WISH 1: System from (Ex Hero Candidate become a cheat from Level 2) awakens upon awakening (in womb) also modified so things that other worlds have to offer like Ki or Reiatsu are instantly mastered like magic will be. Includes all possible skills the worlds have to offer (Cooking, Crafting, Martial Arts, Sex Techniques or other MC Skills will be learned from level 2 on ward)
With 5 added Skills:
(Level through Indulgence)
My own mix of skills like Level through eating and such. Makes MC able to level up through Drinking etc. let's say a glass of water is 1 level and juice 2, alcohol is 3, shakes and milk drinks are 4, then breast milk 5. Giving Cunnilingus is 1, face fucking (forced) is 1 and getting a blow job 2, face fucking (accepted) is 3 then anal (forced) is 4 but anal (accepted) is 5 vaginal (forced) is 5 while vaginal (accepted) is 10 and virginity taking is a times 2 multiplier and once a day doing it gets a bonus, everything done once gets a 2 times bonus 1 time per day. Eating is like this Soup gets you 1 level while bread gives 2. Any vegetables and fruits give 3 levels while meat gives 4 levels. Then any special dishes (magical, divine or chakra) get 5 levels and dishes using multiple ingredients get the combined level value. Also sleeping gives 1 level per hour.
(Absolute Dismantlement from Shinka no Mi)
Get 100% of all drops at max quality and all possibilities at once at max amounts includes monsters strength and level also special skills. Mc will get 18+ skills from any and all monsters. Cause of the next Skill.
(Ero Cheat Skill)
My own 18+ skill. Takes the powers from Love Parameters glasses guy and the guy from Sweet Guy and also makes women and girls only get +to Love, Lust, Loyalty (is also Faithfulness and Faith), Obedience and Honesty stats. Makes them (women and girls) better looking through ingesting MC sperm also gives or MC infinite Stamina in Bed. Makes all women and girls easier to get through sex cause MC's dick makes all laws like hentai laws only for himself meaning if he fucks a girl unconscious she is his for eternity and the dick and sperm are like perfect (tastes the best and pleasure is without comparison) and adapt to the girl if MC wants it to. (Size, shape and form will adapt to always hit the women and girls pleasure spots) Divine looks yeah let's just say women can't look past if they lay eyes on MC no matter what. Being close (20m) to MC as a women or girl will give plus 1 to all five mentioned stats per minute can be made to target one specific stat making it 5 points per minute other variations are possible skill can be turned off. (You don't want all women after you it's hunting not getting hunted) If 100 (or more Love, Loyalty and Lust) is reached in a stat it gets locked and can't be lowered. Lust will be keyed to MC and MC's other Harem Members instead of being locked. By thinking off this Skill and using Magic or other Forms of Energy the effect of the skill can be made instantaneous and 100 times more effective. Arousal or Lust generated this way only leaves after being taken care off by MC. Concentration on one target makes the skill 100 times more effective. MC can control his Orgasm without fail. MC can stop women and girls from having an Orgasm the longer the stronger the Orgasm will be. (Every second makes the Orgasm 10 times stronger) Your also a Lucky Pervert.
(World Map a always updating Map of the entire current World with a Search option) Imagine it like the map from Satou in DeathMA
and (World Travel from any World Crossing Fanfic)
Absolute Dismantlement works all the time for everything and will be auto looted and sorted according to Wish two. Cause Storage.
World Map is also pretty self explained.
World Travel works as soon as the MC hits Level 2 uses a third of (Mana, Reiatsu or Reiryoku, Chakra, Ki and Qi) to be used can be used without cool down.
Ero Cheat is obvious. Also his Strength decides how much pleasure the women feel so ♾ pleasure cause infinite strength. Women will not be able to resist cause he gives ♾ pleasure not just amazing but absolute amount of it so resistance is futile. Women won't stop squirting and orgasming. Remember the 1 second 10 times Orgasm strength thing. It will count every Orgasm as a 10 time multiplication. So if MC even only for 1 second stops a women's orgasm she will be orgasming like 1000 times stronger. Also MC can get boners and fuck women when he hits Level 2 (after birth).
Level through indulgence is also pretty self explanatory.
WISH 2: A personal Dominion (World)
(Awakens at birth needs to be opened)
Can control Time dilation between inside and outside the (World). (100:0 or 100:1 everything possible)
Has a Sanctuary in the Sky (Heaven) of the connected Dungeons 1 Floor (where MC keeps his tamed Familiars and Slaves) The sanctuary is like one made with Gamer Powers having an all purpose workshop (adds crafting function to the system), storage room (adds a inventory to first wish also gives auto looting), bathroom (big pool and open air hot springs also indoor hot springs), master bedroom (soundproof), guest bedrooms (number is dependent on guests and if guests choose to share a room), maid quarters (they all sleep in the same room for easy access cause MC is a perv), Kitchen, Living room (TV, Gaming Consoles and a nice lounge with couch and low table) Gaming Room (Cinema Screen, Projector, Gaming Consoles, Super PC etc.) All bedrooms have a small Bath (Shower, Bathtub and etc.) Master Bedroom has its own Bathroom like the main Bathroom just on the other side and on the highest floor. In the basement has a sex dungeon and a prison both soundproof the sex dungeon is also the torture chamber. Batch Wall a room where upon sexual conquest (once per women and taking virginities kissing included) the Gained batches can be placed they all give unique permanent buffs to one self or others (familiars, slaves, maids, concubines and wives)
The dungeons first floor only has tamed monster familiars and slaves (obedient). Deeper floors have monsters and beasts (monsters and beasts are all female) maybe even beings from other worlds to fight the possibilities are endless as is the dungeon. Floor 1000 will be important in the future. You gain drops and can find amazing treasures (special locations) maybe even find some ore veins that recover forever. (crafting items can be found everywhere)
(The Monster Ball from Monster Breeder together with the absolute perfect capture skill and a Grimoire that shows all possible monster evolutions and I can transport my monsters without always having to open a door to my world)
Sacred Gear Longinus Zenith Tempest (cause MC wants to have something stronger than Vector Manipulation to piss off Accelerator in the future)
(Reality Manipulation) ((Control)), Elemental Manipulation (Control), Vector Manipulation ((Control)), Telekinesis and ((slight Law Manipulation))
(Balance Breaker) ((Juggernaut Drive))
Sacred Gear Longinus Telos Karma (cause MC can choose the future as soon he hits LV 3)
Cause and Effect Manipulation (Control) ((Change)), Probability Influencing (Manipulation) ((Control)), Luck Manipulation (Control), Karma Influencing (Manipulation) ((Control)), Emotion Influencing (Manipulation) ((Control))
(Balance Breaker) ((Juggernaut Drive))