Chapter 34 The Truth

They were both inside the Diner's Cafe. It was ten minutes drive from the university. The place was not crowded. "Maybe, the students chose to eat in the school's cafeteria. Or maybe they go home too like Karen."Elle thought. As they waited for their orders, "What's that stare, Drew?" She asked, confused. The way Andrew looked at her, there was something in his mind she wanted to figure it out as much as possible. "What's that letter, Elle?" Andrew asked as he stared at her so seriously he waited for her answer. "You did not tell me anything about your Saturday with James. Ever since we are open to each other. Now, James came in the picture, you started to be quiet about it." Andrew straightforwardly said. Elle gave him the note that James wrote during Math class. Andrew read it silently. He gave it back to Elle. "No reaction, Drew?" Elle asked, perplexed. She told him everything about that Saturday friendly date with James. "You like him?" Andrew asked seriously. "James and I are just friends, Drew." Elle replied. "But it always starts in friendship, Elle. You haven't answered my question. Do you like him?" Andrew asked again. "No!" Elle replied. "One thing, Dad told me to focus on my studies. You know me very well, Drew. You don't have to doubt." Elle added in a serious tone. "Follow your Dad's order, Elle. I'm always at your back now." Andrew said seriously. "Come on, let's eat. Don't think about that letter anymore." He commanded seriously. "Okay my boss!" Elle replied, smiling. "Don't be bothered anymore okay." Elle reassured him. "I know I always have you, Elle, no matter what the situation. We always have each other." Andrew assertively said. "Of course, Drew, for a lifetime." Elle replied seriously. They ate their lunch together and talked about anything sensible. James was out of the picture in their conversation. They headed back to Phoenix University for the afternoon classes.