Dream Dragon God?

After falling into sleeps warm embrace, I started dreaming of the last 4 years leading up to this.

I remember the start of my training how I decided it's better to restrict myself so I can really learn how to fight. Mastering weapons was hard especially so because in my world there was always peace, happily, I knew how to deal a punch although I need to improve in that department as well.

1'000'000 years of constant training brought me to the point where I mastered every weapon I know of. (Swords, Knives, Lances, Spears, Bows, throwing knives, and scythes, etc.) It wasn't easy and getting to Floor 999 having my strength restricted to the strongest enemy I am facing made it even more difficult.

But I managed somehow. After that, I went and started collecting promising girls for my harem. In this case, it was slaves and maids. Having gotten a ton of teen girls and lolis for my collection I went ahead and trained them. Using a skill that makes it very easy. A month after having gotten my little collection of 1000 faithful slaves or maids I was finished with their education.

Let's just say getting sucked by any of them is pure bliss. Also, I never will have to worry about cleaning my room. But let's be honest if any of them touches my Workspace (Tools, Notes, Equipment, etc.) then their in for a big punishment.

Let me just be direct, carrying 20 girls with me in my shadow is fun and convenient for cleaning and such. But it's more fun if they get ravished by my tentacles for they're punishment. Cause of shadow tentacles having absolute domain here they can't even run or complain. Yep I really turned into a degenerate after gaining all power.

Now that I think about it covering women in my shadow and then ravishing them will be my ultimate skill. Obviously, I only use it on enemies. But imagining just how many bitches I'll get from the nekoshou incident makes me ecstatic.

Now I am really wondering what this dream is about. As far as I can remember I never had a dream since coming to this world. Mostly also because I only really slept 7 times. I really love my cheat system it never gives me quests and has actually a useful assistant A.I even though it's working on any one form of my energy.

It's active now and says I am in Great Reds Domain. What she wants from me isn't clear but I am really happy to see her listed as Dragon Goddess of Dreams Rose a.k.a Great Red. Now I want to know where that nickname comes from.

Rose "Hello fellow Dragon God I am here to tell you something about a standing contract with the Greek fates the only ones besides to God of the Bible able to form and manipulate Fate. And what they swore to never do with us Dragon Gods."

Jack "Let me guess?!" I said in an over-eager manner only to get away from boredom for awhile.

Rose "Very well I'll wait and drink some tea while you're at it." Rose transformed into her human form, which looked like a 12-year-old girl just starting to develop. Yet having an amazing figure all the same. Materializing some tea for herself she gave me a wink and a smirk.

I really like the fact that my Dragon Charisma and Charm stats have such an effect on her. Considering she is still completely pure. Like her sister Ophis. How I know about Ophis...

Ophis "GET OUT OF MY HOME BAKA-RED!" Ophis just came flying from out of nowhere and tackled her sister. Having arrived here I can without fault say seeing two beautiful girls entangled on the ground is exciting.

She also looks like a 12-year-old starting to develop and also still has a stunning figure her face is beyond perfect and it's so innocent and cute while Rose has a wild and cold face. The contrast between their deep scarlet and completely black hair is amazing while their green and black eyes make me have an amazing attraction to them.

Ophis "Who is this Baka-Red?"

Rose "He is a new dragon God and I am telling them about the contract the fates agreed to."

Ophis "The contract that forbids them from changing or influencing or Fate?!"

Ophis said the last part with a questioning look on her face while having her head tilted to the said and a finger on her lips.

Jack "Hey I wanted to guess!"

While I let my displeasure known I forgot that feelings affect my dragon aura even if I can control it perfectly under normal circumstances this time I messed up or won the jackpot cause...

Jack "Aaaaaaaaahhhhh shit that hurts!"

Ophis and Rose both bite down on one of my shoulders each leaving their Mate Crest and I in retribution did exactly the same. Only in my case the symbol stayed black while in their case it turned white very fast.

I am not gonna let myself be controlled and manipulated anymore now that I know the fates messed up and the contract allows me to punish them how I see fit. This is gonna be fun especially because I now have Rose and Ophis as my mates earlier than I planned.

Meanwhile Rose and Ophis were examining their Marks and I tell you it looks so much better than the Succubi crest. But I am not saying it's more alluring, but certainly more epic. It has me on a golden throne having my 30 sets of deepest crimson glowing angel, devil, and dragon hybrid wings out.

Sitting calmly and majestically like Gilgamesh in FGO Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia. Displaying my pitch-black dragon eyes having their slits having an uncharacteristic golden shine. My pitch-black hair falling over my shoulder in a long Ponytail and behind me encircling the throne is my pitch-black dragon form having my golden eye looking down on whoever is seeing my crest.

With the black outline it looks awe inspiring. I realize only now that I have to give Albion and Ddraig my dragon crest so I can show them off in the future and also because it's just a bit more versatile than the Succubi Crest all my slaves besides Sarah and her peerage have I really should decide which crest they get soon.

But for now, I am gonna enslave some Greek bitches.

(Authors Note: Succubi Crest has three stages. For succubi crests lower rank = less freedom.

1st Stage: Maid (Currently 20 in number)

2nd Stage: Slave (Currently 1000 in number)

3rd Stage: Cumdump (Currently 1 in number)

(It was matron from the Orphanage)

And the dragon crest does so as well. Dragon Crests lower rank = more love and freedom.

1 Stage: Fling (Currently none)

2 Stage: Lover (Currently none)

3 Stage: Mate (Wife) (Currently 4 in number)

Clarification: Ophis, Rose, Ddraig, and Albion have the Mate Crest.

Relationship Ranking: It's lesser confusing this way.

1st Mate

2nd Lover

3rd Fling

4th Maid

5th Slave

6th Cumdump

So now that I gave clarification we can move on see you tomorrow.