Chapter I

All was well in Beacon Hills. It had been nearly a week since the Alpha pack nonsense over. Tenko had finally taken his parents to the land he wanted them to purchase. After some heavy convincing and compromise, they put their house up for sale and stayed at the manor while Tenko's contractor worked on building them their dream house.

Nikita also spoke to Mr. Tate at some point, and he became tolerant of Tenko's relationship with Malia. Tenko and his pack were all having a family dinner. It was a rather momentous occasion as his whole pack was present along with their families.

To start, Malia and Mr.Tate were there. His mother and father, Melissa and Scott, Jack Arlo and his sister Nima Arlo. Their mother was Moroccan, and unlike Jack Arlo, she had the skin of copper with thick black hair and hazel eyes. Mareth was on Tenko's right, and Stiles and his father were next to her. Tenko ended the guest list there or else he would have had countless extended family. Though Tenko did want to see Lydia, but she had a new problem with him.

The twins, Ethan and Aiden, somehow survived Malia's killing blow. She blamed Tenko for Malia's and Cora's actions, which he happily accepted. Allison was moving on, her mind free of Scott and all the what-ifs and what could have been between her and Tenko. Honestly, he was glad that she was. She could find happiness, and he was already happy and not missing out on a thing.

They all sat around the table and ate to their hearts' content. He even pulled out the mead. It seemed to serve everyone pretty well. The greatest moment of that dinner was that Sheriff Stilinski knew about the supernatural and was about to lose his job. He needed to solve a case and Tenko could feel that he wanted one of those cases to be a cold one.

Tenko offered up Malia's case to be the first. She wanted to go to school, and the sheriff was the best way to get her there without problems. Besides that matter of Malia's return, the rest of the dinner was laughing, drinking, and eating. It was a good reset for everything, but the universe would never allow too much good for so long.

The day after the dinner party, Tenko and his pack sat around thinking of ways to make their next score. Both Melissa and Jack Arlo had bills to pay. But surprisingly, Jack Arlo had been working hard. Tenko's punch to the jaw must have worked because he tossed a pocket on the table that turned out to be the case file of a Nevada biker gang suspected to be passing through Beacon Hills, escorting a shipment of contraband. Anything from guns, drugs to people could be expected.

"I thought you said we were going legit?" Malia asked

"I did, but money is hard to come by the legit way. And we're going to have a second property to maintain. Mareth is also putting her apartment up for rent. Not to mention pack welfare. So, if we do this right, there is no risk." Tenko explained.

"What are we doing exactly?" Melissa finally asked as it was her first job with the pack.

"Well..." Tenko looked at Jack Arlo, " We're going to rob it, right? Keeping it simple."

"Are you testing me, Boss?" Jack Arlo asked with a sigh.

Tenko chuckled, and Malia patted Jack Arlo on the shoulder with a big smile.

"You did good, Jack Arlo. We aren't going to fuck with you today." Malia complimented him. Jack Arlo put on a goofy smile.

"We don't hit the truck. We hit the feds. We keep the feds occupied until the shipment moves through town. The bikers will lead us to their buyer, and then we hit them both." Tenko laid it as simple as possible.

"Smash. Grab. Resale. I'm sure the Argents have non-lethals to take care of the feds." Mareth added, "Jack Arlo gets us the operation plan. I'll start looking for buyers."

Mareth then got up and left.

"Melissa, you and Malia can go by the Argents for what we need," Tenko spoke as he wrote a series of numbers on a piece of paper then handed it to Malia.

Malia kissed Tenko's forehead then gestured for Melissa to leave with her. When Tenko and Jack Arlo were alone. Tenko sat at the end of the grand table and waited for Jack Arlo to speak his mind.

"Tenko..." Jack Arlo began, but he was still nervous about something

"Take a deep breath, Jack Arlo. Then take your time."

Jack Alro did just that. He took a deep breath, then started again. "I want my sister to join us... She could really use this. You know I wasn't all that before you gave me the bite. I was even surprised when I became a deputy. So, I'm grateful for what you gave, but my sister deserves more. She's always looked out for me, cleaned up my messes and everything. I just want to repay her, Boss."

"Nima is a good person. Let's get done with this job and handle our business. I'll have a decision for you when I have a decision. Now go get the plans for that operation."

Jack Arlo nodded in understanding as he rose from his seat. As he was heading for the door, Nikita was entering.

"Mom? I thought you were working today."

"I was. It's lunch, and I have a free period next. But we need to talk."

Tenko groans as he walked to the kitchen. "What's up with everyone wanting to talk today?"

"This is important. And I should tell you now before you get bored and decided to go back to school." Nikita grabbed her son to stop him from moving.

Tenko's face became serious at the feel of his mother's touch. He looked at her hands and then into her eyes. He could feel it all --something wasn't right.

Nikita gathered her thoughts and began to give Tenko a history lesson. Most of it, he already knew. The Kitsunes civil war, the story of the Void Kitsune betrayal, and his royal lineage.

Though things became pressing when Nikita mentioned Mareth's name, she told Tenko that Mareth had received visions of the ancient war and future conflicts that came in flashes.

