his father's words.

"I can't," Tenko said. "Just handle your own business."


Tenko and the omega looked towards the source of the sound. They spotted a group of men with guns led by a man with a crossbow using their true eyes.

"Hunters? You brought them to town?!" Tenko questioned the Omega.

"The Alpha brought it here. It lured my sister into a trap. When a Hale Alpha dies, people pay attention."

"Hale?" Tenko questioned but looked to see that the hunters were getting close.

Tenko partially shifted and clawed the omega across the chest before morphing back into a fox and running off.

Sitting on his bed. Tenko sniffed the blood and fabric on his hand and become accustomed to its scent before turning in for the night.


A couple of days went by since Tenko chased down the Alpha. Besides picking up a scent here and there. Tenko didn't have any more encounters with the Hale wolf or the Alpha. Besides Lacrosse practice, Tenko spent his days between Aria and Lydia, living life as a normal teenager.

"Hey, heard there was a party tonight. You're not going." Mark took a sip of his coffee and continued reading the morning newspaper.

"What do you mean I'm not going?" Tenko asked.

"Just what I said. The moon is full, and your mom tells me that you have wolves at the school and the Alpha that we heard the first night here is feral. No, you're staying in tonight." He replied.

Tenko sighed and looked at his mother as she pretended not to be in the kitchen.

"Ahh, and we need you to finish the unpacking this weekend. "

"Me? what about you?" Tenko asked.

"72-hour shift. I'll be gone. We need the money." Mark replied.

Tenko sighed and remembered the Hale wolf's words before pushing them to the back of his mind to avoid making a mistake. He had been trying hard to do the right thing lately. But then an idea suddenly came to mind. An Idea that was free of supernatural entities, with minimal risk.


"Hey, what's up with you today?" Aria asked.

"Nothing, why?"

Aria looked flabbergasted. "Well, I heard you made a stop to talk to Rowdy Rick today?"

"Oh, we just had business."

"Business? with the school drug dealer?" She whispered.

"Relax, it wasn't like that. Oh, and I can't make it to the party tonight. My dad said it's a 'no go,' and I'm on thin ice right now. " He explained.

"I get it. I never go to Lydia's parties anyway. Sam and Lacy are getting together tonight. Lacy wants to show us some family thing she just discovered, so I thought I'd hang with them." She said.

Tenko smiled and chuckled.

"It's not that kind of hang. It's just going to be us. Besides, I have you now." The two then shared a few kisses before Tenko went off to the locker room.

But when Tenko walked into the locker room he left out of the back door without a second thought. He jogged through the school parking lot and then disappeared into the tree line.

Running through the woods, Tenko was locked on a scent he had been holding on to all day. When finally stepped out of the woods, he was met with a less than elegant sight of the poorer part of Beacon Hills.

Following the scent, he arrived at the ran-down house of Rowdy Rick. He watched him for a while and until a motorcycle appeared. Rick had pulled out a small bag and handed it off to the man on the motorcycle in exchange for another bag.

Tenko smiled as he watched the deal go down. When the motorcycle pulled off. Tenko was on his tail.

He eventually stopped his chase when the biker pulled into a middle-class house. Tenko smiled as he took in his surroundings and remembered the location of the stash house.

Running back to school, Tenko arrived in just enough time to catch the second eliminations of the Lacrosse tryouts. With his reflexes and speed. It was a cakewalk.


Tenko was lying in bed. The hairs on his body were standing up, and he just couldn't shake the feeling. His mind ran a thousand miles per hour as he thought about all the things that could be bothering him. So the first thing he did was text Lydia. It was an odd text, but Tenko had to know.

Tenko: Did that McCall kid go to your party tonight?

Tenko waited a moment and then half an hour later, his phone buzzed.

Lydia: Yes, But he ran out on my friend. You would know that if you were here.

Tenko read the message and scuffed before texting Aria. This time he waited an hour and called her three times during the wait. Fed up with waiting, Tenko climbs out of bed and begins to get dressed. Just as he grabbed his phone from the bed, he smelled a plethora of familiar scents jumbled together.

Tenko's head snapped towards the window and briefly spotted a pair of blazing red eyes. Tenko growled and jumped from his window. The moment he landed on the front lawn he sped off to give chase after the feral alpha. In his room, the door had just swung open and revealed a pair of shining gold eyes. In a few swift steps, Mrs. Mason leaped out of the window and chased after her son. Between her maternal and fox instincts, she couldn't let her soon chase the alpha alone.

As Tenko gave chase, he was so focused and on catching the stalker wolf that he hadn't noticed the change of chemosignals coming from the feral alpha. But fortunately, his mother did.

Tenko was lead miles into the woods until he was suddenly tackled from behind and held to the ground.

"Shh! It's a trap, son. Can't you smell his excitement! " his mother whispered aggressively.

Tenko threw an elbow and knocked his mother off. Her eyes glowed bright and her fangs came out. Tenko's eyes shined as he growled. His mother couldn't help but cave with a whimper. Tenko immediately snapped out of it when he saw her eyes dim.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... But, it's blood... I smell it on him, Aria's blood, and the alpha's scent."

Mrs.Mason frowned. "She's the alpha?"

"No. Before I sniffed him out, I was getting dressed to leave because she hasn't been answering her phone."

Mrs.Mason had a look of sudden enlightenment and began to track the scent along with her son. The closer they got to the source, the more the smell of death, fear, and blood began to thicken.

"Oh my god!" Mrs.Mason gasped at the sight of her students.

Tenko growled and his mother could smell his unhindered rage.

Near a massive tree stump, Aria and Lacy's corpse was gruesomely clawed to a shredded mess.

