Chapter 59

After she was done making the Provincial Governor's wife's clothes, Mu Yunyao immediately went to see Lady Jin. "Lady, the clothing is done. I must request you to pass this on."

"Quickly take a seat. The weather is so hot now. Plus, you live so far, you should have taken a carriage."

The servant Yin Hong gave Mu Yunyao a moist handkerchief. Mu Yunyao thanked her and wiped the sweat off her forehead. "I used to live in the North, so I am still not so used to this hot weather."

In order to make Mu Yunyao a little less stressed in her clothes-making, Su Qing had tried to make different snacks for her everyday. In just a few days, Mu Yunyao looked much healthier. Her moist skin seemed to be glowing. Although the weather was very hot, Mu Yunyao did not put on any makeup, thus she was not afraid to simply wipe off her sweat, just like that.

Lady Jin studied her skin that resembled white jade. She was slightly envious. "Looking at you, I feel so old."

"Perhaps Lady was aware that I have brought something good for you? And that is why you are saying this?" Mu Yunyao blinked, her eyes that were filled with laughter also had a hint of curiosity in them.

"Oh? If you say that they are good, then it must definitely be good. Quick, bring them out, let me see!"

Mu Yunyao took out a fat little china bottle and passed it to Yin Hong. "The roses these days are blooming beautifully. I collected some petals and added them to some medicinal herbs. I ended up with this rose cream. This is specially made for Lady, it can keep the hands smooth and healthy. Please take it as my heartfelt thanks for Lady to pass on the clothes."

"For the hands?"

"Actually, it can also be used for the face, but since it was made by me, I cannot hastily let Lady apply it on the face..."

Lady Jin took a bottle, removed the lid and gave it a sniff. The cream was a light pink and had the faint smell of roses. It was especially refreshing. "The smell is very good. Yin Hong, keep this quickly."

Mu Yunyao had already become Lady Jin's most frequent visitor, thus all the other servants treatment towards her changed drastically. Yin Hong even personally brought her out of the residence.

Mu Yunyao took out a smaller china bottle and said, "Sister Yin Hong, I added multiflora rose into this. The smell is especially light, I hope that Sister likes it."

Yin Hong was pleasantly surprised. "Even I have one? Thank you very much!"

"Then I'll be on my way." Yin Hong was a very close attendant to Lady Jin. Yin Hong was also treating her a little better than before. Giving her a little present to exchange for her praising Mu Yunyao in front of Lady Jin? That would be quite worth it.

Yin Hong returned to see that Lady Jin had already washed her face and was currently applying the cream that Mu Yunyao had presented to her. She quickly called out to stop her, "Lady, shouldn't this servant get people to check on this cream first?"

Lady Jin carefully spread the cream on her face. "If she said that this was good, then it definitely is. Otherwise, with that careful personality of hers, she would not even show it to me."

When she thought back to Mu Yunyao's words, Yin Hong felt slightly more reassured. She helped Lady Jin wipe away the cream. Then, she gasped, "This cream is so amazing! Lady's skin is so much more moist! Lady seems to have a much better complexion now!"

Lady Jin was extremely satisfied. She looked at the clothing at the side and gestured for Yin Hong to bring it over. When she looked at it, she felt very disappointed.

"This dress looks so ordinary, it does not have any interesting characteristic to it at all!"

Lady Jin was also confused. She specially asked Yin Hong to move the dress around but was still unable to find any hidden surprises.

"Lady, if we were to send this to the Provincial Governor's wife, would she think that Lady had specially made sure that the dress was not as good as Lady's?"

Lady Jin thought for a while. In the end, she got Yin Hong to carefully package the dress. "Tomorrow, I will visit the Provincial Governor's residence."