
The M Universe ‽

- Carter -

- 'Super Soldier Plan' -

Add them to 'World War II', with a little bit of cumin and paprika

And you get the plot for - Captain America! -

(Edit: It actually said rice country Captain/Captain rice, let me know if you prefer this to Captain America.)

Arthur didn't feel good.

Captain America!

Who had the most advanced tech? - the enemy. Most secretive info? - the enemy. Who could he trust? Almost no one !!! (Except the ones he saw from the movies)

Before crossing, Arthur was watching 'Iron Man,' but did not cross the Iron Man's time-linr, but crossed the battlefield of World War II, please someone tell him why?

Marvel world?

Arthur suddenly felt that his future was dark!

Want to know what kind of world was this?

In the depths of the universe, there are aliens everywhere, and all kinds of battles break out at any time.

With big villains having nothing to do at all, just casually coming up with plots on how to destroy the world! And all of it had something to do with Earth ! All of it !

(Edit: Remember, he had only watched till Iron Man 3)

And not to mention the idiotic people who endanger their own planet!

In a nutshell, all the above kinds could be finally reduced to three words - MMP! ! ! !

(Edit: check Urban dictionary for Ma Mai pi.)

How can he ever hope to live a quiet life now that he crossed over to this world?

And... It's hard to say whether it's the movie world or the comic world.

The movie world is no problem. It had lesser threats but the comic world is really indescribable, villains after villains pop up like mushrooms.

Not just any villains but sentient beings able to destroy the existence of the earth in a single motion! All kinds of indescribable, unimaginable existence, the whole universe is staggering. Even in different universes, different planes, there were enemies!

To be honest, the World War II scenario was quite simple, Arthur felt that by relying on his own system he could survive!

With so many skill books that have been broken down, with War souls that can enhance physical fitness!

The hope of his survival is still great!

Previously, he had hoped to perform better in the war, be a bit more active, and it will be goof in the future. As a war veteran there should be all kinds of benefits in this day and age.

At least that was his hope.

But now?

Arthur suddenly felt that ... hewas too naive!

"The Super Soldier Program, a unique serum developed by Dr. Abraham Erskine, can enhance the human body... Let an ordinary soldier become a super soldier capable of great things!"

Carter spoke when she saw Arthur not responding. She thought that he didn't know anything about the plan. She again explained it in a low voice and said: "This is not the place to talk. After we have completed this mission, I will talk to you about this in detail. I think that if it is you, you should be eligible for this experiment."

At this time,the sergeant had already run up to the front, stood up and gestured to them, indicating that the front was safe.

Carter slapped the shoulder of Arthur: "Come on, soldier!"


- Calm down, Don't say anything unnecessary. And most importantly don't cuss...-

Thinking back to the threats like Loki, the chitauri, and that hidden Bess in the credits.... He didn't know what to do.

"Oh... wait, can I even live until that time?"

He suddenly thought of one thing, here is the age of World War II. According to the movie plot, Captain America was frozen for nearly 70 years before seeing the situation of the day... When the major villains come to Earth, he would already be an old man.
















Even if he wass more powerful, what's the use?

As an old man, What could he do with that walking stick?

He was relieved, but it was not satisfying. As a child of the 21st century, he was accustomed to technology!

Compared with the future, what is so great about the World War II era?

At least the mustache doesn't have the infinity glove that can kill half of the universe! (Edit:You know who the moustache is.)

For a minute, Arthur's confidence doubled, and even felt that they could completely ignore the opponents of World War II. They could directly enter Berlin and cut the evil at its roots!

Ok... this was mere fantasy..

Moreover, Arthur suddenly thought of another thing.

"Maybe... the next major opponent is not the mustache... but Hydra!"

The emergence of Carter meant that even if it is not the movie world of the Captain America there is at least a deep connection. And to the captain, wasn't the most important opponent Hydra?

"Hey... I'm thinking too much about it..."

Arthur patted his head, and thinking so much was meaningless.

The road has to trodden step by step, and the rice has to be eaten bit by bit.

So... I have to continue moving forward.



In the rest of the journey, there was no ambush. Even the Sergeant thought that it was a completely accidental to encounter the sniper.

But even if it was, you better be careful.

Simply do not be discovered, especially by the air-patrol that occasionally pass through in the sky, which is the biggest obstacle.

Needless to say, the path was not easy, if not for the substantial increase in the physical fitness of the Arthur, he could not support such workload.

His body was covered with sweat and dirt.

As a good otaku, when had he ever suffered such pain!

But now, whether it is to win this battle, or to be able to survive, he has to stick to it...

As for the escaping on the way to the enemy camp?

To be honest, he had thought about it!

At this time, he would have run away if he could, but he waa not familiar with the battlefield of World War II.

So where could he go?

If he was lucky he would meet regiment that he was now serving in, and then be labelled as a deserter, accept probation and played for forgiveness, and then .... come back to fight!

If you don't want to come back to fight, you can always go to Military Court...!

It is harder to say if he would live or not.

Not so good-luck? He may be running for days without meeting and finally dying due to his pathetic survival skills in the wild.

As for extreme bad luck, he could encounter the moustaches' troops directly. At that time, it would be like handing himself on a platter... It was not like the current him knew of any military secret, so they may just torture him to a state worse than death and consider him to be stubborn fool.

So, instead of doing this, it's better to try your best here.

Such confidence and determination, in addition to the experience of the film and the lessons of the novel, is built on the enhanced physical fitness and shooting level.

Coupled with the experience of the battlefield of the day, although it is still not possible to change the fate of life and death, but his courage to fight for a battle, is definitely there.



9:45 PM.

In a forest in the northwest corner of the mustaches' camp.

There are four people in the woods. Carter is keeping watch this time. While watching, shee whispers: "There is still fifteen minutes from the agreed time. Our people will connect with us outside the camp and prepare the uniforms. We will change our clothes, mix in, and take the opportunity to kill the infamous butcher, Commander Jasper Bell!"