Tenko thought about the few nights that Mareth had wakened him and Malia with her tossing, turning, and fear-induced sweats. She had never talked about it but, Tenko could see that it was eating at her and put Malia on edge.

"How long?" Tenko asked.

"About a week after she arrived. She thinks that Nematon was sending her the vision."

Bam! Crack!

Tenko smacked the stone top counter, shattering it. "You mean the fucking Nemeton that was just started with twelve sacrifices! The same fucking Nemeton that is now a beacon for supernaturals!"

Nikita jumped back in fright with glowing golden eyes. Tenko was breathing heavily. He tried hard to control himself.

"Mother. You talk about the ancient war. And future conflicts that she can't seem to understand yet. But you understand, don't you?"


"Just tell me!" Tenko roared, and Mareth just continued to shake as she listened from the main room. Malia hugged Mareth to calm her down. But even Malia was worried about what was about to happen between the mother and son.

"You should have told him, Mare. If not as his woman, at least as his emissary." Malia whispered.

"You know how he gets, Malia. And I barely understood the visions myself. That's why I went to Nikita. When I started to realize, I just wanted to protect him. At the very least, become strong enough to help him." Mareth explained

Malia sighed and continued to hold Mareth.

In the kitchen, Nikita was telling her son that she believed another powerful Nogitsune was coming to take the scroll. She thought she had enough time to prepare and didn't worry because Tenko's fourth tail was supposed to open Inari's Scroll. But now, things have become uncertain.

"Things never go right when the divine is involved. We lost the first war. If Inari wanted it to be easy for us, the 13 clans would still be united. So tell me about this yellow blur that she keeps seeing?"

"I don't know, but she says that it is powerful."

Tenko messaged his tempos in frustration. "That doesn't fucking help. Okay, is there anything else that I need to know, Mother?"

"Well, We have a new history teacher at the school. Ken Yukimura."

Tenko was confused, "okay." he said.

"Remember when Saito found us in Alaska and asked where the Yukimura was? Well. That's because the last Yukimura protector had died. When a Yukimura is born as Celestial type, they marry into the royal family. Yukimura's daughter was born Celestial. She was to marry your father. She fled and was disowned. Now Noshiko Yukimura is here in Beacon Hills, and she has a daughter."

"Let me guess she is a Celestial."

"She is Thunder Kitsune." Nikita corrected him.

"Ken Yukimura has seen me. And if he took his wife's name, he must know of her family." Nikita inferred.

"So he could know about us." Said Tenko. "Leave them alone. I will send them a message."

"How?" Nikita asked.

"Toyotomi Nikita. I hereby accept you back into the Nakashige clan. From today on, you will be known by our family name, Nakashige! And be titled Dowager of the Royal Nakashige Clan!" Tenko decreed, and the Kitsune across the world heard the decree.

In the Village of Forests and Rivers, Elder Akira sneered at the decree. She wanted to be rid of the thunder Kitsune. And now, they were once again without a clan leader until she heard Tenko's Decree that shocked the Kitsune world and The Yukimura family.

Noshiko's daughter, Kira Yukimura, was having lunch with her father when she heard Tenko's voice in her head. She thought she was losing her mind at the time but said nothing to her father.

"I, Prince Tenko Nakashige, will take over the Thunder Kitsune Clan by right of birth as the only heir of the Toyotomi line."

Tenko looked at his mother with cold eyes. "That was a strategic move. Don't let it go to your head. I want you at the property with the contractor at 5 pm today. I want a set building plan by the end of your meeting. You will not talk with the Yukimura's unless they are paying you respect as the Dowager. If they do not, let them be as their silence will tell us where the loyalty lies."


Later that day, Malia, Mareth, and Melissa returned from the Argents with the nonlethal weapons they needed. Tenko looked at Mareth when they returned, but Malia quickly connected with his mind and told him to wait until the night when the three of them were alone.

But that alone time never came as Jack Arlo arrived after his shift at the station was over. Tenko and his pack walked through the plan the federal agents constructed to seize the truck. The pack committed it to memory then Tenko gave them their jobs.

The morning Tenko and his pack watched the Feds watch the road. The moment that truck rolled through town, a few moments later, their biker escort appeared. The Feds were about to move, but Tenko's pack struck faster than they could react. Instead of dropping the agents, Tenko targeted the vehicles. While the attack was happening, Mareth was flooding the station with bogus calls.

By the time the shipment left Beacon Hills, Tenko and his pack were on its tail, and the Feds were trying to figure out what the fuck had happened. Though Jack Arlo was sent to spend the day with his sister to avoid suspicion.

Following the shipment, The Nakashige pack ended up in Stockton, California. With the equipment the Argents suppled, Tenko lead with flashbangs to disorient, then dropped the buyers and the bikers with tranquilizers meant to drop a werewolf.

"Alright. Take the wallets and jewelry, load the bikes into the eighteen-wheeler. Melissa, you drive my truck. Mareth, you take the big one. Malia, you and I are taking the Tahoe with the money. We're going straight to the bay. Let's move!" Tenko issued orders as he collected the phones of his targets. He then sent a surge through the phones and fired them all.

