Chapter XII

The sun was getting low and the sound of streaming water filled the area. Deep in the Beacon Hills Preserve, a rocky creek with a bank lined with trees was the latest spot that the Alpha had visited. Tenko was currently standing on the bank of the creek holding a small pebble with blood on it.

Looking around the area, Tenko couldn't find another speak of blood anywhere. He then looks at the shallow creek and had sudden suspicion. Dropping the pebble, Tenko carefully walks over the wet stones until he's knee-deep in the creek.

Slowly bending down, Tenko feels around the creek bed and his hand drags over what he initially believed to be a root of some sort. Pulling it out of the way, Tenko's eyes catch a near-instantaneous glimpse of a silver chain. Stabbing his hand in the water, Tenko quickly snatches the free-flowing chain from the grasp of the creek current.

Water droplets dripped from his elbow as he held the chain up to discover that it was silver and wooden crafted necklace covered in algae. Tenko gave it a few good shakes, then stuffed it into his pocket before digging around again.

After a few moments of skimming the creek bed, Tenko began to find his shurikens. Most like the shurikens that were lodged in the back of the Alpha. Tenko cracked a smile and began to search the creek bank for footprints, which were found a couple dozen yards down creek. And like that Tenko was once again hot on the Alpha's tail.


After the sun went down, Tenko's phone rang. He was currently standing at the edge of the Beacon Hills Preserve, preparing to scale the mountainside. Atop the mountain, Tenko could smell a strong scent belonging to not only a human Peter but an Alpha Peter as well.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Tenko...Hey," said Allison.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Umm, I was supposed to be studying with Scott tonight, But I think he is actively trying to avoid me," Allison spoke and Tenko could tremble of her heartbeat.

"His lose, just occupy yourself with something else. Or someone else."

Allison giggled. "If you can keep it PG, I was hoping we can talk some more at the mayor's place"

"Ahh, I would love too, but I am super busy."

"Well, that isn't vague at all," Allison spoke with a healthy amount of sarcasm.

"Haha, I'm hunting the Alpha. You know the man-eating beast? He's been everywhere in beacon county, but I think I have him. How about breakfast tomorrow and you can tell me about how awful your night was without me?"

Allison laughed with a smile that caused her cheeks to burn. "Because after a couple of hours of bonding, my life just isn't right without out!" she spoke sarcastically.

"Careful, you're starting to sound addict to me." Tenko teased.

"Like a designer drug" she played along.

"Oh, you mean like Ecstacy? Is that how I make you feel, Allison?"

"Oh my god! Look, Lydia...just pulled up with Jackson. So, I guess I might have something to do after all."

" Look at miss popular…"

"I'm a likable person, Tenko. Talk later?" she asked.

"If I'm available," he replied.

Lydia had just stepped out of the car and walked up to Allison. Allison put a finger up to stop her friend from talking. She then finished with Tenko.

"Well let's hope. petit déjeuner demain?"

"petit déjeuner demain," he replied before Allison ended the call.


Putting his phone away, Tenko scaled the mountainside. When he reached the top of the mountain. Tenko was fuming when he saw a pool of blood, some clothing, and wolf hairs that smelled just like Peter.

Tenko then settled himself and smiled. He pulled out his phone and called Mareth. Unfortunately, no one answered. Tenko looked towards beacon hills and took off. He could only call one person, his mother. And he told her that Peter had another Beta in his pack. And the bastard was up to something.


1 hr. before Tenko reached the mountain top.

Peter Hale was dressed in jeans pants and a black leather jacket as he stood before three men, all tied to chairs. The three men were sweating profusely, jerking at the restraints, and screaming muffled screams. Peter wore a crazed smile as he tapped his wolf claws against a desk. "I know you three are wondering. Why high school? Why not an abandoned warehouse or some old train station? Well, let me be frank. This school is symbolic, it's the first place that whore of Babylon snaked her into my family before you three helped her burn us down."

Peter growled and his eyes turned alpha red before he clawed the throats of the three men. He then licked his fingers clean of the hot iron-based fluid. Peter's phone then went off and he smiled at the dying men. "I almost forgot, I have a date," he said.

"Then you should get going. I'll prepare for the game." A blonde-haired boy spoke by the classroom door.

Peter faced the boy and asked, "And what of the fox?"

"Blood, your wolf hair, and clothing. I did as you said and went to a few places. I finally dropped everything atop a mountain." he replied.

"And your scent?" Peter asked.

"Animal piss does wonders..." he replied with a smirk.


While Peter Hale was murdering men in the school. Scott had just gotten home from work and was surprised to see his mother was home when he expected her to be at work.

Mellissa was currently rummaging through her closet and sighing about her lack of appealing attire. Scott watched her a bit confused until he called out to his mother and asked what all the fuss was about.

