Artemis Cabin Shock (part 2-2)

Thea POV

I am sitting on top of a pillar when suddenly the male we were asked to get turns my way and ask me to introduce myself. The pressure coming of him almost made me Orgasm right on the spot, how is someone allowed to look so good and feel so enticing.

Damn you Aphrodite is all I could think before going to inform milady about his ability to see me or spot me. I was surprised when milady just nodded as if she knew but only wanted to be certain.

I also hear her mumble please be Antares multiple times under her breath. It seems like we don't know everything that happened to milady before joining the Hunt. As it seems she loved a man before and most likely swore herself to him. Instead of swearing eternal maidenhood, this sounds way more likely as some of the older hunters also swore something along the lines of his soul is the only one allowed to lay with me.

It's interesting I made a suggestion that the younger members can choose one man and they would be allowed to remain with him. But the girls all choose the guy lady Artemis talks about in her sleep. His name is Antares now that I remember, he must be really special to make her dream about him for Centuries.

She seems to have her heart completely captured by him. She always told us the story of her former first Lieutenant Atalante and how she was taken in by our Lady and raised from childhood like a loved daughter only to end up dead in Orion's hands.

Our Lady always has tears in her eyes when she is talking about the girls that died because of the bastard Orion. But she always hopes that they have a nice time on the isles of the blessed. Considering the fact that Hades at some point gave Artemis and her hunt the 3 biggest islands down in his territory.

Now seeing the man that saw me being hit with arrows none stop. It makes me feel a bit guilty but nevertheless I still follow my orders and fire arrow after arrow from my bow. His eyes seem completely focused on something I can't tell but I am sure he will pass through the challenge and we will be punished for what we have done.

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Phoebe POV

I am firing arrows after arrows at the man like our Lady ordered us to do. But I can't seem to get the image of my childhood friend and love of my life out of my head. How he sacrificed even his life to save me from slavery.

He was still just a child himself at the time, barely 13 yet he sacrificed his arm and leg hunting for the money to save me. And in the end, they still refused him to sell me to him as some kind of King has shown interest in me.

I later learned that he asked Lord Midas for money by sacrificing monster skins to him. Maybe he even sacrificed the gains from hunting Manticores and Antares of shots. He even hunted down the Klazomenian Sow being the only Hunter to ever slay it to this day.

Everyone believes that Theseus has slain it but to be true he only chased it away. This was also the hunt we're he lost his left arm and right leg. The money he got from Midas for it was even the first of its kind. Having depictions of the Klazomenian Sow on the back.

My love even swore on the river Styx on how much worth this money will have in the future. As it's gonna be the only of it's kind bearing the mark of Midas. Even the other coins having depictions of Manticore's and Antares itself were seen as cheap imitation till the point he swore to its value.

Seeing the merchant hitting my love unconscious made me furious. Especially when they took the fruit of his hard work. Only for me to laugh at them when they couldn't even open the bag of coins my love had with him.

I was surely surprised to find out that this bag is worth more than it's content considering such a gift given by the gods would even make Kings bow down before you willing to listen to the stories of your heroics.

Sadly these idiots we're dumb enough to try and kill my love. The scar on my stomach is quite evident to how I saved him. When he woke up seeing me hurt the life of these bastards was fates to end.

I remember vividly how he broke my chains and told me to go to the forest edge where the sun is going down. I ran and ran hearing many men following me only to be slaughtered by him and silver arrows that started raining down from the forest.

I only remember him walking up the hill calmly and without any signs of evil intent calling my name only to be shot down by my now friend Zoe. I later learned about her story and knew she went through a lot. Also my love even told me it's his fault for trying to get close to the hunters camp.

He gave me his coin bag and till now we use the money inside to get equipment from Hephaestus. Lady Artemis declared him one of the few men worthy of the hunt. These men being Antares milady Artemis and Atlante's Love, Peleus Zoe and Atlanta's Love, my love, and Sola's love.

But now I am just hoping he is the reincarnation of my love. As these eyes can only be his. I couldn't explain it any other way. These feelings start throwing themselves around inside my chest.

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Sola POV

I am in the hunt since the time shortly before Jesus Christ was crucified. I lived inside the roman colony close by before my father decided we need to run. I later learned that he asked Jesus about our fate. Learning that if we remain here we shall be captured and tortured by the enemies of Rome.

He never specified who it would be. But his words had a very powerful on my father. A week after all our things are packed and my family is traveling towards Athen. As the Greeks were considered a new land for my father.

Having had many business connections here. Living in Athen was nice until my father said I should please his costumers a bit. I hated sitting between their legs having my father force me to it.

When I talked to my friend and crush about it he swore to take me away from this place and bring me somewhere save. I wanted to warn him when the customer the day he wanted to save me was the son of a high ranking member in the Roman senate.

Sadly it was already too late as the head of the customer was rolling at my feet. And I was taken away by my love. It's amazing how swift he was moving. We weren't discovered even though we walked right past some guards. Maybe he sacrificed something to Lord Hermes to get this blessing.

Sadly I would never know as he had to hit me unconscious when I tried saving my family from execution. The next thing I know is him screaming from pain. His foot was trapped in a strange trap of silver metal.

I tried opening the trap but only made his wounds worse. He told me to walk in that direction and enter the biggest tent the girl living here, she would help me. So I started running here but maybe I made to much noise but when I came back together with Lady Artemis I found him dyeing bleeding out of his throat that was pierced with a silver arrow.

I don't get what he wanted to say even to this day, but his happy smile was amazing. Lady Artemis made him one of the few acceptable men and even provided his Death Rites.

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Artemis POV

Seeing the faces my older Hunters make, brings me to think about Antares and how he killed Orion. Even going as far as using me as part of his big trap. I really love him and hope he is at least the reincarnation of one of the few men that helped my hunt till now.

Maybe it's wishing to much for him to be the reincarnation of every single one of the men that helped my hunt as it would make them all so happy.