Kyoto Arrival (no Foxes yet)

inner Monologue «» / speaking *Name* " speech "

Sacred Gear { inner Monologue «» inner conversation ~ speech ~ speaking " speech " }

I went together with my new parents. I didn't accept their family name but the adoption went alright. My name is still Jack Cedric Sommerscave Gilgamesh Christus Lucifer. Now on to business..!

Himari is sleeping peacefully on my lap we are sitting together and the airplane stuff luckily ignores it. The announcement that we will soon land in Kyoto wakes her up, she looks me in the eyes and gives me a hug while half asleep.

Jack "Himari it's time to wake up where almost there."

Himari "5 more minutes Jack-nii."

Jack "You can't sleep with me tonight."

Himari instantly woke up and looked me in the eyes.

Himari "No that's cruel Jack-nii you promised!"

Now I feel it these eyes it's the legendary puppy dog eyes attack. I need to hold...

Jack "Definitely don't worry I only did it to wake you up Himari."

How can anyone resist this?!

I should have asked for wisdom, shouldn't I? Now it comes to bite me.

While I was fretting over my own inability the doors opened and I just now realize we already docked on the airport gate. No I should have asked for intelligence shouldn't I?

Himari "Jack-nii where here come on ask yourself stupid questions later."

«stupid questions» I am so gonna thank you when you get into puberty Himari. I never had to worry I just need to be myself how could I have been such an idiot?!

Jack "Thanks Himari" I gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. This made her blush from ear to ear. I really like the fact that my little sister has high attack and low defense.

Ddraigg {" Master please continue working I want a body soon" Albion ~ Ddraigg please calm down we will be able to serve our Master soon so please continue. ~ Ddraigg "Master Albion is doing it again!" Albion " No master please I only want to finally unit with you!"}

«Ah why did this have to happen now» Ddraigg and Albion really where a surprise after a week they suddenly woke up. They most likely didn't think they gonna get awakened right after birth. But was most surprising is the fact they are both completely female.

And as you can see I have promised them to get some new bodies so we can get going. Now, why are two of the most prideful dragonesses so needy and proactively call me master? Well, it's cause I can deactivate my power but it's still in my soul so it works on them. So shortly after they woke up they where already max in everything but sadly I can't turn it off which cause them to orgasm constantly making it impossible to hide my sacred gear signature.

Forcing me to use make them unable to do so anymore. I was surprised that lust alone can cause something like this. But to apeace them I swore I would make them bodies that can leave the gear but still return and carry their spirit. Since then they're squabbling about how they want me to hurry and who is getting ridden first. It's really annoying so I got to work only to find out it will take 3 years of constant mana supply for both gears.

It sadly isn't a question of amount or they would already have bodies, it's a question of constant supply making the gear evolve to be able to do so and also be able to sustain the bodies ain't easy.

Also, the fact they managed to break my concentration 2 times already is fascinating. Which is conveniently the reason I am gonna awake my gears new ability this evening. Happily I can manage to do so before going to bed with Himari.

And I am happy I asked for the ability to manage the time dilation from my world to this one or I would have to explain the supernatural 8 years earlier than planned. After the normal security checks I and my new family make or way to or hotel yes we are gonna stay here for today.

I am really happy I could convince my new parents to stay in Kyoto even if it's only a day. Tomorrow we'll start going back to Kuoh taking the Shinkansen at noon till then I can at least look at some of this country's rich history.

Taking a breath of fresh air I start looking at old Japanese buildings from afar our airport is 5 miles away from the city so we need to take the bus to get here. Now I am really hyped up about this.

Getting here I was swinging left and right in my chair and really happy about seeing Kyoto even if it's only for a day.

{ Ddraigg "Master don't forget us I really want to get out and let you ride me good!" Albion "Master pleas keep us in mind so you can get to ride us soon!" }

Dammit, they really lack restraint but that's understandable considering their Lust stat went far beyond 100 Million by now. 200 is already enough to cause Orgasm on touch I don't want to know how much these two would feel from a touch now.

Arriving inside the City Himari starts asking for Japanese Candy and generally enjoying herself watching her makes it easy for me to get my spirits up, for my coming bed war with Ddraigg and Albion.

Watching my Little Sister was fun playing with her and learning the children street song used to navigate the streets of Kyoto was fun.

Now in or Hotel Room for the night preparing to go to bed I and Himari are brushing our teeth. I start going back before her get on my bed and sit taking meditation stance.

Seconds later I feel both Divine Dividing and Boosted Gear shaking and evolving the power they give off happily is released in my worlds dungeon. Looking up from my handiwork I see two very beautiful teen girls standing in their birthday suit.

One with long silky silver hair and shining blue eyes and the other with long silky crimson hair and shimmering green eyes. Both have the exact same body type. Each having a bountiful C-Cup and nice Ass.

Now my night just begins now doesn't it?!