Melissa smiled at her son with a face steamed in worry. She then weakly told him that she had a date with a man that actually found her worthwhile. Scott was happy for her and went to clean his room before he was supposed to pick up Allison.

About fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang and Melissa screamed at him to open the door. Scott begrudgingly obliged but when he opened the door he saw a face that shook his very existence.

"You.. you're supposed to be…" Scott stammered.

"Burned to a crisp? Catatonic?" Peter asked with a devilish smile. "It ends tonight, little wolf."

Before Scot could shout or move, Peter snatched him up by the throat and headbutted him unconscious. Peter then closed the door behind him as he dragged Scott's body into the dining room to hide.

A few moments later, Mellissa walked down the stairs in a beautiful sapphire dress with her hair done up in bouncy curls. Peter stood by the front door with a big smile swooning over his date.

Melissa looked around and asked, "Where did my son go?"

Peter put on a fake thinking face and said, "He just left with a guy in a blue jeep."

Melissa shook her head. "Teenagers. They move like the wind. You ready to go?" she asked.

"Of course."

Peter took Melissa by the arm and the two left the McCall house.

Scott woke up shortly after with a note taped to his chest that read: "Wolf mommy or dead mommy? Either way, be a good boy and come fetch her. And if I even smell that fox with you, you will be fetching dead mommy."

Scott crumbled up the note and roared at the ceiling. __________________________________________________________________

Near the Hale house. Derek and his new beta, Jennifer, were working on controlling her shift when Scott's roar ripped through the woods. Derek understood Scott's heartache and anger. Deeper in the woods, Tenko just didn't care. An action that he would kick himself for later. But then again the roar was meant for Derek.

Ending the training, Derek sent Jennifer back to Mareth's house while he went to check on Scott.

In town, Scott was driving to Stiles' house. When he arrived, Stiles was waiting on him. Once inside the car and back on the road. Stiles asked Scot what the fuss was all about.

"He took my mom and he's going to kill her…" he said.

Stiles' eyes went wide. "Who?"

"The Alpha… The Alpha is Peter Hale."

"They brain dead guy in the hospital?"

"Yes! He came to my house and knocked me out!"

Stiles ran his fingers through his hair with an 'oh shit' look on his face. "We need to call Derek, Mareth. Hell, we need to call Tenko!"

"No!" Scott shouted, "If he smells the fox, then my mom is dead!"

"Oh, fuck me! We're so going to die."

"Don't say that! Derek should be coming. We can take him together." said Scott a little too optimistic for Stiles.


When Scott and Stiles arrived at School. Derek was about five minutes away and coming in hot. When Derek got to Stiles's house. He immediately picked up on Peter's scent. When he found the note.

At the high school, Scott began to see red when the smell of blood overloaded his sense during a gust of wind. He then took off into the school and Stiles followed him with undying loyalty.

When Scott and Stiles entered the hallways. Peter's voice filled the halls. "Welcome, Scott McCall. I planned for us to meet under different circumstances but you are an extremely stubborn and delusional boy. And my nephew, Derek, somehow met one pesky fucking fox that has forced me to sacrifice a Beta and speed up my plans. Thankfully history likes to repeat itself and I couldn't have plotted a better plan to enact my Vengence, all thanks to you, Scott McCall!."

Scott and Stiles got extremely nervous and just stared at each other.

"Stiles, why arent you clapping for your best friend. Because of him, a dynasty will fall tonight… I said Clap!" Peter roared.

Stiles frantically slapped his hands together.

"Good. I knew you were the one with brains. I tried to bite you first, but the cops showed up. Buzzkills. So shall we begin?" asked Peter.

"What do you want from me!" Scott Shouted.

"I want you! We are stronger together. Derek will agree when he hears the truth. And you will join us when the arrows are pointed at your chest. Now, there are three bodies. Each with a clue that leads to the next. Find them all and you will find your mother. But if I catch you or your friends, she dies..."

Boom! Bang! The door to the administration office blew off of its hinges and collided with the wall on the other side of the hallway. Scott and Stiles stiffened when they saw the four-legged beast. Then turned and hauled ass, fleeing for their lives.

As the boys ran. Their adrenaline was racing so intensely, they didn't realize they weren't being chased. Held up in a classroom. Scott and Stiles hid behind a desk and thought of ways to find the first clues.

Bang! The classroom door was kicked open.

"Scott! Stiles!" Derek called out.

"Derek?! What took you so long?" Asked Scott.

"I dropped by your house first."

Derek suddenly felt a tingle up his spine. Before he could react, massive claws penetrated Derek's body. Derek fell limp and Peter vanished. Stiles and Scott stared at Derek's body before Stiles spoke, "We need to go. We have to find the first body."

"That was strike one, Scott" Peter spoke in a demented voice, then left the school in cold silence.

In a classroom, Peter's blonde-haired beta sat at a desk, texting a beautiful huntress, with a devious smirk on his face.