"Ugh...Tenko! look at this!" Melissa shouted.

Tenko used his supernatural speed to get to her side. When he followed her stare, his jaw dropped at the sight of young men and women in cages. Behind the cages were wooden crates that had the scent of carbon and drugs.

"Stick to the plan," Tenko ordered.

His pack used their supernatural speed to clear the area as fast as possible.

By the time the bikers and their buyers woke up, it was nightfall, and Tenko had already had the Guns, bikes, SUV, Eighteen Wheeler, and drugs sold. The people in cages were set free.

It was now the wee hours of the morning. Tenko and Mareth sat in front of a laptop taken from people who intend to buy the things that Tenko had stolen. Instead of money, the buyers planned to use the laptop for a wire transfer.

"The best way into their accounts is through the cards. Start with those and clean them out."

"You want to take everything?" Mareth asked with a shocked look.

"They had people in cages like animals. So yes, take everything. Start with the buyers, then the bikers. Make it clean." Tenko spoke then began to leave.

"Don't you want to know who we're stealing from?"

"That's up to you, babe. I'm going to bed..."

"I'll be finished by lunch." She calls out after him.


Around noon, Tenko woke up and found himself alone in bed, and the manor was empty.

After he got himself together, he went downstairs and found a packet left by Nikita. As he read through the papers, he smiled to himself. Not only was the deal struck for the contractors to start building, But Mark and Nikita had come to their senses and put their old house up for rent instead of selling it.

When Tenko sat down at the table to eat, Mareth had a not by her laptop with access info to a new account with the funds for their latest job, Along with everyone's expenses. Among those expenses, Mareth high lighted Jack Arlo's insurance deductibles.

Tenko began to read through the bills and saw alarming treatments that needed to be paid for. Tenko then understood why Jack Arlo wanted him to give Nima the bite. She had Bone Cancer.

Tenko set the bills down and sighed. Tenko then looked over Melissa's expenses and saw overdue bills, mortgage, property taxes, insurance. Melissa was in bad shape. Even Mareth still had funeral costs from when she buried Lacy.

During his meal, Tenko gave everyone what they needed and more to keep their head above water. But before he sent the money, he grabbed his coat and went to see Jack Arlo.

When Jack Arlo opened the door, he was surprised to see Tenko. It was the first the Alpha had shown up at his house. Tenko held a stack of papers, and Jack Arlo knew precisely what they were.

Jack Arlo tried to explain. He thought Mareth was going to take care of the bills. If he had known that Tenko was paying everyone, he would have kept them to himself.

Tenko just shook his head. "Jack Arlo, you never were the sharpest knife in the drawer."

Tenko grabbed Jack Arlo by the back of the neck and pulled him into a hug. "You should have said something sooner. Let's go see your sister."

Tenko walked his packmate into the house and greeted Nima with a smile. When the door closed behind him, Tenko didn't plan on opening it until everyone reached a decision they could live with.

"Hi, Tenko. Jack didn't tell me you were coming. I would have made some tea."

"Would it have been Reishi?"

"No. ginger."

"Oh, then save your energy, love." Tenko moved a pillow and sat in a large beige armchair. " Jack Arlo tells me that you've been through on surgery and have started radiation therapy."

"Y-yes... Stage 2 bone cancer." Nima stammered.

"It's okay, Nima, you can relax. I know it's scary. And no one should have to experience that fear. I'm sure Jack Arlo told you what we are."

Nima nodded anxiously.

"Good. Well, Jack Arlo has asked me to bring you into my pack. And before today, I had this image of what my pack would look like in a couple of years and realized that the vision I had wasn't that different from an enemy I recently faced. The bedrock of my pack is family. I shared a connection with Malia, Mareth joined because we both lost someone we cared about and began to care about each other over time. Melissa is a friend of the family. Jack Arlo has become family. Truthfully most of the shit I dump on him is because he needs to do better, not for me but himself. There is no room in my pack for strangers brought in for my benefit because I have to act in the best interest of my family..." Tenko paused for a moment.

"That is why I'm here. Jack Arlo's sister is my sister. This bite will heal you and make you better in every way. You will have to work to stay in control, but we will help with that. But you have to know that the bite may kill you. So, what do you want to do, Nima?"

Nima exhaled as she shifted in her seat. She rubbed her hands, and her anxiety was still looming over her.

"This is odd. It's hard to believe your sixteen. When I was your age, I was all broke up about James Poole, and I thought that my life was over. My cancer is spreading, and if I were healthy, I wouldn't even consider this. But I'm not healthy, and I've been looking after Jack since we were kids. I'm not ready to leave him."

Nima looked at her brother with teary eyes. "I want the bite."

Tenko moved across the room and took a seat next to Nima. His eyes were now deep red with fox slits. His fangs were big, and bushy tails grew and wrapped around Nima. Tenko gently took her hand then bit her right behind her thumb, just above the wrist. Nima winced at the pain, and iron filled Tenko's mouth as the warm crimson blood seeped from his lips and coated Nima's hand.