Chapter 40 The Resting Minutes

After lunch break, Elle and the group rested in their own respective areas. Some guys roamed outside the Smith's mansion. Others just stayed on the porch. Miss Michelle Ryans sat in the living room while surfing online. James and Andrew entered the Library while Elle fixed herself inside her bedroom. She combed her hair, tied it up in a ponytail. She glanced herself in her big mirror and her eyes set on her lips, the kiss had crossed her mind again, and she smiled. "That kiss was so precious to me. First time with Drew and no one will know it. Only me and Drew." Elle said to herself. She heard a knock on her door. "I'm coming!" Elle walked towards it and saw Andrew smiling. He entered the room, closed it and suddenly hugged Elle so tight. "What's this, Drew?" Elle asked. She was confused about his sudden action. "I miss you." Andrew said. He bent down and quickly planted a gentle kiss on her lips. Elle wanted to avoid that kiss but it's too quick and he's too strong for her to refuse. She kissed him back but pulled away and said, "Drew, you go first and tell them I'm coming." Elle said, smiling at him. "Let's control our emotions, Drew. What if we do something more aside from the kiss?" Elle asked worriedly. "It will not happen, Elle. We are too young for such responsibility. Kiss is enough for now." Andrew clarified their situation. "I hope so, Drew. I'm just scared." Elle said. She hugged him tight. "Now go, Drew and tell them I'm coming." Elle commanded him with a smile. She looked again in the mirror, touched her lips and smiled. She took a deep breath and went out of her room. "Sorry for the wait, guys." Elle said, smiling, looking at Miss Ryans to Andrew. "Now, let's start this. So we will finish at 4pm. Your last dance will be your Dad, Miss Elle. He's coming before 4pm." Miss Ryans announced. "Okay, Miss Ryans." Elle said. She sat next to Andrew.