Gifts and Inheritances

I am a really disgusted reason being my asshole of an adoptive dad. He died in a car crash and the reason was distraction through sexual intercourse. Yes he died because a woman has blown him off. Most likely lost concentration post Orgasm.

And went of crashed into a truck. Well at least it wasn't his fault. How did I know this? Well here is the reason for my certainty.

System Message: R.O.B here yes I killed him and no I am not the reason he cheated.

That's it nothing more I am really surprised at this R.O.B he seems way to nonchalant about this.

Well it seems R.O.B didn't see it necessary to inform me about the 100 billion yen life insurance, including Kyoto mansion (old Japanese style) I am getting because of the old man's death. So yeah that's a nice gift and inheritance on his part even though he is an asshole.

Now on to the inheritance I got from the Primordial Eros. It's as follows, women get more pleasure from me don't ask me how that's still possible. Semen tastes even better also don't ask me how that's even possible now. Women fall in Love, Lust, Faith, Obedience, and Honesty easier by 100 times now I get instant seduction if I want. The volume of semen increases again I have no clue how.

And finally, my looks somehow improve even more. Also I unlocked these 35 new stats.

Handsomeness ♾️

Enticing Looks ♾

Devilish Handsomeness ♾️

Devilishly Tempting Looks ♾

Heavenly Handsomeness ♾️

Heavenly Looks ♾

Dragons Handsomeness ♾️

Dragons Tempting Looks ♾

Divine Handsomeness ♾️

Divine Looks ♾️

Divine Charm ♾️

Divine Charisma ♾️

Divine Temptation ♾️

Aura of Domination ♾️

Aura of Superiority ♾️

Aura of Temptation ♾️

Aura of Seduction ♾️

Aura of Enticment ♾️

Aura of Lust ♾️

Aura of Love ♾️

Aura of Pleasure ♾️

Aura of Ecstasy ♾️

Aura of Desire ♾️

Aura of Loyalty ♾️

Aura of Honesty ♾️

Aura of Obedience ♾️

Aura of Elation ♾️

Aura of Joy ♾️

Aura of Happiness ♾️

Aura of Hope ♾️

Aura of Comfort ♾️

Aura of Acceptance ♾️

Aura of Compassion ♾️

Aura of Innocence ♾️

Aura of Purity ♾️

They all multiply the effect of charm and charisma and each other. Also cause the result of said multiplication, to multiple vice versa meaning. I literally get the ladies easier than breathing, if I want to. It's even easier if I use my new Auras.

Aura of Domination and Superiority draw out women and girls submissiveness and make them easily turn Masochistic upon being exposed to it for too long. While the other Auras make it very easy for me to get into any woman's panties if exposed to them.

And some make them feel absolute happiness and content in my presence. All effects can also be caused by my semen includes the parameter ability. So I started a bakery that sells sweets laced in my cum but is actually labeled as a secret ingredient. The funny fact is I can make my sperms become liquid. This also happens to be how no one of my harem girls is pregnant yet.

And just to be honest the bakery is a hit and sells everywhere and to everyone including the supernatural. But that's a story for later.

Now to the gift of the heavenly Father from my original world apparently cause, he isn't here in the DXD universe anymore.

Jack "System open the gift box please."

System Notice Gift opened received:

1st The power to get One wish fulfilled by the heavenly Father no restriction besides becoming the heavenly Father.

2nd Harry Potter world has been mixed into yours, also your Rose Potters Master She is your concubine (fling), you get all life debts from vanquishing Voldemort. (Basically, you get a giant magical army)

3rd Info about your Mother and Father.

(Emilia Evans and Emolifas Dragon God of Emotion and Life.) and yes Harry Potter world was already mixed with yours from the beginning due to R.O.B messing up big time.

4th You get the changed Wizarding World as your possession reason Life Debts from 2nd gift changed everything. (Changes: Women and girls are yours to do with as you please. Men all follow your orders and are Eunuch. Children are made through Rituals women and girls do not have any form of sex with man, are all virgin, have never kissed man before and only have children through rituals. Changes only influence the Harry Potter part of the supernatural world in DXD.)

5th All women and girls in the Wizarding World know how you look and are eager to please you. Also have all parameters Maxed. All women and girls have your slave Crest from age 5 onward.(Freshbloods a.k.a Muggleborns included)

Summary: You get about 300'000'000 Slaves of perfect look like all others Cause of succubi Crest makes them perfect looking. Also yes women can now choose to use a ritual to give you one girl after the other to please you. Also succubi Crest instantly gives them your race ranked below you. Also, all women in your harem are considered part of your power.

Wow okay I am gonna look into this on my eleventh birthday. Now I see the harem counter I wanted my system to implement and it's amazing 300'101'000 Slaves and 2520 Maids, still 22'004 cumdumps. Then my 7 Mates, 17 Lovers, and Rose Potter as a fling.

And also the number of slaves will grow times ten each year cause of ritual births and considering the children don't need to eat cause of them being from a lower rank of my race. And the fact they will be growing up in my world meaning time manipulation. I am happy I established an all girl's magic school in my world.

— —

I prepare for my breakfast when Serafall storms in.

Serafall "Master please have you considered."

I look at her with a smirk and she gives me a smile. I decide to tell her what I came up with.

Jack: "I decided the girls only start serving me when they're 11 years old. Other than that I am gonna wait to be with you till your sister is ready. Also, tell the captives they will need to work as maids and the others that their now my slaves."

But now I need to get ready cause the Himejima attack can happen any time now. I am looking forward to torturing these stray fallen and exorcists.

Serafall "Master should I take care of your problem?"

Serafall suddenly asks in a very meek voice and a flushed face. And I nod and she gets to work with her mouth she doesn't know one bit what she is doing.

Considering this I decide to put blowjob, handjob, sumata, and other similar sexual actions as teaching material for Maids and Slaves so I can at least enjoy them this way. Also I can use impart knowledge/skill magic to teach him when they're in contact with me.

So now I am gonna train using even more bodies at once, I desperately need to raise the limit of bodies I can use at once to about one centillion.