Kyoto Middle School Trip

After all the Greek drama with Kronos i went and married Artemis, Hestia, Athena, and Aphrodite. Many questioned why I married Aphrodite but I simply didn't care. And the marriage's with the rest of the hunt stayed secret for at least a year.

Now 4 years later I am on a school trip together with everyone. It's nice being in Kyoto and I surely perfectly timed my meeting with Yasaka. Now being 15 years old I start getting even more looks from women and girls.

I know that right after this trip the first day back in school will be the day I get into Tartus so I said the Kyoto Yokai faction meeting will be my last official action for half a year maybe even a year.

And I am looking forward to it. In the last 4 years, I learned how to be passionate without always having sex and I also learned which passion the girls individually like more.

It's interesting now I basically mastered everything the Author can think of with sex, flirting, seduction, and temptation. Maybe my cooking getting better had something to do with this passion I newfound for showing my love and not only using them for my pleasure.

When I woke up I had my own room like I remember as they somehow made a mistake with the booking. But to be honest, everyone reading this knows MC had his hands in it.

Ai-sensei was very unhappy with this so I just said I know Kyoto anyway, so it's not that big of a problem. And like I said I am gonna meet a distant relative. Well, I am in a group with basically all the girls and sensei while the boys are on their own.

It's interesting going to all these temples again and when we arrive at the castle I tell the girls to follow me. Kunou that's on my head was surprised about what is going on, as I picked her up when she went missing in the streets to be alone again.

Well, to be honest, it's surprising to think I would introduce my class to the supernatural now. I and the girls are in front of yokai territory and I decided to take them with us.

Kunou is surprised but she knows me already I have been visiting once a year since the first time I was here maybe some more to play with her. But I made some bracelets for them containing some of my magic.

Now I am just walking past the barrier and now the girls feel the bracelets leading them to me. Well, I am seeing their faces and I can only say this.

Jack "Welcome to the supernatural, now you know everything about me and this world."

I tell Yasaka that I brought some guests and let her know that I am going to teach them magic and fighting for the next week. It's amazing to fluff her tails like always.

And Kunou as always wants her tails to be fluffed. It's nice how I always have them like me, maybe it's because I saved Kunou from rapist pigs some years ago.

Or because I come here each year and some more to play with Kunou. She really grew attached to me, the girls are just watching me groom Kunou's tails.

Ai-sensei "What are they Jack and why tell us now?"

I look over at Ai and she seems a bit surprised at what she is seeing. Maybe I should have told her she is after all my girlfriend for a long time. Even though I never really got into a passion with her because she always stopped me.

Well maybe she is still gonna stop me in the future but the other girls opened up over this week. And all of them at least slept with me once. And Kunou and Yasaka always slept with me being my Mate gives them some privileges.

In the morning I always got food cooked by Kunou and dinner was made by Yasaka when she had time. If not then Kunou made it and I always fluff her tails their beautiful, beautiful tails.

Seeing Ai's reaction every time was golden. I only teach them martial arts and lesser spells for now. But seeing as my abilities make them all better at everything very fast is amazing.

They now all have an absolute magic affinity and can use at least two weapons in close combat while all of them can use the bow.

I am really happy with my progress and I made them all have a fling crest. Well, all beside Ai as she was kinda trying to stay out of this. Maybe she just wants to remain a responsible adult.

So I just started teaching her agriculture magic and she now is happily taking care of all the flowers and trees in the yokai territory. She at least learned martial arts but using weapons wasn't something she wanted to do.

I was really happy this one week made me see my new girls from an entirely different standpoint. Maybe I should do such things more often. A hot spring would be a nice start or the beach. Well, I am gonna challenge myself in Tartos anyway so what I am worried about.

After this one week of showing the girls Kyoto and training well let's just say the transfer to Tartos wasn't as exciting anymore.

(Author Note: Any ideas for Tartos? I am trying to write something interesting but I am more worried about the fact that I may just fail to do it so I would be very happy about you're ideas or tips for the story.

And like always thanks for reading. Sommerscave over and out.)