Atlante Heroine of Ancient Greece

Atlante POV

I was taking my time walking around our camp. Milady was out on a hunting order by the Olympian Council. I was together with Antares our Captain and only man in the hunt till a while ago.

This bastard Orion somehow cheated his way into our lady's trust. But he can't hide his despicable self from me. Antares also has stopped Orion from doing horrible things before.

But I couldn't have guessed that when Lord Hades forced me to join him for dinner in his realm that hell would fall upon my sister and my duplicate Hades made to make it seem less strange for me to be missing for a while.

I never ate anything as I do not need to. Lord Hades wanted me as his and I refused very adamantly when he tried to force himself on me, I slapped him. I don't regret it but the curse that hit me would make me think differently about my life so far.

I was turned into a second Nemean Lioness a monster even worse than the Nemean Lion. As the Nemean Lioness was never killed before. The Nemean Lion was killed by some gods before but the Nemean Lioness, no one managed to kill her till this day.

I am happy I can take a human form but the Lion ears and tail needed some getting used to. I learned about what happened with Orion and watched how Antares was forced to watch my duplicate and his sisters from the hunt getting raped by the bastard unable to do anything.

Being chained in chains made by Lord Hephaestus. He managed to break them at some point but then Orion was already done. Sadly the knife that got thrown by Antares only left a deep scar on Orion's face going over both eyes.

It was very nice seeing the bastard in pain. Even learning later that he died because Antares killed him.

I was now without goal without my Lover Antares and I was lonely. Thence my decision to save children and bring them to places where they would be taken care of.

It was surprising to learn that this behavior of mine would be the inspiration for Lady Lupas Wolf House.

Now I am sitting outside on the roof of Artemis Cabin seeing a man being brought in. I listen in on what is going on and learn about Artemis plea that I please be Antares. I feel my chest tighten the thought of finally being reunited after so long.

Yet I only listen to arrows being shot over and over for the next 2 days before suddenly I hear the shouts of pain from the hunt I hope nothing bad happened.

Especially because I am certain it's Antares as his soul smells the same. It's amazing being able to smell such things but being a Nemean Lioness actually has its advantages.

I am happy I entered the Cabin the night before it started. I am now laying bound by some black vine-like substance. And I am watching the hunt, Artemis, Hestia, Athena, and Aphrodite getting spanked for what they did.

Let me elaborate Hestia and Athena arrived the night before and didn't do anything to help while Aphrodite was just squealing about how nice it is for Artemis to finally love someone again.

It's strange hearing that from the women that used her divinity to make all the men on Olympus to think she is a slut. Using her scarf as a toy to milk man and getting their children. Maybe they actually know which would make this just hilarious.

Considering all the daughters of Aphrodite would be born from one of her divine aspects instead of her. This includes her roman counterpart. It's amazing how long no God got suspicious of her actions. Making me think yeah they know she is still virgin but wants to be able to know how to please her man when he comes around again.

But let's just be honest who understands what I just talked about? Even the author has problems with it!

(Authors Note: Sorry about the short chapter. The next will be slightly longer than normal so please look forward to it. Also thanks for reading.)