Tenko began to see red when another familiar scent appeared. Tenko was so enraged that he moved like a blur and pinned the Hale werewolf to a tree.

His eyes blazed red and he let out a roar the shook the man and his mother to their core. They could feel the pain and the guilt in Tenko's roar.

"Where were you!" he shouted. "You had one job! Avenge your sister and kill that fucking feral bastard. This is your fault! She's dead because you and your sister were too damn weak to kill one wolf!"

Mrs. Mason put her hand on his shoulder and tried to calm him down. His hand was wrapped around the Hale wolf's throat as the man struggled to speak. When Tenko finally loosened his grip, the man gasped for air and looked at Tenko with sympathetic eyes.

"I'm sorry that they're dead. But there's a beta in these woods running around on pure instinct and there are hunters everywhere."

Mrs. Mason's jaw tightened. " Scott McCall..." she said.

The man nodded his head. "Yes, Scott McCall. We have to help him."

"We have to find Sam." Tenko countered. "She's hurt and scared and somewhere in these woods. "

"I can find her. She's in my third-period class. I know all of my students' scents. I can track her from here. You should help him find McCall." Mrs.Mason didn't give her son a chance to argue and ran off into the woods.

For the rest of the night. The Hale wolf and Tenko ran through the woods, following behind the newly turned Beta. Along the way, Tenko was still hurt from the sight of Aria's corpse that he used the hunters as punching bags, crippling the ones he came in contact with.

When the sun finally peaked over the horizon, Scott McCall was on the cold ground, sleeping in a pile of leaves. Tenko and the wolf looked at each other, then left the boy to sleep it off.

"So, what's your name?" the wolf asked during the walk back to the main road.

"Tenko Nakashige, you?"

"Derek Hale," he replied.

Tenko laughed a bit. "I thought all you Hale wolves were dead or on the run."

"We were. But a few weeks ago, my sister got word of a deer with a spiral carved into it. She came to investigate and ended up being torn in half."

"Revenge," said Tenko.

"Yeah. .." Derek stared off into the distance.

Tenko took a look at the brooding guy and sighed. "So what are you going to do about McCall?"

Derek snapped out of his stupor and faced Tenko. "I have to keep him from the hunters. He's just a kid."

" I would start by teaching the boy control. He ran around the preserve three times last night. And ate two deers."

Derek chuckled. "Yeah. I saw that. So, what are you going to do now?"

The smile on Tenko's face faded. "I'm going to help you find the Alpha. He targeted me. I can't help but feel that Lacy and Aria were killed to taunt me. Either it wants my power, or it's getting territorial. Regardless of the reason..." Tenko stopped walking and looked straight into Derek's eyes. "I want my pound of flesh," he growled.

Derek and Tenko were now standing on the man road, holding an intense stare when Mrs.Mason pulled up. Derek held out his hand and Tenko shook it, sealing the alliance. Mrs.Mason watched with a sad face, but she understood what her son had to do, though her husband was going to lose his mind.


By noon that Saturday, Aria and Lacy's death was already being reported on. Sam was now catatonic and was sent to the local mental institution for care. Tenko spent the rest of the morning unpacking the rest of his family's things. When he was finished, he started training to distract his mind from Aria's murder.

He was currently in the backyard sweating buckets as he attacked a 200-pound hanging punching bag. He suddenly stopped when a perfume hit his nose and the sound of the side gate being pushed open.

Tenko watched as Lydia walked through the gate. He could tell she was a bit worried. He could see it in her eyes and smell it on her.

"I tried calling..."

"I turned my phone off," he said.

"I knocked on the door and rung the doorbell."

"I didn't feel like answering," he said.

Lydia pursed her lips and walked over to a chair. Grabbing the towel draped over the chair, Lydia tossed it to him, then walked into the house without saying a word.

Tenko dried his face and followed her through the back door. He poured her a drink and pulled out a wooden box for himself.

"Thanks," she said in a small voice as she grabbed the glass of scotch. "Are you...doing okay?" She asked as Tenko sparked a joint.

He shook his head and blew out a cloud of smoke. "No," he said. "I feel like I let her down."

Lydia walked around the kitchen table and stood near Tenko. She was a short thing, Five feet and three inches tall. And today she had decided to wear flats. Tenko towered over her by more than a foot.

"Why do you feel like that?" she asked.

"If I had been with her last night, I know she would have been safe. If I hadn't gone against my instincts..." Tenko stopped as his inner fox began to stir.

Lydia put a hand on his bare chest and spoke in a soft tone. " It'll be okay. I wasn't her biggest fan, but I know she doesn't blame you for what happened. Sometimes these things are just out of our control."

Lydia could feel his heart beating like a runaway train under her hand. She was stunned by what she felt. Tenko had only known Aria for a week, and yet, his heart was breaking for her like they had known each other for years.

Tenko stared at Lydia as she silently stared at her hand on his chest. When she finally looked up, she spoke again. "You really cared for her. I can feel it."

Tenko reached out and caressed her cheek. Lydia wrapped her arms around his waist and held him close. Tenko held her in return as he listened to her beat become erratic, and the smell of sadness and envy came off of her.

"I am so sorry, Tenko," she whispered less than audibly, but Tenko's fox hearing picked up every word, and he just held her closer.

That day the dynamic of Lydia's and Tenko's relationship changed. It wasn't teenage hormones driving her towards an affair of lust and carnal pleasure. Tenko's didn't see her as just a girl to tease for his amusement. They had connected on a deeper level. A level that Lydia had never experienced before and it forced her to reassess certain things.