Chapter 3

As it turned out, nothing had actually happened that night. According to Aegis he'd promptly passed out after finishing his drink, and since the man didn't know where he lived he decided to just bring him to his own home.

"You could have left me in a guest bedroom, sir." He said stiffly as he put on the new suit his employer had given him to wear. The material was luxurious and probably cost a month's worth of his salary.

"You held onto me so tightly last night, I thought it would be cruel to leave you all alone." Came Aegis's smooth reply. Though Hae-seong was fairly certain he was lying, the tips of his ears grew red with embarrassment and indignation nonetheless.

Once they were dressed he followed the man out of the bedroom and down to the dining room. He'd severely underestimated Aegis's wealth, rather impressed as he looked around. Out of all his clients Aegis was definitely the richest.

Feeling awkward and out of place, he was stiff as he took a seat across from the other man. The long table could have held ten or eleven more people, and even the chair he was sitting on felt expensive. Without any prompting a butler entered the room and filled Aegis's cup with black coffee before asking Hae-seong what he'd like to drink. "Water is fine." He said, having a slight headache from last night. The crystal glass was filled and a plate worthy of being served at a five star restaurant was set in front of him.

As if sensing his discomfort, Aegis looked over his cup of coffee, amusement in his eyes. "You don't have to be so stiff. I'd like to get to know you. My safety is in your hands, after all."

"There's not much to know about me, sir." He said curtly, finding it more and more difficult to be polite when Aegis seemed set on ignoring professional boundaries. If he knew Aegis was so troublesome from the start he probably would have never agreed to this job.

Thankfully Aegis didn't seem offended by his cold attitude, simply laughing it off. "Well, I'm sure we'll get better acquainted with time." Hae-seong had no comment to that, and the rest of the meal was silent except for the faint clinking of silverware.

As they left the mansion, it seemed Hae-seong wasn't the only one on Aegis's security team. He spotted two guards as they descended down the front stairs to Aegis's awaiting vehicle. This wasn't too surprising to him. The wealthy would expend no cost to make sure that they and their fortunes were secure.

The ride to the company was approximately half an hour, during which he took note of the route and any landmarks. Since Hae-seong hadn't yet found anything incriminating, so for the time being he'd focus on just keeping Aegis alive. Opening the door once they reached the company, he trailed behind his employer like a shadow, once more becoming like any other employee.

"What's my schedule for the day?" The man asked his secretary- a young woman with a sharp bob and glasses- as he settled down at his desk. He'd informed Hae-seong to stand guard in the room rather than at the door, so he stood by the wall to the side, still as a statue.

"President Xi asked if the meeting could be rescheduled for next week…" She listed his everything and their times as Hae-seong began to zone out slightly. This was one of the downsides to bodyguarding jobs. If everything was going well, then he was bored out of his mind.

His minor lapse in attention ended as Aegis's fountain pen accidentally rolled off the side of the desk. Walking over and bending down to pick it up, he suddenly stiffened as he felt something feel up his backside.

'Did he-?!'

Nearly breaking the pen in his grasp, he straightened himself and snapped his head over to look at Aegis with eyes that could kill. The man had an innocent smile and a smug look in his eyes. "My hand slipped." He excused unconvincingly.

The secretary simply blinked, as if she were used to seeing such scenes. "Should we go ahead with the promotional event for Friday?" She asked calmly.

"Yes, but put Rupert on the team for it as well. I don't trust the current head not to mess this up. Depending on how it goes I might get rid of him after all."

As they returned to their casual discussion Hae-seong was simply left to fume in silence.


Aegis White wasn't exactly like the rumors. Indeed, he conducted himself with a sort of confidence that turned heads in every room, and had a tongue smoother than polished silver… but he was also a bastard.

That's right, he was a perverted bastard who seemed to want to make Hae-seong's life difficult just for the fun of it.

At first he didn't think much of the provocation, but the more Hae-seong feigned indifference the more bold Aegis became. Perhaps it was that night at the casino which had triggered his interest, but he seemed to take so much delight in ticking Hae-seong off.

In Aegis's defense, Hae-seong was very easy to tease. Just one or two comments could make his ears turn bright red, looking as if he'd like nothing more than to tear Aegis to shreds. It was like poking a dog with a stick, knowing very well that it couldn't go beyond the confines of its leash.

However he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a bit interested in Hae-seong. Aegis was bisexual, and though his relationships with women were always the ones to cover the news, he slept with an equal share of men. Even more interestingly, Hae-seong wasn't within his usual tastes. Aegis's former loves were all beautiful women and elegant men. Some were shy and pure, others coy and seductive.

He didn't have the delicate curves of a woman or the slim bodies of the models he often took to bed. Nonetheless he was undeniable attractive; cold and deadly like the sleek glock he carried by his side. Hae-seong was unyielding, but Aegis was convinced that with enough heat and pressure he'd be as malleable as the rest of them in his hands. If he could get him in bed at least once he'd be satisfied.

One evening Aegis grew impatient and decided to take a chance. As Hae-seong put his hand on the doorknob to leave, Aegis reached over and pushed the door shut once more, trapping him between his body and the wood.

"Do you have something to say to me, sir?" The bodyguard asked cooly, turning around so they were face to face. Aegis simply smiled. He liked the way Hae-seong never seemed to back down while also maintaining that mask of professionalism.

"It seems like you're always so eager to get away from me. Why is that?" He asked with a smile. Though Aegis was only about an inch taller he seemed to loom over him, their faces dangerously close.

"My job is just to keep you safe."

"Not everything has to be centered around work, my dear."

They seemed to be stuck in a staring contest, Aegis's smug smile meeting Hae-seong's barely restrained glower. As he felt a hand moved from his torso to his waist, he reached down to grab the offending wrist. "I'm fairly sure this counts as harassment, sir." Hae-seong said through gritted teeth.

Aegis was indifferent. "And are you going to report me?" He asked with the confidence that only billions of dollars and years of experience could afford.

"Let. Me. Go." Each syllable was pronounced softly but clearly, and just as Hae-seong was seriously considering breaking both contracts, the man finally stepped away.

"You won't be like this forever." The man said smoothly as Hae-seong turned to open the door. He didn't bother to respond, escorting him out of the building while maintaining as much distance as he could without being too far away to shield him from potential danger.

However once they made it down to the garage where the man's chauffeur was rolling up with his vehicle, he was once more caught off guard as he was suddenly pulled closer. A pair of lips pressed onto his own, making him freeze. The searing mouth of his employer moved so sinfully it took a moment for him to gather his wits and push him away. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he glared up at him, wishing he could punch the smirk off Aegis's face.

"The more you resist the more I want you." He said, before reaching into his suit pocket and taking out a cigarette, leisurely walking towards the car. "Don't make me wait too long, Hae-seong."

Left standing in a state of shock and fury, he decided that paycheck or not, he was going to get that man behind bars.