Chapter 11 Smith's Mansion

The sun had been set into a beautiful color on a Friday late afternoon. Andrew took his car as he went home. Waving at Elle then he closed the window of his car, headed back to Princeton Road, where he lived. "Mom, Dad, I'm home," Elle announced as she entered the entrance door of their house. "Welcome back, Miss Elle!" Nanny Ann said, smiling. "Thank you, Nanny Ann. Where's Mom and Dad?" She asked, smiling. She sat on the huge yellow sofa and said, "Nanny, please hand me all my things here." Nanny Ann obeyed. "They're still at the work, Miss Elle." Nanny Ann replied. "Okay. I think they'll be home in few minutes, Nanny Ann," she convinced her nanny. "Here's for you, Nanny Ann," Elle said, handing her a red t-shirt. "Wow thank you very much, Miss Elle. "And please give this too to Mr. Sander," Elle said as she handed her nanny a blue t-shirt. "I'll give it to him now, Miss Elle." She said, heading towards the door.

"Hi sweetie! We miss you so much, " Mrs. Bess Smith said, embracing her tight. "I miss you, two of you. I have something for you, Mom," Elle said, giving her a yellow shoulder Kimbel bag. "This is beautiful, Elle! Thank you, sweetie," Mrs. Bess Smith said, planting a kiss on her forehead. "And,for you, Dad," she said while giving him a gray Adidas bag. "Thank you, Elle! You are always thoughtful, sweetie." Mr. Jerry Smith said, hugging her. "I miss you," he whispered in her ear. "I miss you too, Dad," she answered back, smiling. "I think Elle's already hungry. Is dinner ready, Ann?" Mrs. Bess Smith called out as she headed towards the kitchen. "Yes, Madame. Dinner is ready." She replied. "Elle! Love! Dinner is ready." Mrs. Bess Smith called them. "Coming, Mom!" Elle replied. "Come on, Dad, let's eat now. I'm hungry." She told her father, both of them stood up and went to the dining hall. The family ate dinner together, happy and sweet. Elle conversed with them all they did at Ridgeland. Her Mom and Dad were so eager to listen to her story. After dinner, they went upstairs to change for evening clothes. Elle rested immediately. She missed her room, her wide, comfy bed. As she was about to close her eyes, James crossed her mind. "He's handsome, I admit that, with that sweet grin and expressive eyes, that wavy black hair, I think he's 5'8 in height and that's perfect for me as 5'5. Nah.. I better sleep." Elle said, blushing. She turned off her lamp and went to sleep peacefully.