Chapter 40

As she walked, she suddenly heard some people bargaining.

"You are asking for 20 silvers just for this one person? I say, Qian Yazi, aren't you a little black hearted?"

"Sir, look closer, does he really seem like a normal person to you? Look at his physique, he clearly knows martial arts, if you buy him, he will surely become a good guard for your house."

"He looks so sick and skinny, you sure he's not going to die anytime now? Ha! And you still say that he can do martial arts. You can continue waiting for that 20 silvers to drop into your hands!"

"Ai, Sir, don't go, don't go, can't we talk about it. Ai, how about 10 silvers..."

Mu Yunyao glanced at the scene. When her gaze landed on the person who was sitting on the ground with his hands and feet bound, she stopped in her tracks. This person...this person...she quickly walked towards him and took a closer look at him. However, she was roughly pushed away by Qian Yazi.

"Where did this beggar come from, go away!"

Mu Yunyao raised her head and kicked him. "Qian Yazi, have you gone blind? You don't even recognize me?"

Qian Yazi was shocked when Mu Yunyao kicked him. When he raised his head, he looked carefully at her. He could not help but swallow. Before, he had taken a mere glance at her and only noticed that her face was covered with dirt. But now that he looked carefully, he realised that this young boy had red lips and pure white teeth, he had a pair of beautiful dark eyes and had an aura of a noble. He was definitely not a normal person.

"Aiya, this young master here, why are you dressed like this? Is this a game you're playing? Please forgive this one for not recognising your importance."

"Hmph. How much is this person worth?"

"Young master has a good eye. This person is only worth 20 silvers. Look, he knows martial arts. You would definitely be able to show him off."

Mu Yunyao put her hands behind her back, raised a leg and nudged the person on the ground. "Look up, if you are suitable, I will buy you."

The person on the ground raised his head. He had a pair of cold eyes.

Mu Yunyao's heart trembled, as if a knife was touching it. It is indeed him! Jin Wang's most loyal bodyguard!

When she had become Jin Wang's concubine, she always saw this silent person right behind Jin Wang. She had initially thought that he was a normal bodyguard, but at that particular banquet, this man had used his sword to kill the assassins. His swordsmanship was enthralling. He did not seem human.

Afterwards, she chatted with a female servant and found out that that bodyguard was bought by Jin Wang on a street. It was said that he only spent 10 silvers. She became very curious and studied him. When that bodyguard looked at her, those icy cold eyes that seemed to be coated with blood made her shiver. She had nightmares for two consecutive days. She no longer dared to study him.

"Young master, so how about it? You can show him off!"

"5 silvers, if you agree then I will buy him."

"No way, no way, 5 silvers is too little."

"Fine, goodbye." Mu Yunyao turned and walked away. Qian Yazi quickly chased after her, "Young master, just add a little more and I will sell him to you."

"Then 6 silvers. Not anymore than that."

"This...alright. Young master, this is is slave contract, please take it properly."

Mu Yunyao took out 6 silvers and threw it to him. She ran to person on the ground and squatted down. "I spent 6 silvers to buy you. From now, on, your name shall be Liu Liang."

(T/N: "Liu Liang" translates to 6 pieces (of silver).)

The slave trader handed the rope to Mu Yunyao. "Young Master, this person is yours now."

Mu Yunyao kicked Liu Liang's leg. "Are you dead? If you aren't, then get up and follow me." As she finished speaking, she walked away without looking back. When she had taken a little more than 10 steps, she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She narrowed her eyes and thought: It seems that after being reborn, the Heaven's were all on her side. She actually met Jin Wang's future most trusted bodyguard. It's clear that the Creator likes to play with his creations. Nevertheless, she liked this.